1,058 research outputs found

    Hydrodynamic Flows on Curved Surfaces: Spectral Numerical Methods for Radial Manifold Shapes

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    We formulate hydrodynamic equations and spectrally accurate numerical methods for investigating the role of geometry in flows within two-dimensional fluid interfaces. To achieve numerical approximations having high precision and level of symmetry for radial manifold shapes, we develop spectral Galerkin methods based on hyperinterpolation with Lebedev quadratures for L2L^2-projection to spherical harmonics. We demonstrate our methods by investigating hydrodynamic responses as the surface geometry is varied. Relative to the case of a sphere, we find significant changes can occur in the observed hydrodynamic flow responses as exhibited by quantitative and topological transitions in the structure of the flow. We present numerical results based on the Rayleigh-Dissipation principle to gain further insights into these flow responses. We investigate the roles played by the geometry especially concerning the positive and negative Gaussian curvature of the interface. We provide general approaches for taking geometric effects into account for investigations of hydrodynamic phenomena within curved fluid interfaces.Comment: 14 figure

    The Weil-Petersson gradient flow of renormalized volume and 3-dimensional convex cores

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    In this paper, we use the Weil-Petersson gradient flow for renormalized volume to study the space CC(N;S,X)CC(N;S,X) of convex cocompact hyperbolic structures on the relatively acylindrical 3-manifold (N;S)(N;S). Among the cases of interest are the deformation space of an acylindrical manifold and the Bers slice of quasi-Fuchsian space associated to a fixed surface. To treat the possibility of degeneration along flow-lines to peripherally cusped structures, we introduce a surgery procedure to yield a surgered gradient flow that limits to the unique structure Mgeod∈CC(N;S,X)M_{\rm geod} \in CC(N;S,X) with totally geodesic convex core boundary facing SS. Analyzing the geometry of structures along a flow line, we show that if VR(M)V_R(M) is the renormalized volume of MM, then VR(M)βˆ’VR(Mgeod)V_R(M)-V_R(M_{\rm geod}) is bounded below by a linear function of the Weil-Petersson distance dWP(βˆ‚cM,βˆ‚cMgeod)d_{\rm WP}(\partial_c M, \partial_c M_{\rm geod}), with constants depending only on the topology of SS. The surgered flow gives a unified approach to a number of problems in the study of hyperbolic 3-manifolds, providing new proofs and generalizations of well-known theorems such as Storm's result that MgeodM_{\rm geod} has minimal volume for NN acylindrical and the second author's result comparing convex core volume and Weil-Petersson distance for quasifuchsian manifolds
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