1,638 research outputs found

    Fast Automatic Vehicle Annotation for Urban Traffic Surveillance

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    Automatic vehicle detection and annotation for streaming video data with complex scenes is an interesting but challenging task for intelligent transportation systems. In this paper, we present a fast algorithm: detection and annotation for vehicles (DAVE), which effectively combines vehicle detection and attributes annotation into a unified framework. DAVE consists of two convolutional neural networks: a shallow fully convolutional fast vehicle proposal network (FVPN) for extracting all vehicles' positions, and a deep attributes learning network (ALN), which aims to verify each detection candidate and infer each vehicle's pose, color, and type information simultaneously. These two nets are jointly optimized so that abundant latent knowledge learned from the deep empirical ALN can be exploited to guide training the much simpler FVPN. Once the system is trained, DAVE can achieve efficient vehicle detection and attributes annotation for real-world traffic surveillance data, while the FVPN can be independently adopted as a real-time high-performance vehicle detector as well. We evaluate the DAVE on a new self-collected urban traffic surveillance data set and the public PASCAL VOC2007 car and LISA 2010 data sets, with consistent improvements over existing algorithms

    Aerial Vehicle Tracking by Adaptive Fusion of Hyperspectral Likelihood Maps

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    Hyperspectral cameras can provide unique spectral signatures for consistently distinguishing materials that can be used to solve surveillance tasks. In this paper, we propose a novel real-time hyperspectral likelihood maps-aided tracking method (HLT) inspired by an adaptive hyperspectral sensor. A moving object tracking system generally consists of registration, object detection, and tracking modules. We focus on the target detection part and remove the necessity to build any offline classifiers and tune a large amount of hyperparameters, instead learning a generative target model in an online manner for hyperspectral channels ranging from visible to infrared wavelengths. The key idea is that, our adaptive fusion method can combine likelihood maps from multiple bands of hyperspectral imagery into one single more distinctive representation increasing the margin between mean value of foreground and background pixels in the fused map. Experimental results show that the HLT not only outperforms all established fusion methods but is on par with the current state-of-the-art hyperspectral target tracking frameworks.Comment: Accepted at the International Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops, 201

    A Novel GAN-Based Anomaly Detection and Localization Method for Aerial Video Surveillance at Low Altitude

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    The last two decades have seen an incessant growth in the use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) equipped with HD cameras for developing aerial vision-based systems to support civilian and military tasks, including land monitoring, change detection, and object classification. To perform most of these tasks, the artificial intelligence algorithms usually need to know, a priori, what to look for, identify. or recognize. Actually, in most operational scenarios, such as war zones or post-disaster situations, areas and objects of interest are not decidable a priori since their shape and visual features may have been altered by events or even intentionally disguised (e.g., improvised explosive devices (IEDs)). For these reasons, in recent years, more and more research groups are investigating the design of original anomaly detection methods, which, in short, are focused on detecting samples that differ from the others in terms of visual appearance and occurrences with respect to a given environment. In this paper, we present a novel two-branch Generative Adversarial Network (GAN)-based method for low-altitude RGB aerial video surveillance to detect and localize anomalies. We have chosen to focus on the low-altitude sequences as we are interested in complex operational scenarios where even a small object or device can represent a reason for danger or attention. The proposed model was tested on the UAV Mosaicking and Change Detection (UMCD) dataset, a one-of-a-kind collection of challenging videos whose sequences were acquired between 6 and 15 m above sea level on three types of ground (i.e., urban, dirt, and countryside). Results demonstrated the effectiveness of the model in terms of Area Under the Receiving Operating Curve (AUROC) and Structural Similarity Index (SSIM), achieving an average of 97.2% and 95.7%, respectively, thus suggesting that the system can be deployed in real-world applications
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