11 research outputs found

    Variational Inference for Adaptor Grammars

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    Adaptor grammars extend probabilistic context-free grammars to define prior distributions over trees with “rich get richer” dynamics. Inference for adaptor grammars seeks to find parse trees for raw text. This paper describes a variational inference algorithm for adaptor grammars, providing an alternative to Markov chain Monte Carlo methods. To derive this method, we develop a stick-breaking representation of adaptor grammars, a representation that enables us to define adaptor grammars with recursion. We report experimental results on a word segmentation task, showing that variational inference performs comparably to MCMC. Further, we show a significant speed-up when parallelizing the algorithm. Finally, we report promising results for a new application for adaptor grammars, dependency grammar induction

    Compositional Policy Priors

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    This paper describes a probabilistic framework for incorporating structured inductive biases into reinforcement learning. These inductive biases arise from policy priors, probability distributions over optimal policies. Borrowing recent ideas from computational linguistics and Bayesian nonparametrics, we define several families of policy priors that express compositional, abstract structure in a domain. Compositionality is expressed using probabilistic context-free grammars, enabling a compact representation of hierarchically organized sub-tasks. Useful sequences of sub-tasks can be cached and reused by extending the grammars nonparametrically using Fragment Grammars. We present Monte Carlo methods for performing inference, and show how structured policy priors lead to substantially faster learning in complex domains compared to methods without inductive biases.This work was supported by AFOSR FA9550-07-1-0075 and ONR N00014-07-1-0937. SJG was supported by a Graduate Research Fellowship from the NSF

    Unsupervised spectral learning of WCFG as low-rank matrix completion

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    We derive a spectral method for unsupervised learning ofWeighted Context Free Grammars. We frame WCFG induction as finding a Hankel matrix that has low rank and is linearly constrained to represent a function computed by inside-outside recursions. The proposed algorithm picks the grammar that agrees with a sample and is the simplest with respect to the nuclear norm of the Hankel matrix.Peer ReviewedPreprin

    Online Adaptor Grammars with Hybrid Inference

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    Adaptor grammars are a flexible, powerful formalism for defining nonparametric, un-supervised models of grammar productions. This flexibility comes at the cost of expensive inference. We address the difficulty of infer-ence through an online algorithm which uses a hybrid of Markov chain Monte Carlo and variational inference. We show that this in-ference strategy improves scalability without sacrificing performance on unsupervised word segmentation and topic modeling tasks.

    Inducing Tree-Substitution Grammars

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    Inducing a grammar from text has proven to be a notoriously challenging learning task despite decades of research. The primary reason for its difficulty is that in order to induce plausible grammars, the underlying model must be capable of representing the intricacies of language while also ensuring that it can be readily learned from data. The majority of existing work on grammar induction has favoured model simplicity (and thus learnability) over representational capacity by using context free grammars and first order dependency grammars, which are not sufficiently expressive to model many common linguistic constructions. We propose a novel compromise by inferring a probabilistic tree substitution grammar, a formalism which allows for arbitrarily large tree fragments and thereby better represent complex linguistic structures. To limit the model's complexity we employ a Bayesian non-parametric prior which biases the model towards a sparse grammar with shallow productions. We demonstrate the model's efficacy on supervised phrase-structure parsing, where we induce a latent segmentation of the training treebank, and on unsupervised dependency grammar induction. In both cases the model uncovers interesting latent linguistic structures while producing competitive results. © 2010 Evangelos Theodorou, Jonas Buchli and Stefan Schaal

    Probabilistic Modelling of Morphologically Rich Languages

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    This thesis investigates how the sub-structure of words can be accounted for in probabilistic models of language. Such models play an important role in natural language processing tasks such as translation or speech recognition, but often rely on the simplistic assumption that words are opaque symbols. This assumption does not fit morphologically complex language well, where words can have rich internal structure and sub-word elements are shared across distinct word forms. Our approach is to encode basic notions of morphology into the assumptions of three different types of language models, with the intention that leveraging shared sub-word structure can improve model performance and help overcome data sparsity that arises from morphological processes. In the context of n-gram language modelling, we formulate a new Bayesian model that relies on the decomposition of compound words to attain better smoothing, and we develop a new distributed language model that learns vector representations of morphemes and leverages them to link together morphologically related words. In both cases, we show that accounting for word sub-structure improves the models' intrinsic performance and provides benefits when applied to other tasks, including machine translation. We then shift the focus beyond the modelling of word sequences and consider models that automatically learn what the sub-word elements of a given language are, given an unannotated list of words. We formulate a novel model that can learn discontiguous morphemes in addition to the more conventional contiguous morphemes that most previous models are limited to. This approach is demonstrated on Semitic languages, and we find that modelling discontiguous sub-word structures leads to improvements in the task of segmenting words into their contiguous morphemes.Comment: DPhil thesis, University of Oxford, submitted and accepted 2014. http://ora.ox.ac.uk/objects/uuid:8df7324f-d3b8-47a1-8b0b-3a6feb5f45c

    Models, Inference, and Implementation for Scalable Probabilistic Models of Text

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    Unsupervised probabilistic Bayesian models are powerful tools for statistical analysis, especially in the area of information retrieval, document analysis and text processing. Despite their success, unsupervised probabilistic Bayesian models are often slow in inference due to inter-entangled mutually dependent latent variables. In addition, the parameter space of these models is usually very large. As the data from various different media sources--for example, internet, electronic books, digital films, etc--become widely accessible, lack of scalability for these unsupervised probabilistic Bayesian models becomes a critical bottleneck. The primary focus of this dissertation is to speed up the inference process in unsupervised probabilistic Bayesian models. There are two common solutions to scale the algorithm up to large data: parallelization or streaming. The former achieves scalability by distributing the data and the computation to multiple machines. The latter assumes data come in a stream and updates the model gradually after seeing each data observation. It is able to scale to larger datasets because it usually takes only one pass over the entire data. In this dissertation, we examine both approaches. We first demonstrate the effectiveness of the parallelization approach on a class of unsupervised Bayesian models--topic models, which are exemplified by latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA). We propose a fast parallel implementation using variational inference on the MapRe- duce framework, referred to as Mr. LDA. We show that parallelization enables topic models to handle significantly larger datasets. We further show that our implementation--unlike highly tuned and specialized implementations--is easily extensible. We demonstrate two extensions possible with this scalable framework: 1) informed priors to guide topic discovery and 2) extracting topics from a multilingual corpus. We propose polylingual tree-based topic models to infer topics in multilingual corpora. We then propose three different inference methods to infer the latent variables. We examine the effectiveness of different inference methods on the task of machine translation in which we use the proposed model to extract domain knowledge that considers both source and target languages. We apply it on a large collection of aligned Chinese-English sentences and show that our model yields significant improvement on BLEU score over strong baselines. Other than parallelization, another approach to deal with scalability is to learn parameters in an online streaming setting. Although many online algorithms have been proposed for LDA, they all overlook a fundamental but challenging problem-- the vocabulary is constantly evolving over time. To address this problem, we propose an online LDA with infinite vocabulary--infvoc LDA. We derive online hybrid inference for our model and propose heuristics to dynamically order, expand, and contract the set of words in our vocabulary. We show that our algorithm is able to discover better topics by incorporating new words into the vocabulary and constantly refining the topics over time. In addition to LDA, we also show generality of the online hybrid inference framework by applying it to adaptor grammars, which are a broader class of models subsuming LDA. With proper grammar rules, it simplifies to the exact LDA model, however, it provides more flexibility to alter or extend LDA with different grammar rules. We develop online hybrid inference for adaptor grammar, and show that our method discovers high-quality structure more quickly than both MCMC and variational inference methods

    In Language and Information Technologies

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    With the rising amount of available multilingual text data, computational linguistics faces an opportunity and a challenge. This text can enrich the domains of NLP applications and improve their performance. Traditional supervised learning for this kind of data would require annotation of part of this text for induction of natural language structure. For these large amounts of rich text, such an annotation task can be daunting and expensive. Unsupervised learning of natural language structure can compensate for the need for such annotation. Natural language structure can be modeled through the use of probabilistic grammars, generative statistical models which are useful for compositional and sequential structures. Probabilistic grammars are widely used in natural language processing, but they are also used in other fields as well, such as computer vision, computational biology and cognitive science. This dissertation focuses on presenting a theoretical and an empirical analysis for the learning of these widely used grammars in the unsupervised setting. We analyze computational properties involved in estimation of probabilisti