17 research outputs found

    Verifiable Random Functions from Standard Assumptions

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    The question whether there exist verifiable random functions with exponential-sized input space and full adaptive security based on a non-interactive, constant-size assumption is a long-standing open problem. We construct the first verifiable random functions which simultaneously achieve all these properties. Our construction can securely be instantiated in symmetric bilinear groups, based on any member of the (n-1)-linear assumption family with n >= 3. This includes, for example, the 2-linear assumption, which is also known as the decision linear (DLIN) assumption

    Hunting and Gathering - Verifiable Random Functions from Standard Assumptions with Short Proofs

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    A verifiable random function (VRF) is a pseudorandom function, where outputs can be publicly verified. That is, given an output value together with a proof, one can check that the function was indeed correctly evaluated on the corresponding input. At the same time, the output of the function is computationally indistinguishable from random for all non-queried inputs. We present the first construction of a VRF which meets the following properties at once: It supports an exponential-sized input space, it achieves full adaptive security based on a non-interactive constant-size assumption and its proofs consist of only a logarithmic number of group elements for inputs of arbitrary polynomial length. Our construction can be instantiated in symmetric bilinear groups with security based on the decision linear assumption. We build on the work of Hofheinz and Jager (TCC 2016), who were the first to construct a verifiable random function with security based on a non-interactive constant-size assumption. Basically, their VRF is a matrix product in the exponent, where each matrix is chosen according to one bit of the input. In order to allow verification given a symmetric bilinear map, a proof consists of all intermediary results. This entails a proof size of Omega(L) group elements, where L is the bit-length of the input. Our key technique, which we call hunting and gathering, allows us to break this barrier by rearranging the function, which - combined with the partitioning techniques of Bitansky (TCC 2017) - results in a proof size of l group elements for arbitrary l in omega(1)

    Statically Aggregate Verifiable Random Functions and Application to E-Lottery

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    Cohen, Goldwasser, and Vaikuntanathan (TCC\u2715) introduced the concept of aggregate pseudo-random functions (PRFs), which allow efficiently computing the aggregate of PRF values over exponential-sized sets. In this paper, we explore the aggregation augmentation on verifiable random function (VRFs), introduced by Micali, Rabin and Vadhan (FOCS\u2799), as well as its application to e-lottery schemes. We introduce the notion of static aggregate verifiable random functions (Agg-VRFs), which perform aggregation for VRFs in a static setting. Our contributions can be summarized as follows: (1) we define static aggregate VRFs, which allow the efficient aggregation of VRF values and the corresponding proofs over super-polynomially large sets; (2) we present a static Agg-VRF construction over bit-fixing sets with respect to product aggregation based on the q-decisional Diffie-Hellman exponent assumption; (3) we test the performance of our static Agg-VRFs instantiation in comparison to a standard (non-aggregate) VRF in terms of costing time for the aggregation and verification processes, which shows that Agg-VRFs lower considerably the timing of verification of big sets; and (4) by employing Agg-VRFs, we propose an improved e-lottery scheme based on the framework of Chow et al.\u27s VRF-based e-lottery proposal (ICCSA\u2705). We evaluate the performance of Chow et al.\u27s e-lottery scheme and our improved scheme, and the latter shows a significant improvement in the efficiency of generating the winning number and the player verification

    Private and Secure Post-Quantum Verifiable Random Function with NIZK Proof and Ring-LWE Encryption in Blockchain

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    We present a secure and private blockchain-based Verifiable Random Function (VRF) scheme addressing some limitations of classical VRF constructions. Given the imminent quantum computing adversarial scenario, conventional cryptographic methods face vulnerabilities. To enhance our VRF's secure randomness, we adopt post-quantum Ring-LWE encryption for synthesizing pseudo-random sequences. Considering computational costs and resultant on-chain gas costs, we suggest a bifurcated architecture for VRF design, optimizing interactions between on-chain and off-chain. Our approach employs a secure ring signature supported by NIZK proof and a delegated key generation method, inspired by the Chaum-Pedersen equality proof and the Fiat-Shamir Heuristic. Our VRF scheme integrates multi-party computation (MPC) with blockchain-based decentralized identifiers (DID), ensuring both security and randomness. We elucidate the security and privacy aspects of our VRF scheme, analyzing temporal and spatial complexities. We also approximate the entropy of the VRF scheme and detail its implementation in a Solidity contract. Also, we delineate a method for validating the VRF's proof, matching for the contexts requiring both randomness and verification. Conclusively, using the NIST SP800-22 of the statistical randomness test suite, our results exhibit a 98.86% pass rate over 11 test cases, with an average p-value of 0.5459 from 176 total tests.Comment: 21 pages, 5 figures, In the 2023 Proceedings of International Conference on Cryptography and Blockchai

    Efficient Adaptively-Secure IB-KEMs and VRFs via Near-Collision Resistance

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    We construct more efficient cryptosystems with provable security against adaptive attacks, based on simple and natural hardness assumptions in the standard model. Concretely, we describe: - An adaptively-secure variant of the efficient, selectively-secure LWE-based identity-based encryption (IBE) scheme of Agrawal, Boneh, and Boyen (EUROCRYPT 2010). In comparison to the previously most efficient such scheme by Yamada (CRYPTO 2017) we achieve smaller lattice parameters and shorter public keys of size O(logλ)\mathcal{O}(\log \lambda), where λ\lambda is the security parameter. - Adaptively-secure variants of two efficient selectively-secure pairing-based IBEs of Boneh and Boyen (EUROCRYPT 2004). One is based on the DBDH assumption, has the same ciphertext size as the corresponding BB04 scheme, and achieves full adaptive security with public parameters of size only O(logλ)\mathcal{O}(\log \lambda). The other is based on a qq-type assumption and has public key size O(λ)\mathcal{O}(\lambda), but a ciphertext is only a single group element and the security reduction is quadratically tighter than the corresponding scheme by Jager and Kurek (ASIACRYPT 2018). - A very efficient adaptively-secure verifiable random function where proofs, public keys, and secret keys have size O(logλ)\mathcal{O}(\log \lambda). As a technical contribution we introduce blockwise partitioning, which leverages the assumption that a cryptographic hash function is weak near-collision resistant to prove full adaptive security of cryptosystems

    Adaptive-Secure VRFs with Shorter Keys from Static Assumptions

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    Verifiable random functions are pseudorandom functions producing publicly verifiable proofs for their outputs, allowing for efficient checks of the correctness of their computation. In this work, we introduce a new computational hypothesis, the n-Eigen-Value assumption, which can be seen as a relaxation of the U_n-MDDH assumption, and prove its equivalence with the n-Rank assumption. Based on the newly introduced computational hypothesis, we build the core of a verifiable random function having an exponentially large input space and reaching adaptive security under a static assumption. The final construction achieves shorter public and secret keys compared to the existing schemes reaching the same properties

    Privacy-Preserving Aggregation of Time-Series Data with Public Verifiability from Simple Assumptions

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    Aggregator oblivious encryption was proposed by Shi et al. (NDSS 2011), where an aggregator can compute an aggregated sum of data and is unable to learn anything else (aggregator obliviousness). Since the aggregator does not learn individual data that may reveal users\u27 habits and behaviors, several applications, such as privacy-preserving smart metering, have been considered. In this paper, we propose aggregator oblivious encryption schemes with public verifiability where the aggregator is required to generate a proof of an aggregated sum and anyone can verify whether the aggregated sum has been correctly computed by the aggregator. Though Leontiadis et al. (CANS 2015) considered the verifiability, their scheme requires an interactive complexity assumption to provide the unforgeability of the proof. Our schemes are proven to be unforgeable under a static and simple assumption (a variant of the Computational Diffie-Hellman assumption). Moreover, our schemes inherit the tightness of the reduction of the Benhamouda et al. scheme (ACM TISSEC 2016) for proving aggregator obliviousness. This tight reduction allows us to employ elliptic curves of a smaller order and leads to efficient implementation

    Verifiable Random Functions from Non-Interactive Witness-Indistinguishable Proofs

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    {\em Verifiable random functions} (VRFs) are pseudorandom functions where the owner of the seed, in addition to computing the function\u27s value yy at any point xx, can also generate a non-interactive proof π\pi that yy is correct, without compromising pseudorandomness at other points. Being a natural primitive with a wide range of applications, considerable efforts have been directed towards the construction of such VRFs. While these efforts have resulted in a variety of algebraic constructions (from bilinear maps or the RSA problem), the relation between VRFs and other general primitives is still not well understood. We present new constructions of VRFs from general primitives, the main one being {\em non-interactive witness-indistinguishable proofs} (NIWIs). This includes: \begin{itemize} \item A selectively-secure VRF assuming NIWIs and non-interactive commitments. As usual, the VRF can be made adaptively-secure assuming subexponential hardness of the underlying primitives. \item An adaptively-secure VRF assuming (polynomially-hard) NIWIs, non-interactive commitments, and {\em (single-key) constrained pseudorandom functions} for a restricted class of constraints. \end{itemize} The above primitives can be instantiated under various standard assumptions, which yields corresponding VRF instantiations, under different assumptions than were known so far. One notable example is a non-uniform construction of VRFs from subexponentially-hard trapdoor permutations, or more generally, from {\em verifiable pseudorandom generators} (the construction can be made uniform under a standard derandomization assumption). This partially answers an open question by Dwork and Naor (FOCS \u2700). The construction and its analysis are quite simple. Both draw from ideas commonly used in the context of {\em indistinguishability obfuscation}

    On Improving Communication Complexity in Cryptography

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    Cryptography grew to be much more than "the study of secret writing". Modern cryptography is concerned with establishing properties such as privacy, integrity and authenticity in protocols for secure communication and computation. This comes at a price: Cryptographic tools usually introduce an overhead, both in terms of communication complexity (that is, number and size of messages transmitted) and computational efficiency (that is, time and memory required). As in many settings communication between the parties involved is the bottleneck, this thesis is concerned with improving communication complexity in cryptographic protocols. One direction towards this goal is scalable cryptography: In many cryptographic schemes currently deployed, the security degrades linearly with the number of instances (e.g. encrypted messages) in the system. As this number can be huge in contexts like cloud computing, the parameters of the scheme have to be chosen considerably larger - and in particular depending on the expected number of instances in the system - to maintain security guarantees. We advance the state-of-the-art regarding scalable cryptography by constructing schemes where the security guarantees are independent of the number of instances. This allows to choose smaller parameters, even when the expected number of instances is immense. - We construct the first scalable encryption scheme with security against active adversaries which has both compact public keys and ciphertexts. In particular, we significantly reduce the size of the public key to only about 3% of the key-size of the previously most efficient scalable encryption scheme. (Gay,Hofheinz, and Kohl, CRYPTO, 2017) - We present a scalable structure-preserving signature scheme which improves both in terms of public-key and signature size compared to the previously best construction to about 40% and 56% of the sizes, respectively. (Gay, Hofheinz, Kohl, and Pan, EUROCRYPT, 2018) Another important area of cryptography is secure multi-party computation, where the goal is to jointly evaluate some function while keeping each party’s input private. In traditional approaches towards secure multi-party computation either the communication complexity scales linearly in the size of the function, or the computational efficiency is poor. To overcome this issue, Boyle, Gilboa, and Ishai (CRYPTO, 2016) introduced the notion of homomorphic secret sharing. Here, inputs are shared between parties such that each party does not learn anything about the input, and such that the parties can locally evaluate functions on the shares. Homomorphic secret sharing implies secure computation where the communication complexity only depends on the size of the inputs, which is typically much smaller than the size of the function. A different approach towards efficient secure computation is to split the protocol into an input-independent preprocessing phase, where long correlated strings are generated, and a very efficient online phase. One example for a useful correlation are authenticated Beaver triples, which allow to perform efficient multiplications in the online phase such that privacy of the inputs is preserved and parties deviating the protocol can be detected. The currently most efficient protocols implementing the preprocessing phase require communication linear in the number of triples to be generated. This results typically in high communication costs, as the online phase requires at least one authenticated Beaver triple per multiplication. We advance the state-of-the art regarding efficient protocols for secure computation with low communication complexity as follows. - We construct the first homomorphic secret sharing scheme for computing arbitrary functions in NC 1 (that is, functions that are computably by circuits with logarithmic depth) which supports message spaces of arbitrary size, has only negligible correctness error, and does not require expensive multiplication on ciphertexts. (Boyle, Kohl, and Scholl, EUROCRYPT, 2019) - We introduce the notion of a pseudorandom correlation generator for general correlations. Pseudorandom correlation generators allow to locally extend short correlated seeds into long pseudorandom correlated strings. We show that pseudorandom correlation generators can replace the preprocessing phase in many protocols, leading to a preprocessing phase with sublinear communication complexity. We show connections to homomorphic secret sharing schemes and give the first instantiation of pseudorandom correlation generators for authenticated Beaver triples at reasonable computational efficiency. (Boyle, Couteau, Gilboa, Ishai, Kohl, and Scholl, CRYPTO, 2019

    Verifiable Random Functions with Optimal Tightness

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    Verifiable random functions (VRFs), introduced by Micali, Rabin and Vadhan (FOCS’99), are the public-key equivalent of pseudorandom functions. A public verification key and proofs accompanying the output enable all parties to verify the correctness of the output. However, all known standard model VRFs have a reduction loss that is much worse than what one would expect from known optimal constructions of closely related primitives like unique signatures. We show that: 1. Every security proof for a VRF that relies on a non-interactive assumption has to lose a factor of Q, where Q is the number of adversarial queries. To that end, we extend the meta-reduction technique of Bader et al. (EUROCRYPT’16) to also cover VRFs. 2. This raises the question: Is this bound optimal? We answer this question in the affirmative by presenting the first VRF with a reduction from the non-interactive qDBDHI assumption to the security of VRF that achieves this optimal loss. We thus paint a complete picture of the achievability of tight verifiable random functions: We show that a security loss of Q is unavoidable and present the first construction that achieves this bound