72 research outputs found


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    Layanan referensi virtual dengan koleksi audio visual menjadi layanan utama yang dilakukan oleh Perpustakaan Digital Metro TV, sebagai bagian dari pendukung bisnis utamanya di industri penyiaran televisi. Dengan adanya kebijakan Pembatasan Sosial Berskala Besar (PSBB) di DKI Jakarta akibat pandemi Covid-19, sebagian kegiatan operasional bisnis (termasuk Layanan DLC Metro TV) dibatasi kegiatannya untuk operasional di kantor. Layanan referensi virtual 24 jam sehari harus menyiagakan staf secara online selama bekerja di rumah (work from home). Teknisnya dilakukan secara remote di rumah dengan perangkat komputer masing-masing. Berdasarkan kondisi tersebut, peneliti mengkaji dengan pendekatan studi kasus dari proses dan aktivitas layanan perpustakaan yang dimiliki Metro TV sekaligus mengevaluasi layanan referensi virtual di DLC Metro TV dalam aspek sumber daya manusia dan model layanan yang diberikan dengan panduan IFLA dan RUSA selama work from home. Ditemukan bahwa tidak adanya kebijakan dan panduan dalam layanan referensi virtual yang diterapkan yang mengatur penempatan staf, pelatihan dan peningkatan kompetensi, dan evaluasi layanan untuk mengambil kebijakan yang lebih terarah

    Benson ldahosa University Virtual Library: a case study

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    This paper e;..z:,il,illeS the usefuin;_:::ss of virtual/digital library; in a university. Literature review shows d '"t the idea has baen on in the last 20 yef!rs, as way of bolstering higher educuL-.;i 1. Various writE:.rs ;':lre agreed that thi~:; kind 'of library services needs ' l to be sought ::.ik;r. Virtual/digital libraries h<we many t~rms associated with it, I including eleci:J·c~ de library, library witl·1out wall, inter1·1et library, library of the future and etc. It ,:;orb·::Jys the present state of the Virtual Lib~ary at Benson ldahosa University, Ber,in City. The paper concludes that new Jniversities should think virtual libraries. Libraries with less t.l'lan 40,000 volumes sh uld think 6f virtual library as it is more :::1dvantageous. Benson ldahosa University irtual library has been I ! commended hy the National University Commission as the only functioning University-based '.Jirtuallibrary

    An International Prospectus for Library & Information Professionals: Development, Leadership and Resources for Evolving Patron Needs

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    The roles of library and information professionals must change and evolve to: 1. accommodate needs of tech-savvy patrons; 2. thrive in the Commons & Library 2.0; 3. provide integrated, just-in-time services; 4. constantly update and enhance technology; 5. design appropriate library spaces for research and productivity; 6.adapt to new models of scholarly communication and publication, especially: the Open Archives Initiative and digital repositories; 7. remain abreast of national and interanational academic and legislative initiatives affecting the provision of information services and resources. Professionals will need to collaborate in: 1. Formal & informal networks – regional, national, and international; and; 2. Library staff development initiatives – regional, national, international Professionals will need to use libraries as laboratories for ongoing, lifelong training and education of patrons and of all library staff ( internal patrons ): the library is the framework in which Information Research Literacy is the curriculum . Professionals will need to remain aware of trends and challenges in their regions, the EU, the US and North America, of models which might provide inspiration and support: 1. Top Technology Trends; 2. New paradigms of professionalism; 3. Knowledge-creation and knowledge consumption; 4. The shifting balance of the physical library with the virtual-digital librar

    Role of the Library in the Promotion and Sustenance of Various Levels of Environmental Literacy: Focus on Nigeria

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    The purpose of this paper is to x-ray the conventional and emerging responsibilities of the library in the promotion and sustenance of the three levels of Environmental Literacy and make appropriate recommendations. The provision of relevant print and non-print materials, multimedia resources and the creation of reading/reference sections/space for beneficiaries at the respective environmental literacy education levels are highlighted among the essential roles the library must perform. In this regard, Nigeria’s provision in her National Policy on Education for the establishment of Virtual/Digital libraries alongside the conventional libraries is considered a commendable and positive move worthy of emulation for effective promotion and sustenance of environmental literacy education. In view of the enormity of financial resources required to set up effective and efficient libraries, the creation of a special vote-head in government annual budgets as a major source of the required funds is one of the recommendations made in this paper. Keywords: Conventional Library, Virtual/Digital Library, Environmental Literacy Levels

    Definition of collections, standards and procedures for restrospective digitisation

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    This paper is the result of (literature) research and expertise acquired by digitisation projects in the Koninklijke Bibliotheek (KB). The project described is part of the DELTA project, a joint project of Dutch university libraries together with Pica, which focuses on integration of existing and new local and central services into one integrated end-user service. Aim of this (sub)project is to establish a common working procedure within each library and between libraries to improve interoperability, exchange of expertise and to provide the basis for combining dispersed collections in a virtual digital library. During the project selection criteria were developed, five scholarly core journals of international reputation and use were selected, an organisation model was developed, costs were estimated, and decided was to work according to a simple hybrid model e.g. microfilming and digitisation of articles: the backfiles will be scanned in 400-600 dpi and made available in PDF, and the tables of contents in HTML. The articles will be catalogued in the central Pica database and are accessible via the Online Contents (OLC) database and PiCarta, an integrated, multimaterial database offering access to online resources and electronic documents. Copyright will be cleared individually with the Dutch publishers. Part of the project is to develop draft license agreements with different kind of publishers. Archiving will be integrated into the DNEP (Deposit of Dutch Electronic Publications) service of the Koninklijke Bibliotheek. THE DELTA PROJECT A group of Dutch University libraries together with Pica, the centre for library automation & online information services decided last year to develop a new generation of integrated services for endusers to enable them to access and use a Virtual Research Library. For this purpose they established a consortium, called DELTA (Dutch Electronic Library Technology Association

    Application of Information Technology to Library Services at the Federal University of Technology, Akure Library, Ondo State, Nigeria

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    It has been observed that the application of Information Technology to services delivery in tertiary institutions’ libraries in Nigeria is scanty thereby making its effects restricted. This study is therefore, geared towards investigating the effects of Information Technology applications on library services and use at the Federal University of Technology Akure if these facilities are available and put into effective use. In order to successfully carry out this study, a survey research method was adopted using questionnaire and interview as the major instruments for data collection. This was complemented by personal observation. Descriptive statistical method was used for data presentation, analysis and interpretation. This employed the use of tables and the description of the findings as highlighted in the tables. It was revealed at the end of the study that a very limited number of IT facilities exist in the tertiary institutions’ libraries in Akure thereby limiting its impact. It lessens the works of the staff, the library’s online journals supplement the available journals in the library, and makes research easier for the users. Recommendations are also given to ameliorate the present situation. Some of these include the provision of adequate fund for the procurement and maintenance of Information Technology facilities, provision of constant power supply, and meeting the training needs of both staff and users of these libraries

    Application of Information Technology to Library Services at the Federal University of Technology, Akure Library, Ondo State, Nigeria

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    It has been observed that the application of Information Technology to services delivery in tertiary institutions’ libraries in Nigeria is scanty thereby making its effects restricted. This study is therefore, geared towards investigating the effects of Information Technology applications on library services and use at the Federal University of Technology Akure if these facilities are available and put into effective use. In order to successfully carry out this study, a survey research method was adopted using questionnaire and interview as the major instruments for data collection. This was complemented by personal observation. Descriptive statistical method was used for data presentation, analysis and interpretation. This employed the use of tables and the description of the findings as highlighted in the tables. It was revealed at the end of the study that a very limited number of IT facilities exist in the tertiary institutions’ libraries in Akure thereby limiting its impact. It lessens the works of the staff, the library’s online journals supplement the available journals in the library, and makes research easier for the users. Recommendations are also given to ameliorate the present situation. Some of these include the provision of adequate fund for the procurement and maintenance of Information Technology facilities, provision of constant power supply, and meeting the training needs of both staff and users of these libraries

    Nigerian University Libraries and the Challenges of Globalization: The Way Forward

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    Abstract The main aim of this paper is to examine the importance, implications, and opportunities opened to Nigerian libraries in the current Information Age as related to the concept of globalization. This paper shall attempt to address possible areas of importance and advantages that can propel Nigerian universities and their libraries into being a respective player in the global IT revolution and enhance their status in what is now widely called as Global Village. This paper stresses the necessity for Nigerian universities to be part of the new and emerging technologies which are challenging the traditional process of teaching and learning and the way education is managed. Strategies of leap-frogging Nigerian libraries into an enviable position of Information Technology will be carefully articulated in this paper

    Undergraduate Students’ Awareness and Use of the Multi-media Facilities in the University of Nigeria Nsukka Virtual Library

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    This paper appraised the University of Nigeria, Nsukka (UNN) undergraduate students’ awareness and utilization of the multi-media facilities in the UNN virtual library. The aim of the study was to assess students’ multi-media literacy in terms of awareness, exposure, and use. A sample size of 390 respondents was used, while all seven staff members of the digital library in UNN were interviewed. The findings indicated that awareness of the existence of the digital library is high, but exposure is low. The respondents did not know the precise meaning of multi-media. Use of the multi-media facilities in the library is limited to browsing for assignments. The library is being run as an internet café as against the real purpose of a digital/virtual library which should offer virtual access to other libraries, among other crucial services.  The paper recommended that lecturers should direct their students to the library for specific assignments, and use it as a way to evaluate the relevance of the e-library and subsequently arm the university administration with information on ways to position the virtual library to serve students better. The library should also regularly renew subscriptions and collaborate with other libraries on networked resource sharing. Key Words: awareness, use, multi-media, virtual library, exposure, access, virtual communitie
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