7,215 research outputs found

    Book Review: Theology After Vedanta: An Experiment in Comparative Theology

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    A review of Theology After Vedanta: An Experiment in Comparative Theology by Francis X. Clooney

    Book Review: Beyond Compare: St. Francis de Sales and Sri Vedanta Desika on Loving Surrender to God

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    A review of Beyond Compare: St. Francis de Sales and Sri Vedanta Desika on Loving Surrender to God by Francis X. Clooney, S.J

    Book Review: Jesus in Neo-Vedanta, A Meeting of Hinduism and Christianity

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    A review of Jesus in Neo-Vedanta, A Meeting of Hinduism and Christianity by K. P. Aleaz

    Book Review: Piety and Responsibility: Patterns of Unity in Karl Rahner, Karl Barth and Vedanta Desika, John N. Sheveland

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    A review of John N. Sheveland\u27s Piety and Responsibility: Patterns of Unity in Karl Rahner, Karl Barth and Vedanta Desika by Reid B. Locklin

    Expanding and Refining Christian Interpretations of Rāmānuja

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    In the last century there has been a remarkable expansion of studies of Rāmānuja by scholars outside the ŚrÄ«vaiį¹£į¹‡ava community. This paper concentrates on the contributions of some Christian scholars. Many of the earlier studies focused on Rāmānujaā€™s opposition to Śaį¹‡karaā€™s interpretation of the Vedanta, with Roman Catholic scholars tending to favor Śaį¹‡kara and Protestant scholars Rāmānuja. The Belgian Jesuit Pierre Johanns argued for a Christian reinterpretation of the Vedanta that would merge the truths in the different Hindu schools, giving primary importance to Śaį¹‡kara, but modifying the Hindu teaching through the distinctive Christian doctrine of ā€œcreation out of nothing.ā€ Later his fellow Jesuit Richard De Smet reaffirmed the primary value of Śaį¹‡karaā€™s own genuine teachings for Christian theology. Current studies represented in this issue affirm the positive value for Christian theology of Rāmānujaā€™s version of the Vedanta. Christian studies continue to expand their treatment of Rāmānuja, examining not just his great commentary on the Vedanta Sutras but also all the other writings that his community ascribes to him. In addition, some scholars are looking at the devotional traditions before and after him, especially the hymns of the Tamil poet-saints, composed before, and the commentaries on those hymns, written in the first centuries after him. Such expansion of Christian interpretation requires greater interpretation among scholars, both Christian and Hindu. Christian learning from another religious position begins with noticing something similar though not the same as that in their own religion. Thus far, in the case of Rāmānuja, there is no agreement as to which similarities are more significant and how they relate to some specific version of Christian theology. There may be instances of partial convergence where it is impossible for a Christian either to affirm or deny the truth of Rāmānujaā€™s teaching. Here it may be important to recognize what is often considered an aesthetic judgment: appreciation. One example is a later ŚrÄ«vaiį¹£į¹‡ava estimate of Rāmānuja himself, that he fulfilled the ā€œprophecyā€ of the poet-saint Nammalvar, being the one who initiated the end of our age of darkness and the return of the golden age

    Applications of Machine Learning to Modelling and Analysing Dynamical Systems

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    We explore the use of Physics Informed Neural Networks to analyse nonlinear Hamiltonian Dynamical Systems with a first integral of motion. In this work, we propose an architecture which combines existing Hamiltonian Neural Network structures into Adaptable Symplectic Recurrent Neural Networks which preserve Hamilton's equations as well as the symplectic structure of phase space while predicting dynamics for the entire parameter space. This architecture is found to significantly outperform previously proposed neural networks when predicting Hamiltonian dynamics especially in potentials which contain multiple parameters. We demonstrate its robustness using the nonlinear Henon-Heiles potential under chaotic, quasiperiodic and periodic conditions. The second problem we tackle is whether we can use the high dimensional nonlinear capabilities of neural networks to predict the dynamics of a Hamiltonian system given only partial information of the same. Hence we attempt to take advantage of Long Short Term Memory networks to implement Takens' embedding theorem and construct a delay embedding of the system followed by mapping the topologically invariant attractor to the true form. This architecture is then layered with Adaptable Symplectic nets to allow for predictions which preserve the structure of Hamilton's equations. We show that this method works efficiently for single parameter potentials and provides accurate predictions even over long periods of time.Comment: This is a dissertation submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Science (Honours) Physics at St. Stephens College University of Delhi in 2023. The dissertation was guided by Dr. Abhinav Gupta, Associate Professor, Department of Physics, St. Stephens College Delh

    Final Goal in Advaita Vethanda is a Philosophical Research

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    Religion has secured a significant place in world traditional Civilization. Influence of religion has been well synthesized in art, Literature, Ethics and philosophy. Generally speaking religion always discusses three important entities such as, Human life, World and God. Faith in God, Philosophical thoughts and moral principles are the core topics in religion. In this respect it could be said that religion is being played a pivotal role since from birth up to death of human beings. In this respect, Advaita Vedanta as one of the Hindu Philosophies has been discussed about the Final Goal of Human Life and this paper aim at discussing the said concept. Though there are distinct philosophical schools in Hinduism, considerable number of Scholars have been paid there attention on Advaita Vedanta and thus this topic is apt for discussion. This paper further discuss the basic entities which Advaita Vedanta firmly believed as final Goal of human Life and the ways and means to achieve that status. Since there are several origin texts and interpretations available about Advaita Vedanta this study also mainly based on those resources and historical analysis is also being performed in this paper. Advaita Vedanta accepts the principles of Karma and re-birth and emphasize that birth occurs due to karma and this process is endless and miserable. Thus, the final goal of human being is to detach from birth and thereby to get rid from suffering. As has been already stated the main aim of this paper is to identify the final goal of Advaita Vedanta and then to illustrate them clearly

    Vedanta:Journey Towards Mettle for Metal

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    Vedanta Resources plc was listed in London in December 2003. Vedanta is a diversified and integrated FTSE 250 metals and mining group with annual sales of 1.9bn.VedantaprincipaloperationsarelocatedinIndia,whereVedantahasamajormarketshareineachofourmainmetals:Aluminum,Copper,ZincandLead.ThisisduetotheunderlyingopportunitiesprevailinginIndiaanditsmovetowardsFastEmergingResourceDestination.Vedantahasastrongtrackrecordinmanagingoperationsandimprovingcostsandoutput.Vedantaā€²sIndianzincandcopperoperationsrankinthetopquartileofglobalcostefficiency.Inadditiontotheexistingoperations,Vedaāˆ’ntahasanexceptionalrangeofexpansionprojectsacrosseachofmetals.Thiswillseeinvestmentspendingofover1.9 bn. Vedanta principal operations are located in India, where Vedanta has a major market share in each of our main metals: Aluminum, Copper, Zinc and Lead. This is due to the underlying opportunities prevailing in India and its move towards Fast Emerging Resource Destination. Vedanta has a strong track record in managing operations and improving costs and output. Vedanta's Indian zinc and copper operations rank in the top quartile of global cost efficiency. In addition to the existing operations, Veda-nta has an exceptional range of expansion projects across each of metals. This will see investment spending of over 2bn, which is already more than half completed
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