27 research outputs found

    Cascading blackout overall structure and some implications for sampling and mitigation

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    Cascading blackouts can be thought of as initiating events followed by propagating events that progressively weaken the power system. We briefly discuss the implications for assessing cascading risk by proper sampling from the various sources of uncertainty and for mitigating cascading risk by reducing both the initiating events and their propagation

    Cascading Power Outages Propagate Locally in an Influence Graph that is not the Actual Grid Topology

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    In a cascading power transmission outage, component outages propagate non-locally, after one component outages, the next failure may be very distant, both topologically and geographically. As a result, simple models of topological contagion do not accurately represent the propagation of cascades in power systems. However, cascading power outages do follow patterns, some of which are useful in understanding and reducing blackout risk. This paper describes a method by which the data from many cascading failure simulations can be transformed into a graph-based model of influences that provides actionable information about the many ways that cascades propagate in a particular system. The resulting "influence graph" model is Markovian, in that component outage probabilities depend only on the outages that occurred in the prior generation. To validate the model we compare the distribution of cascade sizes resulting from n2n-2 contingencies in a 28962896 branch test case to cascade sizes in the influence graph. The two distributions are remarkably similar. In addition, we derive an equation with which one can quickly identify modifications to the proposed system that will substantially reduce cascade propagation. With this equation one can quickly identify critical components that can be improved to substantially reduce the risk of large cascading blackouts.Comment: Accepted for publication at the IEEE Transactions on Power System

    Validating the OPA Cascading Blackout Model on a 19402 Bus Transmission Network with Both Mesh and Tree Structures

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    The OPA model calculates the long-term risk of cascading blackouts by simulating cascading outages and the slow process of network upgrade in response to blackouts. We validate OPA on a detailed 19402 bus network model of the Western Electricity Coordinating Council (WECC) interconnection with publicly available data. To do this, we examine scalings on a series of WECC interconnection models with increasing detail. The most detailed, 19402 bus network has more tree structures at the edges of the main mesh structure, and we extend the OPA model to account for this. The higher-risk cascading outages are the large cascades that extend across interconnections, so validating cascading models on large networks is crucial to understanding how the real grid behaves. Finally, exploring networks with mixed mesh and tree like structure has implications for the risk analysis for both the transmission grid and other network infrastructures

    Estimating the Propagation of Interdependent Cascading Outages with Multi-Type Branching Processes

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    In this paper, the multi-type branching process is applied to describe the statistics and interdependencies of line outages, the load shed, and isolated buses. The offspring mean matrix of the multi-type branching process is estimated by the Expectation Maximization (EM) algorithm and can quantify the extent of outage propagation. The joint distribution of two types of outages is estimated by the multi-type branching process via the Lagrange-Good inversion. The proposed model is tested with data generated by the AC OPA cascading simulations on the IEEE 118-bus system. The largest eigenvalues of the offspring mean matrix indicate that the system is closer to criticality when considering the interdependence of different types of outages. Compared with empirically estimating the joint distribution of the total outages, good estimate is obtained by using the multitype branching process with a much smaller number of cascades, thus greatly improving the efficiency. It is shown that the multitype branching process can effectively predict the distribution of the load shed and isolated buses and their conditional largest possible total outages even when there are no data of them.Comment: Accepted by IEEE Transactions on Power System

    Can the Markovian influence graph simulate cascading resilience from historical outage data?

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    It is challenging to simulate the cascading line outages that can follow initial damage to the electric power transmission system from extreme events. Instead of model-based simulation, we propose using a Markovian influence graph driven by historical utility data to sample the cascades. The sampling method encompasses the rare, large cascades that contribute greatly to the blackout risk. This suggested new approach contributes a high-level simulation of cascading line outages that is driven by standard utility data

    The Impact of Local Power Balance and Link Reliability on Blackout Risk in Heterogeneous Power Transmission Grids

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    Many critical infrastructures such as the power transmission grid are heterogeneous both in their basic structure and in some of their underlying characteristics, This heterogeneity can be good for system robustness if it reduces the spread of failures or bad if it adds risk or vulnerability to the system. In this paper we investigate the effect of heterogeneity in the strength of the links between parts of the system network structures, as well as the balance of local generation and demand, on the robustness of the power transmission grid using the OPA complex system model of the power transmission system. It is found that increasing or decreasing the reliability of the links between parts of the grid changes the likelihood of different size failures with neither being optimal for all sizes. Furthermore, imbalances between load and generation in the local regions further degrades the system reliability

    Comparing a transmission planning study of cascading with historical line outage data

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    The paper presents an initial comparison of a transmission planning study of cascading outages with a statistical analysis of historical outages. The planning study identifies the most vulnerable places in the Idaho system and outages that lead to cascading and interruption of load. This analysis is based on a number of case scenarios (short-term and long-term) that cover different seasonal and operating conditions. The historical analysis processes Idaho outage data and estimates statistics, using the number of transmission line outages as a measure of the extent of cascading. An initial number of lines outaged can lead to a cascading propagation of further outages. How much line outages propagate is estimated from Idaho Power outage data. Also, the paper discusses some similarities in the results and highlights the different assumptions of the two approaches to cascading failure analysis

    Exploring cascading outages and weather via processing historic data

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    We describe some bulk statistics of historical initial line outages and the implications for forming contingency lists and understanding which initial outages are likely to lead to further cascading. We use historical outage data to estimate the effect of weather on cascading via cause codes and via NOAA storm data. Bad weather significantly increases outage rates and interacts with cascading effects, and should be accounted for in cascading models and simulations. We suggest how weather effects can be incorporated into the OPA cascading simulation and validated. There are very good prospects for improving data processing and models for the bulk statistics of historical outage data so that cascading can be better understood and quantified