4 research outputs found

    Results of the WMT15 Metrics Shared Task

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    This paper presents the results of the WMT15 Metrics Shared Task. We asked participants of this task to score the outputs of the MT systems involved in the WMT15 Shared Translation Task. We collected scores of 46 metrics from 11 research groups. In addition to that, we computed scores of 7 standard metrics (BLEU, SentBLEU, NIST, WER, PER, TER and CDER) as baselines. The collected scores were evaluated in terms of system level correlation (how well each metric's scores correlate with WMT15 official manual ranking of systems) and in terms of segment level correlation (how often a metric agrees with humans in comparing two translations of a particular sentence)

    Linguistic features of genre and method variation in translation: A computational perspective

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    From The Grammar of Genres and Styles - From Discrete to Non-Discrete Units. Edited by Legallois, D., Charnois, T. and Larjavaara, M.In this contribution we describe the use of text classification methods to investigate genre and method variation in an English - German translation corpus. For this purpose we use linguistically motivated features representing texts using a combination of part-of-speech tags arranged in bigrams, trigrams, and 4-grams. The classification method used in this study is a Bayesian classifier with Laplace smoothing. We use the output of the classifiers to carry out an extensive feature analysis on the main difference between genres and methods of translation

    VERTa participation in the WMT14 Metrics Task

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    In this paper we present VERTa, a lin-guistically-motivated metric that com-bines linguistic features at different lev-els. We provide the linguistic motivation on which the metric is based, as well as describe the different modules in VERTa and how they are combined. Finally, we describe the two versions of VERTa, VERTa-EQ and VERTa-W, sent to WMT14 and report results obtained in the experiments conducted with the WMT12 and WMT13 data into English.