7 research outputs found

    New Unbounded Verifiable Data Streaming for Batch Query with Almost Optimal Overhead

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    Verifiable Data Streaming (VDS) enables a resource-limited client to continuously outsource data to an untrusted server in a sequential manner while supporting public integrity verification and efficient update. However, most existing VDS schemes require the client to generate all proofs in advance and store them at the server, which leads to a heavy computation burden on the client. In addition, all the previous VDS schemes can perform batch query (i.e., retrieving multiple data entries at once), but are subject to linear communication cost ll, where ll is the number of queried data. In this paper, we first introduce a new cryptographic primitive named Double-trapdoor Chameleon Vector Commitment (DCVC), and then present an unbounded VDS scheme VDS1\mathsf{VDS_1} with optimal communication cost in the random oracle model from aggregatable cross-commitment variant of DCVC. Furthermore, we propose, to our best knowledge, the first unbounded VDS scheme VDS2\mathsf{VDS}_2 with optimal communication and storage overhead in the standard model by integrating Double-trapdoor Chameleon Hash Function (DCH) and Key-Value Commitment (KVC). Both of our schemes enjoy constant-size public key. Finally, we demonstrate the efficiency of our two VDS schemes with a comprehensive performance evaluation

    GORAM -- Group ORAM for Privacy and Access Control in Outsourced Personal Records

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    Cloud storage has rapidly become a cornerstone of many IT infrastructures, constituting a seamless solution for the backup, synchronization, and sharing of large amounts of data. Putting user data in the direct control of cloud service providers, however, raises security and privacy concerns related to the integrity of outsourced data, the accidental or intentional leakage of sensitive information, the profiling of user activities and so on. Furthermore, even if the cloud provider is trusted, users having access to outsourced files might be malicious and misbehave. These concerns are particularly serious in sensitive applications like personal health records and credit score systems. To tackle this problem, we present GORAM, a cryptographic system that protects the secrecy and integrity of outsourced data with respect to both an untrusted server and malicious clients, guarantees the anonymity and unlinkability of accesses to such data, and allows the data owner to share outsourced data with other clients, selectively granting them read and write permissions. GORAM is the first system to achieve such a wide range of security and privacy properties for outsourced storage. In the process of designing an efficient construction, we developed two new, generally applicable cryptographic schemes, namely, batched zero-knowledge proofs of shuffle and an accountability technique based on chameleon signatures, which we consider of independent interest. We implemented GORAM in Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) and ran a performance evaluation demonstrating the scalability and efficiency of our construction

    Cryptography for Bitcoin and friends

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    Numerous cryptographic extensions to Bitcoin have been proposed since Satoshi Nakamoto introduced the revolutionary design in 2008. However, only few proposals have been adopted in Bitcoin and other prevalent cryptocurrencies, whose resistance to fundamental changes has proven to grow with their success. In this dissertation, we introduce four cryptographic techniques that advance the functionality and privacy provided by Bitcoin and similar cryptocurrencies without requiring fundamental changes in their design: First, we realize smart contracts that disincentivize parties in distributed systems from making contradicting statements by penalizing such behavior by the loss of funds in a cryptocurrency. Second, we propose CoinShuffle++, a coin mixing protocol which improves the anonymity of cryptocurrency users by combining their transactions and thereby making it harder for observers to trace those transactions. The core of CoinShuffle++ is DiceMix, a novel and efficient protocol for broadcasting messages anonymously without the help of any trusted third-party anonymity proxies and in the presence of malicious participants. Third, we combine coin mixing with the existing idea to hide payment values in homomorphic commitments to obtain the ValueShuffle protocol, which enables us to overcome major obstacles to the practical deployment of coin mixing protocols. Fourth, we show how to prepare the aforementioned homomorphic commitments for a safe transition to post-quantum cryptography.Seit seiner revolutionären Erfindung durch Satoshi Nakamoto im Jahr 2008 wurden zahlreiche kryptographische Erweiterungen für Bitcoin vorgeschlagen. Gleichwohl wurden nur wenige Vorschläge in Bitcoin und andere weit verbreitete Kryptowährungen integriert, deren Resistenz gegen tiefgreifende Veränderungen augenscheinlich mit ihrer Verbreitung wächst. In dieser Dissertation schlagen wir vier kryptographische Verfahren vor, die die Funktionalität und die Datenschutzeigenschaften von Bitcoin und ähnlichen Kryptowährungen verbessern ohne deren Funktionsweise tiefgreifend verändern zu müssen. Erstens realisieren wir Smart Contracts, die es erlauben widersprüchliche Aussagen einer Vertragspartei mit dem Verlust von Kryptogeld zu bestrafen. Zweitens schlagen wir CoinShuffle++ vor, ein Mix-Protokoll, das die Anonymität von Benutzern verbessert, indem es ihre Transaktionen kombiniert und so deren Rückverfolgung erschwert. Sein Herzstück ist DiceMix, ein neues und effizientes Protokoll zur anonymen Veröffentlichung von Nachrichten ohne vertrauenswürdige Dritte und in der Präsenz von bösartigen Teilnehmern. Drittens kombinieren wir dieses Protokoll mit der existierenden Idee, Geldbeträge in Commitments zu verbergen, und erhalten so das ValueShuffle-Protokoll, das uns ermöglicht, große Hindernisse für den praktischen Einsatz von Mix-Protokollen zu überwinden. Viertens zeigen wir, wie die dabei benutzten Commitments für einen sicheren Übergang zu Post-Quanten-Kryptographie vorbereitet werden können

    Cryptographic techniques for privacy and access control in cloud-based applications

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    Digitization is one of the key challenges for today’s industries and society. It affects more and more business areas and also user data and, in particular, sensitive information. Due to its sensitivity, it is important to treat personal information as secure and private as possible yet enabling cloud-based software to use that information when requested by the user. In this thesis, we focus on the privacy-preserving outsourcing and sharing of data, the querying of outsourced protected data, and the usage of personal information as an access control mechanism for rating platforms, which should be protected from coercion attacks. In those three categories, we present cryptographic techniques and protocols that push the state of the art. In particular, we first present multi-client oblivious RAM (ORAM), which augments standard ORAM with selective data sharing through access control, confidentiality, and integrity. Second, we investigate on recent work in frequency-hiding order-preserving encryption and show that the state of the art misses rigorous treatment, allowing for simple attacks against the security of the existing scheme. As a remedy, we show how to fix the security definition and that the existing scheme, slightly adapted, fulfills it. Finally, we design and develop a coercion-resistant rating platform. Coercion-resistance has been dealt with mainly in the context of electronic voting yet also affects other areas of digital life such as rating platforms.Die Digitalisierung ist eine der größten Herausforderungen für Industrie und Gesellschaft. Neben vielen Geschäftsbereichen betrifft diese auch, insbesondere sensible, Nutzerdaten. Daher sollten persönliche Informationen so gut wie möglich gesichert werden. Zugleich brauchen Cloud-basierte Software-Anwendungen, die der Nutzer verwenden möchte, Zugang zu diesen Daten. Diese Dissertation fokussiert sich auf das sichere Auslagern und Teilen von Daten unter Wahrung der Privatsphäre, auf das Abfragen von geschützten, ausgelagerten Daten und auf die Nutzung persönlicher Informationen als Zugangsberechtigung für erpressungsresistente Bewertungsplattformen. Zu diesen drei Themen präsentieren wir kryptographische Techniken und Protokolle, die den Stand der Technik voran treiben. Der erste Teil stellt Multi-Client Oblivious RAM (ORAM) vor, das ORAM durch die Möglichkeit, Daten unter Wahrung von Vertraulichkeit und Integrität mit anderen Nutzern zu teilen, erweitert. Der zweite Teil befasst sich mit Freuquency-hiding Order-preserving Encryption. Wir zeigen, dass dem Stand der Technik eine formale Betrachtung fehlt, was zu Angriffen führt. Um Abhilfe zu schaffen, verbessern wir die Sicherheitsdefinition und beweisen, dass das existierende Verschlüsselungsschema diese durch minimale Änderung erfüllt. Abschließend entwickeln wir ein erpressungsresistentes Bewertungsportal. Erpressungsresistenz wurde bisher hauptsächlich im Kontext von elektronischen Wahlen betrachtet