187 research outputs found

    Validation of the porous-medium approach to model interlayer-cooled 3D-chip stacks

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    Interlayer cooling is the only heat removal concept which scales with the number of active tiers in a vertically integrated chip stack. In this work, we numerically and experimentally characterize the performance of a three tier chip stack with a footprint of 1cm2. The implementation of 100ÎŒm pitch area array interconnect compatible heat transfer structures results in a maximal junction temperature increase of 54.7K at 1bar pressure drop with water as coolant for 250W/cm2 hot-spot and 50W/cm2 background heat flux. The total power removed was 390W which corresponds to a 3.9kW/cm3 volumetric heat flow. An efficient multi-scale modeling approach is proposed to predict the temperature response in the complete chip stack. The experimental validation confirmed an accuracy of +/- 10%. Detailed sub-domain modeling with parameter extraction is the base for the system level porous-media calculations with thermal field-coupling between solid – fluid and solid – solid interfaces. Furthermore, the strength and weakness of microchannel and pin fin heat transfer geometries in 2-port and 4-port fluid architectures is identified. Microchannels efficiently mitigate hot spots by distributing the dissipated heat to multiple cavities due to their low porosity. Pin fins with improved permeability and convective heat dissipation are advantageous at small power map contrast and aligned hot spots on the different tiers. Large stacks of 4cm2 can be cooled sufficiently by the 4-port fluid delivery architecture. The flow rate is improved four times compared to the 2-port fluid manifold. The non-uniformity of the flow in case of the 4-port demands a more careful floor- planning with hot spots placed in the chip stack corners. This is especially true in case of communicating heat transfer geometries such as pin fin structures with zero fluid velocity in the stack center. This large velocity contrast can be reduced by the implementation of non- communicating microchannels

    System-Level Thermal-Aware Design of 3D Multiprocessors with Inter-Tier Liquid Cooling

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    Rising chip temperatures and aggravated thermal reliability issues have characterized the emergence of 3D multiprocessor system-on-chips (3D-MPSoCs), necessitating the development of advanced cooling technologies. Microchannel based inter-tier liquid cooling of ICs has been envisaged as the most promising solution to this problem. A system-level thermal-aware design of electronic systems becomes imperative with the advent of these new cooling technologies, in order to preserve the reliable functioning of these ICs and effective management of the rising energy budgets of high-performance computing systems. This paper reviews the recent advances in the area of systemlevel thermal modeling and management techniques for 3D multiprocessors with advanced liquid cooling. These concepts are combined to present a vision of a green data center of the future which reduces the CO2 emissions by reusing the heat it generates

    3D-ICE: a Compact Thermal Model for Early-Stage Design of Liquid-Cooled ICs

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    Liquid-cooling using microchannel heat sinks etched on silicon dies is seen as a promising solution to the rising heat fluxes in two-dimensional and stacked three-dimensional integrated circuits. Development of such devices requires accurate and fast thermal simulators suitable for early-stage design. To this end, we present 3D-ICE, a compact transient thermal model (CTTM), for liquid-cooled ICs. 3D-ICE was first advanced by incorporating the 4-resistor model based CTTM (4RM-based CTTM). It was enhanced to speed up simulations and to include complex heat sink geometries such as pin fins using the new 2 resistor model (2RM-based CTTM). In this paper, we extend the 3D-ICE model to include liquid-cooled ICs with multi-port cavities, i.e., cavities with more than one inlet and one outlet ports, and non-straight microchannels. Simulation studies using a realistic 3D multiprocessor system-on-chip (MPSoC) with a 4-port microchannel cavity highlight the impact of using 4-port cavity on temperature and also demonstrate the superior performance of 2RM-based CTTM compared to 4RM-based CTTM. We also present an extensive review of existing literature and the derivation of the 3D-ICE model, creating a comprehensive study of liquid-cooled ICs and their thermal simulation from the perspective of computer systems design. Finally, the accuracy of 3D-ICE has been evaluated against measurements from a real liquid-cooled 3D IC, which is the first such validation of a simulator of this genre. Results show strong agreement (average error<10%), demonstrating that 3D-ICE is an effective tool for early-stage thermal-aware design of liquid-cooled 2D/3D ICs

    Hierarchical Thermal Management Policy for High-Performance 3D Systems with Liquid Cooling

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    3-Dimensional integrated circuits and systems are expected to be present in electronic products in the short term. We consider specifically 3-D multi-processor systems-onchip (MPSoCs), realized by stacking silicon CMOS chips and interconnecting them by means of through-silicon vias (TSVs). Because of the high power density of devices and interconnect in the 3D stack, thermal issues pose critical challenges, such as hot-spot avoidance and thermal gradient reduction. Thermal management is achieved by a combination of active control of on-chip switching rates as well as active interlayer cooling with pressurized fluids. In this paper, we propose a novel online thermal management policy for high-performance 3D systems with liquid cooling. Our proposed controller uses a hierarchical approach with a global controller regulating the active cooling and local controllers (on each layer) performing dynamic voltage and frequency scaling (DVFS) and interacting with the global controller. Then, the online control is achieved by policies that are computed off-line by solving an optimization problem that considers the thermal profile of 3D-MPSoCs, its evolution over time and current time-varying workload requirements. The proposed hierarchical scheme is scalable to complex (and heterogeneous) 3D chip stacks. We perform experiments on a 3D-MPSoC case study with different interlayer cooling structures, using benchmarks ranging from web-accessing to playing multimedia. Results show significant advantages in terms of energy savings that reaches values up to 50% versus state-of-the-art thermal control techniques for liquid cooling, and thermal balance with differences of less than 10oC per layer

    Attaining Single-Chip, High-Performance Computing Through 3D Systems with Active Cooling

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    Three-dimensional (3D) stacking is an attractive method for designing large manycore chips as it provides high transistor integration densities, improves manufacturing yield due to smaller chip area, reduces wirelength and capacitance, and enables heterogeneous integration of different technologies on the same chip. Stacking, however, significantly increases the thermal resistivity and the on-chip temperatures. In fact, temperature is among the major manufacturing challenges for 3D design. Active cooling, where the chip is cooled through the liquid flowing in built-in microchannels or through a cold plate, has emerged as a viable cooling alternative for high-performance 3D manycore systems. Liquid cooling is more efficient in removing the heat in comparison to conventional cooling methods with heat sinks and fans. Nevertheless, the dynamically changing nature of workloads running on manycore systems require runtime techniques to enable energy-efficient, reliable, and high-performance operation of liquid-cooled 3D systems. This article focuses on the benefits and the challenges of 3D design, and discusses novel techniques to integrate predictive cooling control with chip-level thermal management methods such as job scheduling and voltage frequency scaling. The key message is that 3D liquid-cooled systems with intelligent runtime management provide an energy-efficient solution to designing future single-chip high-performance manycore architectures

    PowerCool: Simulation of Cooling and Powering of 3D MPSoCs with Integrated Flow Cell Arrays

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    Integrated Flow-Cell Arrays (FCAs) represent a combination of integrated liquid cooling and on-chip power generation, converting chemical energy of the flowing electrolyte solutions to electrical energy. The FCA technology provides a promising way to address both heat removal and power delivery issues in 3D Multiprocessor Systems-on-Chips (MPSoCs). In this paper we motivate the benefits of FCA in 3D MPSoCs via a qualitative analysis and explore the capabilities of the proposed technology using our extended PowerCool simulator. PowerCool is a tool that performs combined compact thermal and electrochemical simulation of 3D MPSoCs with inter-tier FCA-based cooling and power generation. We validate our electrochemical model against experimental data obtained using a micro-scale FCA, and extend PowerCool with a compact thermal model (3D-ICE) and subthreshold leakage estimation. We show the sensitivity of the FCA cooling and power generation on the design-time (FCA geometry) and run-time (fluid inlet temperature, flow rate) parameters. Our results show that we can optimize the FCA to keep maximum chip temperature below 95 °C for an average chip power consumption of 50 W/cm2 while generating up to 3.6 W per cm2 of chip area

    A semi-analytical approach for optimized design of microchannel liquid-cooled ICs

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    The development of embedded and interlayer liquid cooling in integrated circuits (ICs) using silicon microchannels has gained interest in the recent years owing to the rise of on-chip heat uses that aggravate thermal reliability issues of the emerging 3D stacked ICs. Further development of such devices and their translation to commercial applications depend largely on the availability of tools and methodologies that can enable the "temperature-aware" design of liquid- cooled microprocessors and 2D/3D multiprocessor systems-on-chip (MPSoCs). Recently, two optimal design methods have been proposed for liquid-cooled microchannel ICs: one to minimize on-chip temperature gradients and the other, called GreenCool, to maximize energy eciency in the coolant pumping eort. Both these methods rely upon the concept of channel width modulation to modify the thermal behaviour of a microchannel liquid-cooled heat sink. At the heart of both these methods is a new semi-analytical mathematical model for heat transfer in liquid-cooled ICs. Such a mathematical model enables the application of gradient descent approaches, such as non-linear programming, in the search for the most optimally performing channel design in a huge multi-dimensional design space. In this paper, we thoroughly quantify the impact and efficiency of the semi-analytical model, combined with non-linear programming, when compared against several numerical optimization mechanisms. Our experimental evaluation shows that non-linear programming, alongside the semi-analytical model, is up to 23x faster than conventional randomized/heuristic design approaches such as genetic algorithms and simulated annealing using fully-numerical thermal models

    Hybrid microfluidic cooling and thermal isolation technologies for 3D ICs

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    A key challenge for three dimensional (3D) integrated circuits (ICs) is thermal management. There are two main thermal challenges in typical 3D ICs. First, in the homogeneous integration with multiple high-power tiers, an effective cooling solution that scales with the number of dice in the stack is needed. Second, in the heterogeneous integration, an effective thermal isolation solution is needed to ‘protect’ the low-power tier from the high-power tier. This research focuses to address these two thermal challenges through hybrid microfluidic cooling and thermal isolation technologies. Within-tier microfluidic cooling is proposed and demonstrated to cool a stack with multiple high-power tiers. Electrical thermal co-analysis is performed to understand the trade-offs between through silicon via (TSV) parasitics and heat sink performance. A TSV-compatible micropin-fin heat sink is designed, fabricated and thermally characterized in a single tier, and benchmarked with a conventional air-cooled heat sink. The designed heat sink has a thermal resistance of 0.269 K·cm2/W at a flow rate of 70 mL/min. High aspect ratios TSVs (18:1) are integrated in the micropin-fins. Within-tier microfluidic cooling is then implemented in 3D stacks to emulate different heating scenarios, such as memory-on-processor and processor-on-processor. Air gap and mechanically flexible interconnects (MFIs) are proposed for the first time to decrease the vertical thermal coupling between high-power (e.g. processor) and low-power tiers (e.g. memory or nanophotonics). A two-tier testbed with the proposed thermal isolation technology is designed, fabricated and tested. Compared with conventional 3D integration approach, thermal isolation technology helps reduce the temperature at a fixed location in the low-tier by 12.9 °C. The resistance of a single MFI is measured to be 46.49 m℩.Ph.D

    Design of Thermal Management Control Policies for Multiprocessors Systems on Chip

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    The contribution of this thesis is a thorough study of thermal aware policy design for MPSoCs. The study includes the modelling of their thermal behavior as well as the improvement and the definition of new thermal management and balancing policies. The work is structured on three main specific disciplines. The areas of contributions are: modeling, algorithms and system design. This thesis extends the field of modeling by proposing new techniques to represent the thermal behavior of MPSoCs using a mathematical formalization. Heat transfer and modelling of physical properties of MPSoCs have been extensively studied. Special emphasis is given to the way the system cools down (i.e. micro-cooling, natural heat dissipation etc.) and the heat propagates inside the MPSoC. The second contribution of this work is related to policies, which manage MPSoC working frequencies and micro-cooling pumps to satisfy user requirements in the most effective possible way, while consuming the lowest possible amount of resources. Several families of thermal policies algorithms have been studied and analyzed in this work for both 2D and 3D MPSoCs including liquid cooling technologies. The discipline of system design has also been extended during the development of this thesis. Thermal management policies have been implemented in real emulation platforms and contributions in this area are related to the design and implementation of proposed innovations in real MPSoC platforms

    Temperature-Aware Design and Management for 3D Multi-Core Architectures

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    Vertically-integrated 3D multiprocessors systems-on-chip (3D MPSoCs) provide the means to continue integrating more functionality within a unit area while enhancing manufacturing yields and runtime performance. However, 3D MPSoCs incur amplified thermal challenges that undermine the corresponding reliability. To address these issues, several advanced cooling technologies, alongside temperature-aware design-time optimizations and run-time management schemes have been proposed. In this monograph, we provide an overall survey on the recent advances in temperature-aware 3D MPSoC considerations. We explore the recent advanced cooling strategies, thermal modeling frameworks, design-time optimizations and run-time thermal management schemes that are primarily targeted for 3D MPSoCs. Our aim of proposing this survey is to provide a global perspective, highlighting the advancements and drawbacks on the recent state-of-the-ar
