3 research outputs found

    Vessel AIS Trajectory Online Compression Based on Scan-Pick-Move Algorithm Added Sliding Window

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    A contextual hybrid model for vessel movement prediction

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    Predicting the movement of the vessels can significantly improve the management of safety. While the movement can be a function of geographic contexts, the current systems and methods rarely incorporate contextual information into the analysis. This paper initially proposes a novel context-aware trajectories’ simplification method to embed the effects of geographic context which guarantees the logical consistency of the compressed trajectories, and further suggests a hybrid method that is built upon a curvilinear model and deep neural networks. The proposed method employs contextual information to check the logical consistency of the curvilinear method and then, constructs a Context-aware Long Short-Term Memory (CLSTM) network that can take into account contextual variables, such as the vessel types. The proposed method can enhance the prediction accuracy while maintaining the logical consistency, through a recursive feedback loop. The implementations of the proposed approach on the Automatic Identification System (AIS) dataset, from the eastern coast of the United States of America which was collected, from November to December 2017, demonstrates the effectiveness and better compression, i.e. 80% compression ratio while maintaining the logical consistency. The estimated compressed trajectories are 23% more similar to their original trajectories compared to currently used simplification methods. Furthermore, the overall accuracy of the implemented hybrid method is 15.68% higher than the ordinary Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) network which is currently used by various maritime systems and applications, including collision avoidance, vessel route planning, and anomaly detection system

    Incorporation of adaptive compression into a GPU parallel computing framework for analyzing large-scale vessel trajectories

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    Automatic Identification System (AIS) offers a wealth of vessel navigation data, which underpins research in maritime data mining, situational awareness, and knowledge discovery within the realm of intelligent transportation systems. The flourishing marine industry has prompted AIS satellites and base stations to generate massive amounts of vessel trajectory data, escalating both data storage and calculation costs. The conventional Douglas-Peucker (DP) algorithm used for trajectory compression sets a uniform threshold, which hampers effective compression. Additionally, compressing and accelerating the computation of large datasets poses a significant challenge in real-world applications. To address these limitations, this paper aims to develop a new Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) parallel computing and compression framework that enables the acceleration of the optimal threshold calculation for each trajectory automatically in maritime big data mining. It achieves this by incorporating a new Adaptive DP with Speed and Course (ADPSC) algorithm, which utilizes the dynamic navigation characteristics of different vessels. It can effectively solve the associated computational time cost concern when using the ADPSC algorithm to compress vast trajectory datasets in the real world. Additionally, this paper proposes a novel evaluation metric for assessing compression efficacy based on the Dynamic Time Warping (DTW) method. Comprehensive experiments encompass vessel trajectory datasets from three representative research areas: Tianjin Port, Chengshan Jiao Promontory, and Caofeidian Port. The experimental results demonstrate that 1) the newly developed ADPSC method outperforms in terms of compression, and 2) the designed GPU parallel computing framework can significantly shorten the compression time for extensive datasets. The GPU-accelerated compression methodology not only minimizes storage and transmission costs for data from both manned and unmanned vessels but also enhances data processing speed, supporting real-time decision-making. From a theoretical perspective, it provides the key to the puzzle of realizing the real-time anti-collision of manned and unmanned ships, particularly in complex waters. It hence makes significant contributions to maritime safety in the autonomous shipping era