2 research outputs found

    Deformable Multisurface Segmentation of the Spine for Orthopedic Surgery Planning and Simulation

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    Purpose: We describe a shape-aware multisurface simplex deformable model for the segmentation of healthy as well as pathological lumbar spine in medical image data. Approach: This model provides an accurate and robust segmentation scheme for the identification of intervertebral disc pathologies to enable the minimally supervised planning and patient-specific simulation of spine surgery, in a manner that combines multisurface and shape statistics-based variants of the deformable simplex model. Statistical shape variation within the dataset has been captured by application of principal component analysis and incorporated during the segmentation process to refine results. In the case where shape statistics hinder detection of the pathological region, user assistance is allowed to disable the prior shape influence during deformation. Results: Results demonstrate validation against user-assisted expert segmentation, showing excellent boundary agreement and prevention of spatial overlap between neighboring surfaces. This section also plots the characteristics of the statistical shape model, such as compactness, generalizability and specificity, as a function of the number of modes used to represent the family of shapes. Final results demonstrate a proof-of-concept deformation application based on the open-source surgery simulation Simulation Open Framework Architecture toolkit. Conclusions: To summarize, we present a deformable multisurface model that embeds a shape statistics force, with applications to surgery planning and simulation

    12-APR segmentation and global Hu-F descriptor for human spine MRI image retrieval

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    The image retrieval system has been used to provide the needed correct images to the physicians while the diagnosis and treatment process is being conducted. The earlier image retrieval system was a text-based image retrieval system (TBIRS) that used keywords for the image context and it requires human’s help to manually make text annotation on the images. The text annotation process is a laborious task especially when dealing with a huge database and is prone to human errors. To overcome the aforementioned issues, the approach of a content-based image retrieval system (CBIRS) with automatic indexing using visual features such as colour, shape and texture becomes popular. Thus, this study proposes a semi-automated shape segmentation method using a 12-anatomical point representation method of the human spine vertebrae for CBIRS. The 12 points, which are annotated manually on the region of interest (ROI), is followed by automatic ROI extraction. The segmentation method performs excellently, as evidenced by the highest accuracy of 0.9987, specificity of 0.9989, and sensitivity of 0.9913. The features of the segmented ROI are extracted with a novel global Hu-F descriptor that combines a global shape descriptor, a Hu moment invariant, and a Fourier descriptor based on the ANOVA selection approach. The retrieval phase is implemented using 100 MRI data of the human spine for thoracic, lumbar, and sacral bones. The highest obtained precision is 0.9110 using a normalized Manhattan metric for lumbar bones. In a conclusion, a retrieval system to retrieve lumbar bones of the MRI human spine has been successfully developed to help radiologists in diagnosing human spine diseases