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    Viscous fluids, such as honey and molten chocolate, are common materials frequently seen in our daily life. These viscous fluids exhibit characteristic behaviors. Capturing and understanding such dynamics have been required for various applications. Although recent research made advances in simulating the viscous fluid dynamics, still many challenges are left to be addressed. In this dissertation, I present novel techniques to more efficiently and accurately simulate viscous fluid dynamics and propose a parameter identification framework to facilitate the tedious parameter tuning steps for viscous materials. In fluid simulation, enforcing the incompressibility robustly and efficiently is essential. One known challenge is how to set appropriate boundary conditions for free surfaces and solid boundaries. I propose a new boundary handling approach for an incompressible particle-based solver based on the connectivity analysis for simulation particles. Another challenge is that previously proposed techniques do not scale well. To address this, I propose a new multilevel particle-based solver which constructs the hierarchy of simulation particles. These techniques improve the robustness and efficiency achieving the nearly linear scaling unlike previous approaches. To simulate characteristic behaviors of viscous fluids, such as coiling and buckling phenomena and adhesion to other materials, it is necessary to develop a specialized solver. I propose a stable and efficient particle-based solver for simulating highly viscous fluids by using implicit integration with the full form of viscosity. To simulate more accurate interactions with solid objects, I propose a new two-way fluid-solid coupling method for viscous fluids via the unified minimization. These approaches also improve the robustness and efficiency while generating rotational and sticky behaviors of viscous fluids. One important challenge for the physically-based simulation is that it is not obvious how to choose appropriate material parameters to generate our desirable behaviors of simulated materials. I propose a parameter identification framework that helps to tune material parameters for viscous fluids with example video data captured from real world fluid phenomena. This framework identifies viscosity parameters for the real viscous fluids while estimating the hidden variables for the fluids, and enables the parameter transfer from the real world to virtual environment.Doctor of Philosoph