217 research outputs found

    A theory for the semantics of stochastic and non-deterministic continuous systems

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    Preprint de capítulo del libro Lecture Notes in Computer Science book series (LNCS, volume 8453)The description of complex systems involving physical or biological components usually requires to model complex continuous behavior induced by variables such as time, distance, speed, temperature, alkalinity of a solution, etc. Often, such variables can be quantified probabilistically to better understand the behavior of the complex systems. For example, the arrival time of events may be considered a Poisson process or the weight of an individual may be assumed to be distributed according to a log-normal distribution. However, it is also common that the uncertainty on how these variables behave makes us prefer to leave out the choice of a particular probability and rather model it as a purely non-deterministic decision, as it is the case when a system is intended to be deployed in a variety of very different computer or network architectures. Therefore, the semantics of these systems needs to be represented by a variant of probabilistic automata that involves continuous domains on the state space and the transition relation. In this paper, we provide a survey on the theory of such kind of models. We present the theory of the so-called labeled Markov processes (LMP) and its extension with internal non-determinism (NLMP). We show that in these complex domains, the bisimulation relation can be understood in different manners. We show the relation between the different bisimulations and try to understand their expressiveness through examples. We also study variants of Hennessy-Milner logic thatprovides logical characterizations of some of these bisimulations.Supported by ANPCyT project PICT-2012-1823, SeCyT-UNC projects 05/B284 and 05/B497 and program 05/BP02, and EU 7FP grant agreement 295261 (MEALS).http://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007%2F978-3-662-45489-3_3acceptedVersionFil: Budde, Carlos Esteban. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Matemática, Astronomía y Física; Argentina.Fil: Budde, Carlos Esteban. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina.Fil: D'Argenio, Pedro Rubén. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Matemática, Astronomía y Física; Argentina.Fil: D'Argenio, Pedro Rubén. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina.Fil: Sánchez Terraf, Pedro Octavio. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Matemática, Astronomía y Física; Argentina.Fil: Sánchez Terraf, Pedro Octavio. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina.Fil: Wolovick, Nicolás. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Matemática, Astronomía y Física; Argentina.Estadística y Probabilida

    Topology, randomness and noise in process calculus

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    Formal models of communicating and concurrent systems are one of the most important topics in formal methods, and process calculus is one of the most successful formal models of communicating and concurrent systems. In the previous works, the author systematically studied topology in process calculus, probabilistic process calculus and pi-calculus with noisy channels in order to describe approximate behaviors of communicating and concurrent systems as well as randomness and noise in them. This article is a brief survey of these works. © Higher Education Press 2007

    Symbolic Models for Stochastic Switched Systems: A Discretization and a Discretization-Free Approach

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    Stochastic switched systems are a relevant class of stochastic hybrid systems with probabilistic evolution over a continuous domain and control-dependent discrete dynamics over a finite set of modes. In the past few years several different techniques have been developed to assist in the stability analysis of stochastic switched systems. However, more complex and challenging objectives related to the verification of and the controller synthesis for logic specifications have not been formally investigated for this class of systems as of yet. With logic specifications we mean properties expressed as formulae in linear temporal logic or as automata on infinite strings. This paper addresses these complex objectives by constructively deriving approximately equivalent (bisimilar) symbolic models of stochastic switched systems. More precisely, this paper provides two different symbolic abstraction techniques: one requires state space discretization, but the other one does not require any space discretization which can be potentially more efficient than the first one when dealing with higher dimensional stochastic switched systems. Both techniques provide finite symbolic models that are approximately bisimilar to stochastic switched systems under some stability assumptions on the concrete model. This allows formally synthesizing controllers (switching signals) that are valid for the concrete system over the finite symbolic model, by means of mature automata-theoretic techniques in the literature. The effectiveness of the results are illustrated by synthesizing switching signals enforcing logic specifications for two case studies including temperature control of a six-room building.Comment: 25 pages, 4 figures. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1302.386

    Model checking Quantitative Linear Time Logic

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    This paper considers QLtl, a quantitative analagon of Ltl and presents algorithms for model checking QLtl over quantitative versions of Kripke structures and Markov chains

    Stochastic hybrid system : modelling and verification

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    Hybrid systems now form a classical computational paradigm unifying discrete and continuous system aspects. The modelling, analysis and verification of these systems are very difficult. One way to reduce the complexity of hybrid system models is to consider randomization. The need for stochastic models has actually multiple motivations. Usually, when building models complete information is not available and we have to consider stochastic versions. Moreover, non-determinism and uncertainty are inherent to complex systems. The stochastic approach can be thought of as a way of quantifying non-determinism (by assigning a probability to each possible execution branch) and managing uncertainty. This is built upon to the - now classical - approach in algorithmics that provides polynomial complexity algorithms via randomization. In this thesis we investigate the stochastic hybrid systems, focused on modelling and analysis. We propose a powerful unifying paradigm that combines analytical and formal methods. Its applications vary from air traffic control to communication networks and healthcare systems. The stochastic hybrid system paradigm has an explosive development. This is because of its very powerful expressivity and the great variety of possible applications. Each hybrid system model can be randomized in different ways, giving rise to many classes of stochastic hybrid systems. Moreover, randomization can change profoundly the mathematical properties of discrete and continuous aspects and also can influence their interaction. Beyond the profound foundational and semantics issues, there is the possibility to combine and cross-fertilize techniques from analytic mathematics (like optimization, control, adaptivity, stability, existence and uniqueness of trajectories, sensitivity analysis) and formal methods (like bisimulation, specification, reachability analysis, model checking). These constitute the major motivations of our research. We investigate new models of stochastic hybrid systems and their associated problems. The main difference from the existing approaches is that we do not follow one way (based only on continuous or discrete mathematics), but their cross-fertilization. For stochastic hybrid systems we introduce concepts that have been defined only for discrete transition systems. Then, techniques that have been used in discrete automata now come in a new analytical fashion. This is partly explained by the fact that popular verification methods (like theorem proving) can hardly work even on probabilistic extensions of discrete systems. When the continuous dimension is added, the idea to use continuous mathematics methods for verification purposes comes in a natural way. The concrete contribution of this thesis has four major milestones: 1. A new and a very general model for stochastic hybrid systems; 2. Stochastic reachability for stochastic hybrid systems is introduced together with an approximating method to compute reach set probabilities; 3. Bisimulation for stochastic hybrid systems is introduced and relationship with reachability analysis is investigated. 4. Considering the communication issue, we extend the modelling paradigm

    Approximation Metrics for Discrete and Continuous Systems

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    Established system relationships for discrete systems, such as language inclusion, simulation, and bisimulation, require system observations to be identical. When interacting with the physical world, modeled by continuous or hybrid systems, exact relationships are restrictive and not robust. In this paper, we develop the first framework of system approximation that applies to both discrete and continuous systems by developing notions of approximate language inclusion, approximate simulation, and approximate bisimulation relations. We define a hierarchy of approximation pseudo-metrics between two systems that quantify the quality of the approximation, and capture the established exact relationships as zero sections. Our approximation framework is compositional for a synchronous composition operator. Algorithms are developed for computing the proposed pseudo-metrics, both exactly and approximately. The exact algorithms require the generalization of the fixed point algorithms for computing simulation and bisimulation relations, or dually, the solution of a static game whose cost is the so-called branching distance between the systems. Approximations for the pseudo-metrics can be obtained by considering Lyapunov-like functions called simulation and bisimulation functions. We illustrate our approximation framework in reducing the complexity of safety verification problems for both deterministic and nondeterministic continuous systems

    Approximation Metrics for Discrete and Continuous Systems

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