107 research outputs found

    Highly rotating viscous compressible fluids in presence of capillarity effects

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    In this paper we study a singular limit problem for a Navier-Stokes-Korteweg system with Coriolis force, in the domain R2×]0,1[\R^2\times\,]0,1[\, and for general ill-prepared initial data. Taking the Mach and the Rossby numbers to be proportional to a small parameter \veps going to 00, we perform the incompressible and high rotation limits simultaneously. Moreover, we consider both the constant capillarity and vanishing capillarity regimes. In this last case, the limit problem is identified as a 22-D incompressible Navier-Stokes equation in the variables orthogonal to the rotation axis. If the capillarity is constant, instead, the limit equation slightly changes, keeping however a similar structure. Various rates at which the capillarity coefficient can vanish are also considered: in most cases this will produce an anisotropic scaling in the system, for which a different analysis is needed. The proof of the results is based on suitable applications of the RAGE theorem.Comment: Version 2 includes a corrigendum, which fixes errors contained in the proofs to Theorems 6.5 and 6.

    Existence of global strong solutions for the shallow-water equations with large initial data

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    This work is devoted to the study of a viscous shallow-water system with friction and capillarity term. We prove in this paper the existence of global strong solutions for this system with some choice of large initial data when N2N\geq 2 in critical spaces for the scaling of the equations. More precisely, we introduce as in \cite{Hprepa} a new unknown,\textit{a effective velocity} v=u+\mu\n\ln h (uu is the classical velocity and hh the depth variation of the fluid) with μ\mu the viscosity coefficient which simplifies the system and allow us to cancel out the coupling between the velocity uu and the depth variation hh. We obtain then the existence of global strong solution if m0=h0v0m_{0}=h_{0}v_{0} is small in B2,1N1B^{\N-1}_{2,1} and (h01)(h_{0}-1) large in B2,1NB^{\N}_{2,1}. In particular it implies that the classical momentum m0=h0u0m_{0}^{'}=h_{0} u_{0} can be large in B2,1N1B^{\N-1}_{2,1}, but small when we project m0m_{0}^{'} on the divergence field. These solutions are in some sense \textit{purely compressible}. We would like to point out that the friction term term has a fundamental role in our work inasmuch as coupling with the pressure term it creates a damping effect on the effective velocity

    Global Existence and Vanishing Dispersion Limit of Strong/Classical Solutions to the One-dimensional Compressible Quantum Navier-Stokes Equations with Large Initial Data

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    We are concerned with the global existence and vanishing dispersion limit of strong/classical solutions to the Cauchy problem of the one-dimensional barotropic compressible quantum Navier-Stokes equations, which consists of the compressible Navier-Stokes equations with a linearly density-dependent viscosity and a nonlinear third-order differential operator known as the quantum Bohm potential. The pressure p(ρ)=ργp(\rho)=\rho^\gamma is considered with γ1\gamma\geq1 being a constant. We focus on the case when the viscosity constant ν\nu and the Planck constant ε\varepsilon are not equal. Under some suitable assumptions on ν,ε,γ\nu,\varepsilon, \gamma, and the initial data, we proved the global existence and large-time behavior of strong and classical solutions away from vacuum to the compressible quantum Navier-Stokes equations with arbitrarily large initial data. This result extends the previous ones on the construction of global strong large-amplitude solutions of the compressible quantum Navier-Stokes equations to the case νε\nu\neq\varepsilon. Moreover, the vanishing dispersion limit for the classical solutions of the quantum Navier-Stokes equations is also established with certain convergence rates. The proof is based on a new effective velocity which converts the quantum Navier-Stokes equations into a parabolic system, and some elaborate estimates to derive the uniform-in-time positive lower and upper bounds on the specific volume.Comment: 40page