503 research outputs found

    Prefrontal cortex activation upon a demanding virtual hand-controlled task: A new frontier for neuroergonomics

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    open9noFunctional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) is a non-invasive vascular-based functional neuroimaging technology that can assess, simultaneously from multiple cortical areas, concentration changes in oxygenated-deoxygenated hemoglobin at the level of the cortical microcirculation blood vessels. fNIRS, with its high degree of ecological validity and its very limited requirement of physical constraints to subjects, could represent a valid tool for monitoring cortical responses in the research field of neuroergonomics. In virtual reality (VR) real situations can be replicated with greater control than those obtainable in the real world. Therefore, VR is the ideal setting where studies about neuroergonomics applications can be performed. The aim of the present study was to investigate, by a 20-channel fNIRS system, the dorsolateral/ventrolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC/VLPFC) in subjects while performing a demanding VR hand-controlled task (HCT). Considering the complexity of the HCT, its execution should require the attentional resources allocation and the integration of different executive functions. The HCT simulates the interaction with a real, remotely-driven, system operating in a critical environment. The hand movements were captured by a high spatial and temporal resolution 3-dimensional (3D) hand-sensing device, the LEAP motion controller, a gesture-based control interface that could be used in VR for tele-operated applications. Fifteen University students were asked to guide, with their right hand/forearm, a virtual ball (VB) over a virtual route (VROU) reproducing a 42 m narrow road including some critical points. The subjects tried to travel as long as possible without making VB fall. The distance traveled by the guided VB was 70.2 ± 37.2 m. The less skilled subjects failed several times in guiding the VB over the VROU. Nevertheless, a bilateral VLPFC activation, in response to the HCT execution, was observed in all the subjects. No correlation was found between the distance traveled by the guided VB and the corresponding cortical activation. These results confirm the suitability of fNIRS technology to objectively evaluate cortical hemodynamic changes occurring in VR environments. Future studies could give a contribution to a better understanding of the cognitive mechanisms underlying human performance either in expert or non-expert operators during the simulation of different demanding/fatiguing activities.openCarrieri, Marika; Petracca, Andrea; Lancia, Stefania; Basso Moro, Sara; Brigadoi, Sabrina; Spezialetti, Matteo; Ferrari, Marco; Placidi, Giuseppe; Quaresima, ValentinaCarrieri, Marika; Petracca, Andrea; Lancia, Stefania; BASSO MORO, Sara; Brigadoi, Sabrina; Spezialetti, Matteo; Ferrari, Marco; Placidi, Giuseppe; Quaresima, Valentin

    The city of future: biourbanism and constructural law

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    Nowadays dynamic elements in urban fabric are often concealed by the insertion of stylish new architecture; real patterns of social life (‘bios’), have been replaced by rigid geometric grids and compact building blocks. New Urbanism and Biourbanism affirm that cities are now risking to be unstable and deprived of healthy social interactions. As an expansion of older historical urban fabric patterns, harmonious architecture can have a positive impact on the fitness of both human body and mind. Not only Biourbanism attempts to reinstate balance and lost values in the urban fabric, but also reinforces human-oriented design emergences in micro and macro scales. As a multifaceted discipline, it embraces laws of physics, such as Constructal Law and acknowledges its noticeable and unremitting influence to urban human behaviours. Urban life and behaviours are based upon systems of human communication formed by dynamic patterns; we are now talking about negotiating boundaries between human activities, changes in geographic mapping and mainly about sustainable systems to support uninterrupted growth of communities worldwide. Therefore, as a vital shift in architectural education, not only Biourbanism offers the opportunity to explore patterns and linguistics deeply imbedded into the built environment, but also enables scholars and communities to come together and participate actively into fast and innovative urban interventions. Projects developed during educational and professional training aim at reinstating memorable and preferential paths of communication, favouring everyday life rituals of the body and mind. Hence, by following everlasting laws of physics and formulas inherited from nature, architectural forms can be considered as the real innovation in urban design and planning of the City of the Future.Conference presentation funded by Department of Engineering

    Neuroadaptive mobile geographic information displays: an emerging cartographic research frontier

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    Mobility, including navigation and wayfinding, is a basic human requirement for survival. For thousands of years maps have played a significant role for human mobility and survival. Increasing reliance on digital GNSS-enabled navigation assistance, however, is impacting human attentional resources and is limiting our innate cognitive spatial abilities. To mitigate human de-skilling, a neuroadaptive (mobile) cartographic research frontier is proposed and first steps towards creating well-designed mobile geographic information displays (mGIDs) that not only respond to navigators’ cognitive load and visuo-spatial attentional resources during navigation in real-time but are also able to scaffold spatial learning while still maintaining navigation efficiency. This in turn, will help humans to remain as independent from geoinformation technology, as desired. La mobilitĂ©, dont la navigation et l'orientation, est un besoin humain fondamental pour la survie. Pendant des milliers d'annĂ©es, les cartes analogiques ont jouĂ© un rĂŽle significatif pour la mobilitĂ© humaine et sa survie. Pourtant, la dĂ©pendance grandissante vis-Ă -vis de l'assistance Ă  la navigation Ă  l'aide de donnĂ©es numĂ©riques GNSS, impacte les ressources de l'attention humaine et limite nos capacitĂ©s innĂ©es de cognition spatiale. Pour attĂ©nuer la perte de compĂ©tence humaine, un front de recherche sur la cartographie (mobile) neuroadaptative est proposĂ© ainsi que des premiĂšres Ă©tapes pour la crĂ©ation d'Ă©crans d'informations gĂ©ographiques mobile (mGID) bien conçus, qui non seulement rĂ©pondent Ă  la charge cognitive et aux ressources de l'attention visio-spatiale des utilisateurs navigateurs pendant la navigation temps-rĂ©el mais aussi qui soient capables d'Ă©laborer un apprentissage spatial tout en assurant l'efficacitĂ© de la navigation. Cela aidera les humains Ă  rester aussi indĂ©pendant de la technologie de l'information gĂ©ographique qu'ils le souhaitent

    The city of the future and the laws of physics: Biourbanism and constructal law

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    Nowadays dynamic elements in urban fabric are often concealed by the insertion of stylish new architecture; real patterns of social life (‘bios’), have been replaced by rigid geometric grids and compact building blocks. New Urbanism and Biourbanism affirm that cities are now risking being unstable and deprived of healthy social interactions. As an expansion of older historical urban fabric patterns, harmonious architecture can have a positive impact on the fitness of both human body and mind. Not only Biourbanism attempts to reinstate balance and lost values in the urban fabric, but also reinforces human-oriented design emergences in micro and macro scales. As a multifaceted discipline, it embraces laws of physics, such as Constructal Law and acknowledges its noticeable and unremitting influence to urban human behaviours. Urban life and behaviours are based upon systems of human communication formed by dynamic patterns; we are now talking about negotiating boundaries between human activities, changes in geographic mapping and mainly about sustainable systems to support uninterrupted growth of communities worldwide. Therefore, as a vital shift in architectural education, not only Biourbanism offers the opportunity to explore patterns and linguistics deeply imbedded into the built environment, but also enables scholars and communities to come together and participate actively into fast and innovative urban interventions. Projects developed during educational and professional training aim at reinstating memorable and preferential paths of communication, favouring everyday life rituals of the body and mind. Hence, by following everlasting laws of physics and formulas inherited from nature, architectural forms can be considered as the real innovation in urban design and planning of the City of the Future.Department of Engineering fundin

    Grand Field Challenges for Cognitive Neuroergonomics in the Coming Decade

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    Neuroergonomics as defined by Raja Parasuraman is the study of “the brain at work and in everyday life” (Parasuraman, 2003). This rapidly growing research field aims at understanding human brain function underlying the many facets of human interaction with technical systems (Dehais et al., 2020). The term “cognition” is used to describe different processes (e.g., attention, memory, decision making) relevant to human-technology interaction. Cognitive neuroergonomics, then, can be defined as a section of neuroergonomics concerned with the investigation of the neural bases of those cognitive processes involved in the user's interaction with a technical system at work or during everyday life. One of the defining aspects of cognitive neuroergonomics is that it uses insights from analyzing neural dynamics in these settings to inform cognitive theory and models, as well as to improve our understanding of human brain function underlying cognition, in general. To this end, new imaging methods are continuously adapted and used in a wide range of experimental scenarios that cover the entire area of ergonomics from highly controlled laboratory research protocols, to less controlled translational research, to research in the real world with little control over the factors of interest (Parada, 2018). This decreasing level of control is accompanied by an increasing level of ecological validity. Laboratory experiments provide very good control over experimental factors with high internal validity of the investigated constructs but often suffer from low levels of ecological validity. In contrast, real-world experiments might show low internal validity and lack of experimental control but provide high ecological validity that cannot be further improved. Here, the real world is the laboratory (Gramann et al., 2017). Furthermore, with increasing ecological validity, inter-acting with technical systems often involves expanding physical activity of the user. System interactions range from very low input (e.g., interaction with mobile devices; McKendrick, 2019) to larger scale interaction (e.g., Human-Robot Interaction, HRI; Tsarouchi et al., 2016) to very large scale interactions (e.g., assisted navigation; Wunderlich and Gramann, 2020). Active behavior is the basis for physically demanding workplaces as well as less physically challenging tasks that, nonetheless, require body, head and eye movements when users actively seek information or respond to external stimuli (Doshi and Trivedi, 2009). Traditionally, however, active behavior is not allowed in brain imaging protocols because established imaging modalities are usually too heavy to follow participants' movements and movement-related artifacts render the analyses of neural activity difficult (Makeig et al., 2009; Gramann et al., 2011). With cognitive neuroergonomics maturing into a new research area with widespread research questions and methods, the focus should be put back into theory-driven studies of the human brain at work and in everyday life. Good scientific practices have to be adapted to allow for replicable science including the integration of new mobile imaging methods into the existing range of established imaging protocols. New findings have to be related to parameters known from established laboratory protocols and integrated into larger theoretical frameworks that allow for systematic replication as well as the development of robust parameters reflecting cognitive processes. From this perspective, it is our belief that the following challenges will have to be met to further develop this scientific field

    In silico vs. Over the Clouds: On-the-Fly Mental State Estimation of Aircraft Pilots, Using a Functional Near Infrared Spectroscopy Based Passive-BCI

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    There is growing interest for implementing tools to monitor cognitive performance in naturalistic work and everyday life settings. The emerging field of research, known as neuroergonomics, promotes the use of wearable and portable brain monitoring sensors such as functional near infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) to investigate cortical activity in a variety of human tasks out of the laboratory. The objective of this study was to implement an on-line passive fNIRS-based brain computer interface to discriminate two levels of working memory load during highly ecological aircraft piloting tasks. Twenty eight recruited pilots were equally split into two groups (flight simulator vs. real aircraft). In both cases, identical approaches and experimental stimuli were used (serial memorization task, consisting in repeating series of pre-recorded air traffic control instructions, easy vs. hard). The results show pilots in the real flight condition committed more errors and had higher anterior prefrontal cortex activation than pilots in the simulator, when completing cognitively demanding tasks. Nevertheless, evaluation of single trial working memory load classification showed high accuracy (>76%) across both experimental conditions. The contributions here are two-fold. First, we demonstrate the feasibility of passively monitoring cognitive load in a realistic and complex situation (live piloting of an aircraft). In addition, the differences in performance and brain activity between the two experimental conditions underscore the need for ecologically-valid investigations

    The effect of landmark visualization in mobile maps on brain activity during navigation: A virtual reality study

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    The frequent use of GPS-based navigation assistance is found to negatively affect spatial learning. Displaying landmarks effectively while providing wayfinding instructions on such services could facilitate spatial learning because landmarks help navigators to structure and learn an environment by serving as cognitive anchors. However, simply adding landmarks on mobile maps may tax additional cognitive resources and thus adversely affect cognitive load in mobile map users during navigation. To address this potential issue, we set up the present study experimentally to investigate how the number of landmarks (i.e., 3 vs. 5 vs. 7 landmarks), displayed on a mobile map one at a time at intersections during turn-by-turn instructions, affects spatial learning, cognitive load, and visuospatial encoding during map consultation in a virtual urban environment. Spatial learning of the environment was measured using a landmark recognition test, a route direction test, and Judgements of Relative Directions (JRDs). Cognitive load and visuospatial encoding were assessed using electroencephalography (EEG) by analyzing power modulations in distinct frequency bands as well as peak amplitudes of event-related brain potentials (ERPs). Behavioral results demonstrate that landmark and route learning improve when the number of landmarks shown on a mobile map increases from three to five, but that there is no further benefit in spatial learning when depicting seven landmarks. EEG analyses show that relative theta power at fronto-central leads and P3 amplitudes at parieto-occipital leads increase in the seven-landmark condition compared to the three- and five-landmark conditions, likely indicating an increase in cognitive load in the seven-landmark condition. Visuospatial encoding indicated by greater theta ERS and alpha ERD at occipital leads with a greater number of landmarks on mobile maps. We conclude that the number of landmarks visualized when following a route can support spatial learning during map-assisted navigation but with a potential boundary—visualizing landmarks on maps benefits users’ spatial learning only when the number of visualized landmarks shown does not exceed users’ cognitive capacity. These results shed more light on neuronal correlates underlying cognitive load and visuospatial encoding during spatial learning in map-assisted navigation. Our findings also contribute to the design of neuro-adaptive landmark visualization for mobile navigation aids that aim to adapt to users’ cognitive load to optimize their spatial learning in real time

    Cognitive Processing Disruptions Affecting Flight Deck Performance: Implications for Cognitive Resilience

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    The flight deck of a commercial aircraft has become progressively digitized and operates in multiple modes with displays and indicators that require increasing levels of comprehension. Examining several aspects of cognitive processing is important to understand how threats to safety might occur and what actions might be taken to reduce severity or to eliminate the threat altogether. This paper presents the elements of cognition to consider, relevant characteristics of working memory and cognitive processing speed, types of disruptions and how they are addressed, results from overload or confusion, and the need for effective cognitive resilience to recover and repair the threat. Data from Aviation Safety Reporting System (ASRS) databases indicate 30% of cases could represent a distinct threat of cognitive overload. These are evaluated to identify sources and likelihood for surprise disruptions and to assess the potential of cognitive resilience. Adaptation of the CRMTEM model is considered for potential application in training and investigations
