2,952 research outputs found

    The Conference Review Process

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    This presentation is for students on the 3rd year ECS Multimedia course where students run their own conference, and submit and review papers. In this presentation we explain the academic review process, look at the structure of a review, and give some examples of positive and negative reviews

    Versioning RLOs as ‘study skills toolkits’ for different user groups and developing community tools to support sharing and customisation

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    As patterns of need in twenty-first century higher education change so must the solutions. E-learning solutions, in particular, need to be adaptive to fit a range of teaching and learning situations. eLanguages, a research and development unit at the University of Southampton, develops online toolkits of reusable learning objects (RLOs) in Study Skills that can be versioned for different student user groups. Underpinning them is an approach which seeks to deliver high quality content and be cost-effective. Reusability and versatility are central to this. With the creation of a large base of RLOs has come recognition of the need to manage and customise these resources easily and a suite of tools enabling such actions has been developed. This paper will present the toolkits and the pedagogic design of the RLOs. The web-based tools to support management and customisation of RLOs, and potentially facilitate new toolkit creation, will also be introduced

    Moving a print-based editorial project into elecronic form

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    concept paper

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    In this concept paper, we outline our working plan for the next phase of the Corporate Semantic Web project. The plan covers the period from March 2009 to March 2010. Corporate ontology engineering will improve the facilitation of agile ontology engineering to lessen the costs of ontology development and, especially, maintenance. Corporate semantic collaboration focuses the human- centered aspects of knowledge management in corporate contexts. Corporate semantic search is settled on the highest application level of the three research areas and at that point it is a representative for applications working on and with the appropriately represented and delivered background knowledge. Each of these pillars will yield innovative methods and tools during the project runtime until 2013. We propose a concept draft and a working plan covering the next twelve months for an integrative architecture of a Corporate Semantic Web provided by these three core pillars

    Versioning Cultural Objects : Digital Approaches

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    This volume approaches an understanding of the term versioning in the broadest sense, discussing ideas about how versions differ across forms of media, including text, image, and sound. Versions of cultural objects are identified, defined, articulated, and analysed through diverse mechanisms in different fields of research. The study of versions allows for the investigation of the creative processes behind the conception of works, a closer inspection of their socio-political contexts, and promotes investigation of their provenance and circulation. Chapters in this volume include discussion of what a “version” means in different fields, case studies implementing digital versioning techniques, conceptual models for representing versions digitally, and computational and management issues for digital projects

    prototypical implementations

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    In this technical report, we present prototypical implementations of innovative tools and methods developed according to the working plan outlined in Technical Report TR-B-09-05 [23]. We present an ontology modularization and integration framework and the SVoNt server, the server-side end of an SVN- based versioning system for ontologies in the Corporate Ontology Engineering pillar. For the Corporate Semantic Collaboration pillar, we present the prototypical implementation of a light-weight ontology editor for non-experts and an ontology based expert finder system. For the Corporate Semantic Search pillar, we present a prototype for algorithmic extraction of relations in folksonomies, a tool for trend detection using a semantic analyzer, a tool for automatic classification of web documents using Hidden Markov models, a personalized semantic recommender for multimedia content, and a semantic search assistant developed in co-operation with the Museumsportal Berlin. The prototypes complete the next milestone on the path to an integral Cor- porate Semantic Web architecture based on the three pillars Corporate Ontol- ogy Engineering, Corporate Semantic Collaboration, and Corporate Semantic Search, as envisioned in [23]

    Speech is My Hammer, It\u27s Time to Build: Hip Hop, Cultural Semiosis and the Africana Intellectual Heritage

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    The article examines Hip Hop music\u27s relationship with African cultural symbolism and the discipline of Africana Studies. The author maintains that Africana Studies must reclaim the study of cultural semiosis, which may be used to contextualize Hip Hop praxis. Examining semeiotic traces within African and Afrodiasporic primary sources, including Hip Hop lyrics, the article posits that Hip Hop is the latest development in a long tradition of Afro-Kemetic oral artistry, semeiotic systems and the uses of these dual literacies as modes of resistance and affirmations of Black historical and cultural agency. The article adapts Harryette Mullen\u27s literary model of African Spirit Writing and Elaine Richardson\u27s Hip Hop Literacy studies to discuss specific constructs that affirm an African Diasporic worldview and foster resistance to the dominant political-economy that frames Black agency
