3 research outputs found

    Regular Separability of Well-Structured Transition Systems

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    We investigate the languages recognized by well-structured transition systems (WSTS) with upward and downward compatibility. Our first result shows that, under very mild assumptions, every two disjoint WSTS languages are regular separable: There is a regular language containing one of them and being disjoint from the other. As a consequence, if a language as well as its complement are both recognized by WSTS, then they are necessarily regular. In particular, no subclass of WSTS languages beyond the regular languages is closed under complement. Our second result shows that for Petri nets, the complexity of the backwards coverability algorithm yields a bound on the size of the regular separator. We complement it by a lower bound construction

    Mailbox Abstractions for Static Analysis of Actor Programs

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    Properties such as the absence of errors or bounds on mailbox sizes are hard to deduce statically for actor-based programs. This is because actor-based programs exhibit several sources of unboundedness, in addition to the non-determinism that is inherent to the concurrent execution of actors. We developed a static technique based on abstract interpretation to soundly reason in a finite amount of time about the possible executions of an actor-based program. We use our technique to statically verify the absence of errors in actor-based programs, and to compute upper bounds on the actors\u27 mailboxes. Sound abstraction of these mailboxes is crucial to the precision of any such technique. We provide several mailbox abstractions and categorize them according to the extent to which they preserve message ordering and multiplicity of messages in a mailbox. We formally prove the soundness of each mailbox abstraction, and empirically evaluate their precision and performance trade-offs on a corpus of benchmark programs. The results show that our technique can statically verify the absence of errors for more benchmark programs than the state-of-the-art analysis

    Verification of message passing concurrent systems

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    This dissertation is concerned with the development of fully-automatic methods of verification, for message-passing based concurrent systems. In the first part of the thesis we focus on Erlang, a dynamically typed, higher-order functional language with pattern-matching algebraic data types extended with asynchronous message-passing. We define a sound parametric control-flow analysis for Erlang, which we use to bootstrap the construction of an abstract model that we call Actor Communicating System (ACS). ACS are given semantics by means of Vector Addition Systems (VAS), which have rich decidable properties. We exploit VAS model checking algorithms to prove properties of Erlang programs such as unreachability of error states, mutual exclusion, or bounds on mailboxes. To assess the approach empirically, we constructed Soter, a prototype implementation of the verification method, thereby obtaining the first fully-automatic, infinite-state model checker for a core concurrent fragment of Erlang. The second part of the thesis addresses one of the major sources of imprecision in the ACS abstraction: process identities. To study the problem of algorithmically verifying models where process identities are accurately represented we turn to the π-calculus, a process algebra based around the notion of name and mobility. The full π-calculus is Turing-powerful so we focus on the depth-bounded fragment introduced by Roland Meyer, which enjoys decidability of some verification problems. The main obstacle in using depth-bounded terms as a target abstract model, is that depth-boundedness of arbitrary π-terms is undecidable. We therefore consider the problem of identifying a fragment of depth-bounded π-calculus for which membership is decidable. We define the first such fragment by means of a novel type system for the π-calculus. Typable terms are ensured to be depth-bounded. Both type-checking and type inference are shown to be decidable. The constructions are based on the novel notion of Τ-compatibility, which imposes a hierarchy between names. The type system's main goal is proving that this hierarchy is preserved under reduction, even in the presence of unbounded name creation and mobility.</p