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    Most current projects aimed at in-home monitoring for the elderly appear to focus on demonstrating technical feasibility and ensuring safety. In doing so, they often overlook the complexity of the interactions between the elderly and the caregivers. This study explores this complexity by adopting a value-inspired design perspective. Following an action design method, we describe the (re)design of the system and service protocol for an elderly-home monitoring effort. The work requires that we leverage the capabilities (of the technological infrastructure system as well as the service providers) to reconcile the values held by the participants (the elderly and their caregivers). We report design principles developed via this effort, and show that they can enhance the outcomes in such projects

    Mobile Phone Use by the Elderly: Relationship between Usability, Social Activity, and the Environment

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    [EN] Mobile phones have caused diverging opinions regarding the change in communication patterns and the isolation among young people. However, in the case of the elderly, there are positive ef ects related to their use, their social activity, and their environmental awareness. This study connects these three variables beginning with the mobile telephone use by the elderly. A sample of 399 self-reliant elderly people was interviewed in Chile, where 159 had mobile phones. They answered the Usefulness, Satisfaction and Ease of Use Questionnaire (USE) and a series of questions about the environment and social life developed from previous studies. The results were analyzed using a multiple correspondence and correlation analysis. A high correlation between the three variables was found. Hence, a higher usability of mobile phones was associated with higher social activity and a higher environmental concern. These results showed that a design approach for the elderly could increase satisfaction regarding the use of a product and, as a result, improve communication with their social setting. From an environmental point of view, an indirect relationship was seen between the selection, use, and expectations of the end of life of the products.This research was funded by CONICYT FONDECYT grant number 1171037.Briede-Westermeyer, JC.; Pacheco-Blanco, B.; Luzardo-Briceño, M.; Pérez-Villalobos, C. (2020). Mobile Phone Use by the Elderly: Relationship between Usability, Social Activity, and the Environment. 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