162 research outputs found

    Multi-View Frame Reconstruction with Conditional GAN

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    Multi-view frame reconstruction is an important problem particularly when multiple frames are missing and past and future frames within the camera are far apart from the missing ones. Realistic coherent frames can still be reconstructed using corresponding frames from other overlapping cameras. We propose an adversarial approach to learn the spatio-temporal representation of the missing frame using conditional Generative Adversarial Network (cGAN). The conditional input to each cGAN is the preceding or following frames within the camera or the corresponding frames in other overlapping cameras, all of which are merged together using a weighted average. Representations learned from frames within the camera are given more weight compared to the ones learned from other cameras when they are close to the missing frames and vice versa. Experiments on two challenging datasets demonstrate that our framework produces comparable results with the state-of-the-art reconstruction method in a single camera and achieves promising performance in multi-camera scenario.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, 3 tables, Accepted at IEEE Global Conference on Signal and Information Processing, 201

    Controllable Image-to-Video Translation: A Case Study on Facial Expression Generation

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    The recent advances in deep learning have made it possible to generate photo-realistic images by using neural networks and even to extrapolate video frames from an input video clip. In this paper, for the sake of both furthering this exploration and our own interest in a realistic application, we study image-to-video translation and particularly focus on the videos of facial expressions. This problem challenges the deep neural networks by another temporal dimension comparing to the image-to-image translation. Moreover, its single input image fails most existing video generation methods that rely on recurrent models. We propose a user-controllable approach so as to generate video clips of various lengths from a single face image. The lengths and types of the expressions are controlled by users. To this end, we design a novel neural network architecture that can incorporate the user input into its skip connections and propose several improvements to the adversarial training method for the neural network. Experiments and user studies verify the effectiveness of our approach. Especially, we would like to highlight that even for the face images in the wild (downloaded from the Web and the authors' own photos), our model can generate high-quality facial expression videos of which about 50\% are labeled as real by Amazon Mechanical Turk workers.Comment: 10 page

    Instance-level Facial Attributes Transfer with Geometry-Aware Flow

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    We address the problem of instance-level facial attribute transfer without paired training data, e.g. faithfully transferring the exact mustache from a source face to a target face. This is a more challenging task than the conventional semantic-level attribute transfer, which only preserves the generic attribute style instead of instance-level traits. We propose the use of geometry-aware flow, which serves as a well-suited representation for modeling the transformation between instance-level facial attributes. Specifically, we leverage the facial landmarks as the geometric guidance to learn the differentiable flows automatically, despite of the large pose gap existed. Geometry-aware flow is able to warp the source face attribute into the target face context and generate a warp-and-blend result. To compensate for the potential appearance gap between source and target faces, we propose a hallucination sub-network that produces an appearance residual to further refine the warp-and-blend result. Finally, a cycle-consistency framework consisting of both attribute transfer module and attribute removal module is designed, so that abundant unpaired face images can be used as training data. Extensive evaluations validate the capability of our approach in transferring instance-level facial attributes faithfully across large pose and appearance gaps. Thanks to the flow representation, our approach can readily be applied to generate realistic details on high-resolution images.Comment: To appear in AAAI 2019. Code and models are available at: https://github.com/wdyin/GeoGA
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