11 research outputs found

    Variational Analysis of Marginal Functions with Applications to Bilevel Programming

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    This paper pursues a twofold goal. First to derive new results on generalized differentiation in variational analysis focusing mainly on a broad class of intrinsically nondifferentiable marginal/value functions. Then the results established in this direction apply to deriving necessary optimality conditions for the optimistic version of bilevel programs that occupy a remarkable place in optimization theory and its various applications. We obtain new sets of optimality conditions in both smooth and smooth settings of finite-dimensional and infinite-dimensional spaces

    A Unified Approach to Convex and Convexified Generalized Differentiation of Nonsmooth Functions and Set-Valued Mappings

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    In the early 1960's, Moreau and Rockafellar introduced a concept of called \emph{subgradient} for convex functions, initiating the developments of theoretical and applied convex analysis. The needs of going beyond convexity motivated the pioneer works by Clarke considering generalized differentiation theory of Lipschitz continuous functions. Although Clarke generalized differentiation theory is applicable for nonconvex functions, convexity still plays a crucial role in Clarke subdifferential calculus. In the mid 1970's, Mordukhovich developed another generalized differentiation theory for nonconvex functions and set-valued mappings in which the "umbilical cord with convexity" no longer exists. The primary goal of this paper is to present a unified approach and shed new light on convex and Clarke generalized differentiation theories using the concepts and techniques from Mordukhovich's developments

    KKT reformulation and necessary conditions for optimality in nonsmooth bilevel optimization

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    For a long time, the bilevel programming problem has essentially been considered as a special case of mathematical programs with equilibrium constraints (MPECs), in particular when the so-called KKT reformulation is in question. Recently though, this widespread believe was shown to be false in general. In this paper, other aspects of the difference between both problems are revealed as we consider the KKT approach for the nonsmooth bilevel program. It turns out that the new inclusion (constraint) which appears as a consequence of the partial subdifferential of the lower-level Lagrangian (PSLLL) places the KKT reformulation of the nonsmooth bilevel program in a new class of mathematical program with both set-valued and complementarity constraints. While highlighting some new features of this problem, we attempt here to establish close links with the standard optimistic bilevel program. Moreover, we discuss possible natural extensions for C-, M-, and S-stationarity concepts. Most of the results rely on a coderivative estimate for the PSLLL that we also provide in this paper

    Contributions to complementarity and bilevel programming in Banach spaces

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    In this thesis, we derive necessary optimality conditions for bilevel programming problems (BPPs for short) in Banach spaces. This rather abstract setting reflects our desire to characterize the local optimal solutions of hierarchical optimization problems in function spaces arising from several applications. Since our considerations are based on the tools of variational analysis introduced by Boris Mordukhovich, we study related properties of pointwise defined sets in function spaces. The presence of sequential normal compactness for such sets in Lebesgue and Sobolev spaces as well as the variational geometry of decomposable sets in Lebesgue spaces is discussed. Afterwards, we investigate mathematical problems with complementarity constraints (MPCCs for short) in Banach spaces which are closely related to BPPs. We introduce reasonable stationarity concepts and constraint qualifications which can be used to handle MPCCs. The relations between the mentioned stationarity notions are studied in the setting where the underlying complementarity cone is polyhedric. The results are applied to the situations where the complementarity cone equals the nonnegative cone in a Lebesgue space or is polyhedral. Next, we use the three main approaches of transforming a BPP into a single-level program (namely the presence of a unique lower level solution, the KKT approach, and the optimal value approach) to derive necessary optimality conditions for BPPs. Furthermore, we comment on the relation between the original BPP and the respective surrogate problem. We apply our findings to formulate necessary optimality conditions for three different classes of BPPs. First, we study a BPP with semidefinite lower level problem possessing a unique solution. Afterwards, we deal with bilevel optimal control problems with dynamical systems of ordinary differential equations at both decision levels. Finally, an optimal control problem of ordinary or partial differential equations with implicitly given pointwise state constraints is investigated