3 research outputs found

    NySALT: Nystr\"{o}m-type inference-based schemes adaptive to large time-stepping

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    Large time-stepping is important for efficient long-time simulations of deterministic and stochastic Hamiltonian dynamical systems. Conventional structure-preserving integrators, while being successful for generic systems, have limited tolerance to time step size due to stability and accuracy constraints. We propose to use data to innovate classical integrators so that they can be adaptive to large time-stepping and are tailored to each specific system. In particular, we introduce NySALT, Nystr\"{o}m-type inference-based schemes adaptive to large time-stepping. The NySALT has optimal parameters for each time step learnt from data by minimizing the one-step prediction error. Thus, it is tailored for each time step size and the specific system to achieve optimal performance and tolerate large time-stepping in an adaptive fashion. We prove and numerically verify the convergence of the estimators as data size increases. Furthermore, analysis and numerical tests on the deterministic and stochastic Fermi-Pasta-Ulam (FPU) models show that NySALT enlarges the maximal admissible step size of linear stability, and quadruples the time step size of the St\"{o}rmer--Verlet and the BAOAB when maintaining similar levels of accuracy.Comment: 26 pages, 7 figure

    Time-adaptive Lagrangian Variational Integrators for Accelerated Optimization on Manifolds

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    A variational framework for accelerated optimization was recently introduced on normed vector spaces and Riemannian manifolds in Wibisono et al. (2016) and Duruisseaux and Leok (2021). It was observed that a careful combination of timeadaptivity and symplecticity in the numerical integration can result in a significant gain in computational efficiency. It is however well known that symplectic integrators lose their near energy preservation properties when variable time-steps are used. The most common approach to circumvent this problem involves the Poincare transformation on the Hamiltonian side, and was used in Duruisseaux et al. (2021) to construct efficient explicit algorithms for symplectic accelerated optimization. However, the current formulations of Hamiltonian variational integrators do not make intrinsic sense on more general spaces such as Riemannian manifolds and Lie groups. In contrast, Lagrangian variational integrators are well-defined on manifolds, so we develop here a framework for time-adaptivity in Lagrangian variational integrators and use the resulting geometric integrators to solve optimization problems on normed vector spaces and Lie groups.Comment: 30 pages, 4 figure