48 research outputs found

    Boundary Value Problems on Planar Graphs and Flat Surfaces with integer cone singularities, II: The mixed Dirichlet-Neumann Problem

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    In this paper we continue the study started in part I (posted). We consider a planar, bounded, mm-connected region Ω\Omega, and let \bord\Omega be its boundary. Let T\mathcal{T} be a cellular decomposition of \Omega\cup\bord\Omega, where each 2-cell is either a triangle or a quadrilateral. From these data and a conductance function we construct a canonical pair (S,f)(S,f) where SS is a special type of a (possibly immersed) genus (m1)(m-1) singular flat surface, tiled by rectangles and ff is an energy preserving mapping from T(1){\mathcal T}^{(1)} onto SS. In part I the solution of a Dirichlet problem defined on T(0){\mathcal T}^{(0)} was utilized, in this paper we employ the solution of a mixed Dirichlet-Neumann problem.Comment: 26 pages, 16 figures (color

    Perfect graphs of fixed density: counting and homogenous sets

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    For c in [0,1] let P_n(c) denote the set of n-vertex perfect graphs with density c and C_n(c) the set of n-vertex graphs without induced C_5 and with density c. We show that log|P_n(c)|/binom{n}{2}=log|C_n(c)|/binom{n}{2}=h(c)+o(1) with h(c)=1/2 if 1/4<c<3/4 and h(c)=H(|2c-1|)/2 otherwise, where H is the binary entropy function. Further, we use this result to deduce that almost all graphs in C_n(c) have homogenous sets of linear size. This answers a question raised by Loebl, Reed, Scott, Thomason, and Thomass\'e [Almost all H-free graphs have the Erd\H{o}s-Hajnal property] in the case of forbidden induced C_5.Comment: 19 page

    Minimal surfaces in Riemannian Fibrations

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    In this dissertation, minimal and constant mean curvature surface theory in 3-dimensional Riemannian fibrations are studied. In the main part of the thesis, new complete, embedded minimal surfaces in the 3-sphere are constructed by solving a Plateau problem with respect to a suitable Jordan curve consisting entirely of horizontal geodesic arcs and extending this solution by means of Schwarz reflection. Additionally, an elementary proof for the vertical half-space theorem in Heisenberg space is given by finding a subsolution of the minimal surface equation. Finally, projections of constant mean curvature multigraphs are characterized: they are locally contained to one side of complete curves with constant geodesic curvature

    A 7/9 - Approximation Algorithm for the Maximum Traveling Salesman Problem

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    We give a 7/9 - Approximation Algorithm for the Maximum Traveling Salesman Problem.Comment: 6 figure