4 research outputs found

    Value-based notification conditions in large-scale publish/subscribe systems. InVLDB

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    We address the problem of providing scalable support for subscriptions with personalized value-based notification conditions in widearea publish/subscribe systems. Notification conditions can be finetuned by subscribers, allowing precise and flexible control of when events are delivered to the subscribers. For example, a user may specify that she should be notified if and only if the price of a particular stock moves outside a “radius ” around her last notified value. Naive techniques for handling notification conditions are not scalable. It is challenging to share subscription processing and notification dissemination of subscriptions with personalized valuebased notification conditions, because two subscriptions may see two completely different sequences of notifications even if they specify the same radius. We develop and experimentally evaluate scalable processing and dissemination techniques for these subscriptions. Our approach uses standard network substrates for notification dissemination, and avoids pushing complex application processing into the network. Compared with other alternatives, our approach generates orders of magnitude lower network traffic, and incurs lower server processing cost.

    Forecasting in Database Systems

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    Time series forecasting is a fundamental prerequisite for decision-making processes and crucial in a number of domains such as production planning and energy load balancing. In the past, forecasting was often performed by statistical experts in dedicated software environments outside of current database systems. However, forecasts are increasingly required by non-expert users or have to be computed fully automatically without any human intervention. Furthermore, we can observe an ever increasing data volume and the need for accurate and timely forecasts over large multi-dimensional data sets. As most data subject to analysis is stored in database management systems, a rising trend addresses the integration of forecasting inside a DBMS. Yet, many existing approaches follow a black-box style and try to keep changes to the database system as minimal as possible. While such approaches are more general and easier to realize, they miss significant opportunities for improved performance and usability. In this thesis, we introduce a novel approach that seamlessly integrates time series forecasting into a traditional database management system. In contrast to flash-back queries that allow a view on the data in the past, we have developed a Flash-Forward Database System (F2DB) that provides a view on the data in the future. It supports a new query type - a forecast query - that enables forecasting of time series data and is automatically and transparently processed by the core engine of an existing DBMS. We discuss necessary extensions to the parser, optimizer, and executor of a traditional DBMS. We furthermore introduce various optimization techniques for three different types of forecast queries: ad-hoc queries, recurring queries, and continuous queries. First, we ease the expensive model creation step of ad-hoc forecast queries by reducing the amount of processed data with traditional sampling techniques. Second, we decrease the runtime of recurring forecast queries by materializing models in a specialized index structure. However, a large number of time series as well as high model creation and maintenance costs require a careful selection of such models. Therefore, we propose a model configuration advisor that determines a set of forecast models for a given query workload and multi-dimensional data set. Finally, we extend forecast queries with continuous aspects allowing an application to register a query once at our system. As new time series values arrive, we send notifications to the application based on predefined time and accuracy constraints. All of our optimization approaches intend to increase the efficiency of forecast queries while ensuring high forecast accuracy

    Algorithms for continuous queries: A geometric approach

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    <p>There has been an unprecedented growth in both the amount of data and the number of users interested in different types of data. Users often want to keep track of the data that match their interests over a period of time. A continuous query, once issued by a user, maintains the matching results for the user as new data (as well as updates to the existing data) continue to arrive in a stream. However, supporting potentially millions of continuous queries is a huge challenge. This dissertation addresses the problem of scalably processing a large number of continuous queries over a wide-area network. </p><p>Conceptually, the task of supporting distributed continuous queries can be divided into two components--event processing (computing the set of affected users for each data update) and notification dissemination (notifying the set of affected users). The first part of this dissertation focuses on event processing. Since interacting with large-scale data can easily frustrate and overwhelm the users, top-k queries have attracted considerable interest from the database community as they allow users to focus on the top-ranked results only. However, it is nearly impossible to find a set of common top-ranked data that everyone is interested in, therefore, users are allowed to specify their interest in different forms of preferences, such as personalized ranking function and range selection. This dissertation presents geometric frameworks, data structures, and algorithms for answering several types of preference queries efficiently. Experimental evaluations show that our approaches outperform the previous ones by orders of magnitude.</p><p>The second part of the dissertation presents comprehensive solutions to the problem of processing and notifying a large number of continuous range top-k queries across a wide-area network. Simple solutions include using a content-driven network to notify all continuous queries whose ranges contain the update (ignoring top-k), or using a server to compute only the affected continuous queries and notifying them individually. The former solution generates too much network traffic, while the latter overwhelms the server. This dissertation presents a geometric framework which allows the set of affected continuous queries to be described succinctly with messages that can be efficiently disseminated using content-driven networks. Fast algorithms are also developed to reformulate each update into a set of messages whose number is provably optimal, with or without knowing all continuous queries. </p><p>The final component of this dissertation is the design of a wide-area dissemination network for continuous range queries. In particular, this dissertation addresses the problem of assigning users to servers in a wide-area content-based publish/subscribe system. A good assignment should consider both users' interests and locations, and balance multiple performance criteria including bandwidth, delay, and load balance. This dissertation presents a Monte Carlo approximation algorithm as well as a simple greedy algorithm. The Monte Carlo algorithm jointly considers multiple performance criteria to find a broker-subscriber assignment and provides theoretical performance guarantees. Using this algorithm as a yardstick, the greedy algorithm is also concluded to work well across a wide range of workloads.</p>Dissertatio