10 research outputs found

    Unsupervised Acoustic Unit Representation Learning for Voice Conversion using WaveNet Auto-encoders

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    Unsupervised representation learning of speech has been of keen interest in recent years, which is for example evident in the wide interest of the ZeroSpeech challenges. This work presents a new method for learning frame level representations based on WaveNet auto-encoders. Of particular interest in the ZeroSpeech Challenge 2019 were models with discrete latent variable such as the Vector Quantized Variational Auto-Encoder (VQVAE). However these models generate speech with relatively poor quality. In this work we aim to address this with two approaches: first WaveNet is used as the decoder and to generate waveform data directly from the latent representation; second, the low complexity of latent representations is improved with two alternative disentanglement learning methods, namely instance normalization and sliced vector quantization. The method was developed and tested in the context of the recent ZeroSpeech challenge 2020. The system output submitted to the challenge obtained the top position for naturalness (Mean Opinion Score 4.06), top position for intelligibility (Character Error Rate 0.15), and third position for the quality of the representation (ABX test score 12.5). These and further analysis in this paper illustrates that quality of the converted speech and the acoustic units representation can be well balanced.Comment: To be presented in Interspeech 202

    Unsupervised Subword Modeling Using Autoregressive Pretraining and Cross-Lingual Phone-Aware Modeling

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    This study addresses unsupervised subword modeling, i.e., learning feature representations that can distinguish subword units of a language. The proposed approach adopts a two-stage bottleneck feature (BNF) learning framework, consisting of autoregressive predictive coding (APC) as a front-end and a DNN-BNF model as a back-end. APC pretrained features are set as input features to a DNN-BNF model. A language-mismatched ASR system is used to provide cross-lingual phone labels for DNN-BNF model training. Finally, BNFs are extracted as the subword-discriminative feature representation. A second aim of this work is to investigate the robustness of our approach's effectiveness to different amounts of training data. The results on Libri-light and the ZeroSpeech 2017 databases show that APC is effective in front-end feature pretraining. Our whole system outperforms the state of the art on both databases. Cross-lingual phone labels for English data by a Dutch ASR outperform those by a Mandarin ASR, possibly linked to the larger similarity of Dutch compared to Mandarin with English. Our system is less sensitive to training data amount when the training data is over 50 hours. APC pretraining leads to a reduction of needed training material from over 5,000 hours to around 200 hours with little performance degradation.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures. Accepted for publication in INTERSPEECH 2020, Shanghai, Chin

    The Zero Resource Speech Challenge 2019: TTS without T

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    International audienceWe present the Zero Resource Speech Challenge 2019, which proposes to build a speech synthesizer without any text or pho-netic labels: hence, TTS without T (text-to-speech without text). We provide raw audio for a target voice in an unknown language (the Voice dataset), but no alignment, text or labels. Participants must discover subword units in an unsupervised way (using the Unit Discovery dataset) and align them to the voice recordings in a way that works best for the purpose of synthesizing novel utterances from novel speakers, similar to the target speaker's voice. We describe the metrics used for evaluation , a baseline system consisting of unsupervised subword unit discovery plus a standard TTS system, and a topline TTS using gold phoneme transcriptions. We present an overview of the 19 submitted systems from 10 teams and discuss the main results