7 research outputs found

    Shadow Optimization from Structured Deep Edge Detection

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    Local structures of shadow boundaries as well as complex interactions of image regions remain largely unexploited by previous shadow detection approaches. In this paper, we present a novel learning-based framework for shadow region recovery from a single image. We exploit the local structures of shadow edges by using a structured CNN learning framework. We show that using the structured label information in the classification can improve the local consistency of the results and avoid spurious labelling. We further propose and formulate a shadow/bright measure to model the complex interactions among image regions. The shadow and bright measures of each patch are computed from the shadow edges detected in the image. Using the global interaction constraints on patches, we formulate a least-square optimization problem for shadow recovery that can be solved efficiently. Our shadow recovery method achieves state-of-the-art results on the major shadow benchmark databases collected under various conditions.Comment: 8 pages. CVPR 201

    Estimating Geo-temporal Location of Stationary Cameras Using Shadow Trajectories

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    Abstract. Using only shadow trajectories of stationary objects in a scene, we demonstrate that using a set of six or more photographs are sufficient to ac-curately calibrate the camera. Moreover, we present a novel application where, using only three points from the shadow trajectory of the objects, one can ac-curately determine the geo-location of the camera, up to a longitude ambiguity, and also the date of image acquisition without using any GPS or other special instruments. We refer to this as “geo-temporal localization”. We consider possi-ble cases where ambiguities can be removed if additional information is avail-able. Our method does not require any knowledge of the date or the time when the pictures are taken, and geo-temporal information is recovered directly from the images. We demonstrate the accuracy of our technique for both steps of cali-bration and geo-temporal localization using synthetic and real data.

    Towards A Self-calibrating Video Camera Network For Content Analysis And Forensics

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    Due to growing security concerns, video surveillance and monitoring has received an immense attention from both federal agencies and private firms. The main concern is that a single camera, even if allowed to rotate or translate, is not sufficient to cover a large area for video surveillance. A more general solution with wide range of applications is to allow the deployed cameras to have a non-overlapping field of view (FoV) and to, if possible, allow these cameras to move freely in 3D space. This thesis addresses the issue of how cameras in such a network can be calibrated and how the network as a whole can be calibrated, such that each camera as a unit in the network is aware of its orientation with respect to all the other cameras in the network. Different types of cameras might be present in a multiple camera network and novel techniques are presented for efficient calibration of these cameras. Specifically: (i) For a stationary camera, we derive new constraints on the Image of the Absolute Conic (IAC). These new constraints are shown to be intrinsic to IAC; (ii) For a scene where object shadows are cast on a ground plane, we track the shadows on the ground plane cast by at least two unknown stationary points, and utilize the tracked shadow positions to compute the horizon line and hence compute the camera intrinsic and extrinsic parameters; (iii) A novel solution to a scenario where a camera is observing pedestrians is presented. The uniqueness of formulation lies in recognizing two harmonic homologies present in the geometry obtained by observing pedestrians; (iv) For a freely moving camera, a novel practical method is proposed for its self-calibration which even allows it to change its internal parameters by zooming; and (v) due to the increased application of the pan-tilt-zoom (PTZ) cameras, a technique is presented that uses only two images to estimate five camera parameters. For an automatically configurable multi-camera network, having non-overlapping field of view and possibly containing moving cameras, a practical framework is proposed that determines the geometry of such a dynamic camera network. It is shown that only one automatically computed vanishing point and a line lying on any plane orthogonal to the vertical direction is sufficient to infer the geometry of a dynamic network. Our method generalizes previous work which considers restricted camera motions. Using minimal assumptions, we are able to successfully demonstrate promising results on synthetic as well as on real data. Applications to path modeling, GPS coordinate estimation, and configuring mixed-reality environment are explored