66 research outputs found


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    There has been a recent trend towards purchasing land for farmland preservation, wildlife refuges, other conservation, and cultural and historical preservation. There is a great deal of unexplained variation in the dollars paid per acre for these properties. The theoretical basis for this analysis is an option value model with stochastic returns to development. The data used in our analysis is sales transactions data for natural resource conservation and farmland preservation purposes from throughout the United States. We find that land, when it would be best used for development, but is not developed, has a significantly higher price.Land Economics/Use,

    Valuing Preservation and Improvements of Water Quality in Clear Lake

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    This report presents summary statistics and other results of a survey of Clear Lake visitors and residents. Drawing on survey results, the authors present information on recreational usage of the lake, attitudes of recreators and local residents toward possible watershed management changes, and estimates of visitors\u27 and residents\u27 willingness to pay for water quality improvements at the lake. Support for the survey was provided by the Iowa Department of Natural Resources

    Testing for the Internal Consistency of Choice Experiments Using Explicit Rankings of Quality Attributes

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    Choice experiments (CEs) are an increasingly important tool in the environmental valuation literature because of their ability to deal with multifaceted environmental issues and their basis in random utility theory. One particularly useful aspect of the CE method is that it allows researchers to estimate marginal rates of substitution between an environmental resource’s various attributes. These marginal rates of substitution provide an implicit ranking of the attributes, which can be compared with other ranking mechanisms. In this paper we describe a method for testing for the internal consistency of choice experiments by comparing the implicit attribute ranking generated by a CE with that generated by an explicit attribute-ranking exercise. The analysis uses data gathered through a unique survey in which respondents completed both a CE exercise and an attribute-ranking exercise indicating their preferences over pollution abatement and water quality improvement strategies for a freshwater lake in north-central Iowa. Comparisons are made on a sample-wide basis as well as an individual basis.Environmental valuation, choice experiments, internal consistency

    Data on Deck: A Case Study of a Historic Undersea Film and Video Digitization Project

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    In 2021, the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) Data Library and Archives (DLA), a part of the MBLWHOI (Marine Biological Laboratory Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution) Library, received a grant from the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR) Recordings at Risk (RAR) program to catalog, digitize, preserve, and make available historic films and videos of Alvin, the first-of-its-kind manned submersible vessel that has shown us more of the deep ocean than had ever been possible and transformed our understanding of life on Earth. These moving images have not been accessible to researchers and were far past the intended life cycle of their respective media formats. There was significant risk of complete image loss of these groundbreaking films if we attempted to view them. With the CLIR grant, we were able to migrate these significant moving images. In this paper, we will share our experience of designing and implementing this project, we will document the historic importance of these films, and we will briefly review the current literature on archival digitization and digital preservation practices

    Willingness to Pay for Clear Lake Cleanup

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    The water quality in Iowa’s lakes has been a hot topic lately. Concerns about the water quality in many of the state’s lakes have brought increased attention to the value of the lakes as a recreational resource. One lake that has experienced recent water quality problems, as well as the accompanying publicity, is Clear Lake, located in Cerro Gordo County

    Preservation management of written heritage in libraries – theoretical foundations

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    Cilj je ovog rada pregledno izložiti teorijske pretpostavke vezane za zaštitu pisane baštine u knjižnicama i naglasiti pritom važnost i ulogu upravljanja zaštitom. Sustavan i sveobuhvatan pristup problematici zaštite uključuje razumijevanje i definiranje svrhe i ciljeva zaštite, načela koja leže u temelju svih aktivnosti zaštite, nazivlja i metodologije te okvira u kojima se zaštita provodi – strateških, ekonomskih, pravnih, institucionalnih i drugih. Upravo se takav sveobuhvatan pristup, objedinjen pogledima iz različitih vidova zaštite, u potpunosti ostvaruje kroz upravljanje zaštitom. Upravljanje zaštitom moguće je definirati kao sustavnu i planiranu organizaciju osoblja i novčanih sredstava te potrebnih aktivnosti kako bi se osigurala trajnost i dostupnost građe, u skladu s poslanjem određene ustanove. U radu se problematizira pet temeljnih vidova upravljanja zaštitom te propituje mogućnost njihove primjene u planiranju i organizaciji zaštite, što u konačnici vodi prema učinkovitom upravljanju zaštitom pisane baštine u knjižnicama.The paper presents theoretical overview of written heritage preservation issues with an emphasis on preservation management. Systematic and comprehensive approach to preservation issues includes understanding and defining preservation aim and purpose, preservation principles, terminology and methodology as well as frameworks in which preservation is conducted such as strategic, economic, legal, institutional and other. Such comprehensive approach is implemented in preservation management. Preservation management can be defined as a systematic and planned organization of human and financial resources and other infrastructure and activities necessary to insure longevity, welfare and usability of library materials, according to the specific mission of the institution. The paper analyzes five aspects of preservation management and examines the possibility of their use in planning and organizing preservation activities

    Valuing Resource Access with Seminonparametric Techniques: An Application to Clear Lake

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    The focus of this investigation is three-fold. First, seminonparametric techniques are considered in order to avoid the pitfall of imparting bias on value estimates. Second, the efficacy of seminonparametric techniques are explored in an empirical setting by valuing recreational access at Clear Lake, Iowa. Finally, a technique from Eastwood and Gallant (1991) is adapted and applied to the count data model