11 research outputs found

    Gamma Processes, Stick-Breaking, and Variational Inference

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    While most Bayesian nonparametric models in machine learning have focused on the Dirichlet process, the beta process, or their variants, the gamma process has recently emerged as a useful nonparametric prior in its own right. Current inference schemes for models involving the gamma process are restricted to MCMC-based methods, which limits their scalability. In this paper, we present a variational inference framework for models involving gamma process priors. Our approach is based on a novel stick-breaking constructive definition of the gamma process. We prove correctness of this stick-breaking process by using the characterization of the gamma process as a completely random measure (CRM), and we explicitly derive the rate measure of our construction using Poisson process machinery. We also derive error bounds on the truncation of the infinite process required for variational inference, similar to the truncation analyses for other nonparametric models based on the Dirichlet and beta processes. Our representation is then used to derive a variational inference algorithm for a particular Bayesian nonparametric latent structure formulation known as the infinite Gamma-Poisson model, where the latent variables are drawn from a gamma process prior with Poisson likelihoods. Finally, we present results for our algorithms on nonnegative matrix factorization tasks on document corpora, and show that we compare favorably to both sampling-based techniques and variational approaches based on beta-Bernoulli priors

    Bayesian Nonparametric Unmixing of Hyperspectral Images

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    Hyperspectral imaging is an important tool in remote sensing, allowing for accurate analysis of vast areas. Due to a low spatial resolution, a pixel of a hyperspectral image rarely represents a single material, but rather a mixture of different spectra. HSU aims at estimating the pure spectra present in the scene of interest, referred to as endmembers, and their fractions in each pixel, referred to as abundances. Today, many HSU algorithms have been proposed, based either on a geometrical or statistical model. While most methods assume that the number of endmembers present in the scene is known, there is only little work about estimating this number from the observed data. In this work, we propose a Bayesian nonparametric framework that jointly estimates the number of endmembers, the endmembers itself, and their abundances, by making use of the Indian Buffet Process as a prior for the endmembers. Simulation results and experiments on real data demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm, yielding results comparable with state-of-the-art methods while being able to reliably infer the number of endmembers. In scenarios with strong noise, where other algorithms provide only poor results, the proposed approach tends to overestimate the number of endmembers slightly. The additional endmembers, however, often simply represent noisy replicas of present endmembers and could easily be merged in a post-processing step

    Variational Inference for Stick-Breaking Beta Process Priors

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    We present a variational Bayesian inference algorithm for the stick-breaking construction of the beta process. We derive an alternate representation of the beta process that is amenable to variational inference, and present a bound relating the truncated beta process to its infinite counterpart. We assess performance on two matrix factorization problems, using a non-negative factorization model and a linear-Gaussian model. 1

    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationLatent structures play a vital role in many data analysis tasks. By providing compact yet expressive representations, such structures can offer useful insights into the complex and high-dimensional datasets encountered in domains such as computational biology, computer vision, natural language processing, etc. Specifying the right complexity of these latent structures for a given problem is an important modeling decision. Instead of using models with an a priori fixed complexity, it is desirable to have models that can adapt their complexity as the data warrant. Nonparametric Bayesian models are motivated precisely based on this desideratum by offering a flexible modeling paradigm for data without limiting the model-complexity a priori. The flexibility comes from the model's ability to adjust its complexity adaptively with data. This dissertation is about nonparametric Bayesian learning of two specific types of latent structures: (1) low-dimensional latent features underlying high-dimensional observed data where the latent features could exhibit interdependencies, and (2) latent task structures that capture how a set of learning tasks relate with each other, a notion critical in the paradigm of Multitask Learning where the goal is to solve multiple learning tasks jointly in order to borrow information across similar tasks. Another focus of this dissertation is on designing efficient approximate inference algorithms for nonparametric Bayesian models. Specifically, for the nonparametric Bayesian latent feature model where the goal is to infer the binary-valued latent feature assignment matrix for a given set of observations, the dissertation proposes two approximate inference methods. The first one is a search-based algorithm to find the maximum-a-posteriori (MAP) solution for the latent feature assignment matrix. The second one is a sequential Monte-Carlo-based approximate inference algorithm that allows processing the data oneexample- at-a-time while being space-efficient in terms of the storage required to represent the posterior distribution of the latent feature assignment matrix