42 research outputs found

    Learning When Not to Answer: A Ternary Reward Structure for Reinforcement Learning based Question Answering

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    In this paper, we investigate the challenges of using reinforcement learning agents for question-answering over knowledge graphs for real-world applications. We examine the performance metrics used by state-of-the-art systems and determine that they are inadequate for such settings. More specifically, they do not evaluate the systems correctly for situations when there is no answer available and thus agents optimized for these metrics are poor at modeling confidence. We introduce a simple new performance metric for evaluating question-answering agents that is more representative of practical usage conditions, and optimize for this metric by extending the binary reward structure used in prior work to a ternary reward structure which also rewards an agent for not answering a question rather than giving an incorrect answer. We show that this can drastically improve the precision of answered questions while only not answering a limited number of previously correctly answered questions. Employing a supervised learning strategy using depth-first-search paths to bootstrap the reinforcement learning algorithm further improves performance.Comment: Accepted at NAACL 2019. Version 1 was presented at NIPS 2018 workshop on Relational Representation Learnin

    CompMix: A Benchmark for Heterogeneous Question Answering

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    Fact-centric question answering (QA) often requires access to multiple, heterogeneous, information sources. By jointly considering several sources like a knowledge base (KB), a text collection, and tables from the web, QA systems can enhance their answer coverage and confidence. However, existing QA benchmarks are mostly constructed with a single source of knowledge in mind. This limits capabilities of these benchmarks to fairly evaluate QA systems that can tap into more than one information repository. To bridge this gap, we release CompMix, a crowdsourced QA benchmark which naturally demands the integration of a mixture of input sources. CompMix has a total of 9,410 questions, and features several complex intents like joins and temporal conditions. Evaluation of a range of QA systems on CompMix highlights the need for further research on leveraging information from heterogeneous sources