4 research outputs found

    Representing hierarchical state machine models in SMT-LIB

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    © ACM 2016. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here for your personal use. Not for redistribution. The definitive Version of Record was published in MiSE '16: Proceedings of the 8th International Workshop on Modeling in Software Engineering https://doi.org/10.1145/2896982.2896990.We motivate and present a proposal for how to represent the syntax of behavioural models written in extended finite-state machine languages with hierarchical states (e.g., the Statecharts family) in SMT-LIB. By including the state structure explicitly in the SMT-LIB model, our goal is to facilitate effective automated deductive reasoning, which can exploit the structure found in the state hierarchy. We present a novel method that combines deep and shallow encoding techniques to describe models that have both state hierarchy and use the rich datatypes found in SMT-LIB. Our representation permits varying semantics to be chosen for the syntax recognizing the rich variety of semantics that exist for this family of modelling languages. We hope that discussion of these representation issues will facilitate model sharing for investigation of analysis techniques.Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canad

    Representing Behavioural Models with Rich Control Structures in SMT-LIB

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    We motivate and present a proposal for how to represent extended finite state machine behavioural models with rich hierarchical states and compositional control structures (e.g., the Statecharts family) in SMT-LIB. Our goal with such a representation is to facilitate automated deductive reasoning on such models, which can exploit the structure found in the control structures. We present a novel method that combines deep and shallow encoding techniques to describe models that have both rich control structures and rich datatypes. Our representation permits varying semantics to be chosen for the control structures recognizing the rich variety of semantics that exist for the family of extended finite state machine languages. We hope that discussion of these representation issues will facilitate model sharing for investigation of analysis techniques

    Verifying CTL-live properties of infinite state models using an SMT solver

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    Temporal Logic Model Checking as Automated Theorem Proving

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    Model checking is an automatic technique for the verification of temporal properties of a system. In this technique, a system is represented as a labelled graph and the specification as a temporal logic formula. The core of temporal logic model checking is the reachability problem, which is not expressible in first-order logic (FOL); as a result, model checking of finite/infinite state systems without the use of iteration or abstraction is considered beyond the realm of automated FOL theorem provers. In this thesis, we focus on formulating the temporal logic model checking problem as a FOL theorem proving problem and use automated tools, such as SAT/SMT solvers to directly model check a system without the need for a fixed-point calculation or abstraction. We present CTL-Live: a fragment of computational tree logic whose model checking for (infinite) Kripke structures is reducible to FOL validity checking. CTL-Live includes the CTL connectives that are often used to express liveness properties. We also derive decidability results about CTL-Live model checking by examining decidable subsets of FOL. We evaluate our reduction technique for CTL-Live model checking. Our case studies show that state-of-the-art SMT solvers are capable of verifying CTL-Live properties of infinite systems; moreover, the verification of an infinite state model can sometimes complete more quickly than verifying a finite version of the model. We prove the maximality of CTL-Live: we show that CTL-Live is the largest fragment of CTL whose model checking is reducible to FOL validity checking. The maximality of CTL-Live implies that model checking safety properties requires a logic more expressive than FOL; as a result, we examine FOL plus transitive closure (FOLTC). We can reduce model checking of a more expressive fragment of CTL, which we call CTL\EG, to validity checking in FOLTC. CTL\EG is more expressive than CTL-Live and yet less expressive than CTL. By adding a finiteness restriction, we can reduce model checking of all of CTL with fairness constraints (CTLFC) formulas to validity checking in FOLTC. The finiteness restriction requires that the system under-study must have a finite number of states, but it does not require this number to be known. Reduction of CTLFC to FOLTC allows us to use the Alloy Analyzer for model checking. Our case studies show that the Alloy Analyzer can analyze CTLFC formulas up to the same scopes that Alloy models are analyzed