7,680 research outputs found

    A qualitative inquiry of ICT based socio-economic development in developing countries: the case of Pakistan.

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    The role of information communication technologies (ICT) growth in citizens’ political participation, socio-economic development, and poverty alleviation is an active area of study within information systems (IS) research in developing countries. This dissertation contributes in (1) developing an historical perspective of ICT growth, (2) identifying antecedents of ICT growth, (3) proposing extensions in ‘design-actuality gaps framework’ (for ICT policy analysis), (4) extending dimensions of ICT based socio-economic development, and (5) in integrating relationship between ICT growth and socio-economic development. The data collection was done in three phases from December 2006 to January 2009 in Pakistan. A total of 54 officials who made or influenced government’s ICT policies and 46 citizens participated. The qualitative analysis shows that government’s policies play an important role in ICT growth. However, political instability and lack of citizens’ involvement in policy design leads to inconsistent policies which can impede realization of the benefits of ICT growth. The findings have practical implications for government’s ICT policy design and evaluation, understanding of the antecedents of ICT growth, and ICT based socio-economic development. The recommendations for ICT policy design in this research can potentially benefit governments in increasing citizens’ quality of life, socio-economic development, and poverty alleviation

    Med-e-Tel 2017

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    Digital Transformation of Education and Sustainability-Review Based Study

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    Since 1990, the usage of internet as well as digitization has significantly increased. Digital transformation is the process of using, adoption of digital technology or information technology by an organisation to embed or digitalize products and services. A brief picture of types of learning, educational technology like Artificial intelligence, Metaverse, AR&VR, IoT, how digital transformation enables to meet UN SDG 4 is portrayed in this paper

    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationOne out of every six children in sub-Saharan Africa dies from treatable diseases before reaching age 5. Millions of these deaths could be averted if health care providers followed evidence-based protocols, such as the Integrated Management of Childhood Illnesses (IMCI), to provide care. IMCI assists providers to diagnose and treat problems for children under 5, and specifies key information for the provider to teach to the child's caretaker. While IMCI has been adopted as official policy throughout Tanzania, the protocol has been neither universally used nor consistently followed. An innovative IMCI-based protocol that runs on a mobile phone, called eIMCI, was designed for this study using user-centered design (UCD) principles to assist provider navigation of the protocol and improve provider-caretaker communication of key information points, including the problem and treatment of the child, and when to return to the clinic. The electronic protocol, eIMCI, was compared to an equivalent paper-based protocol, pIMCI. This study was based on the mHealth Communications Theoretical Framework. The aims of the study were to (1) utilize UCD design principles to develop eIMCI and evaluate its usability, and (2) evaluate the effect of protocol delivery platform on (a) provider communication and (b) caretaker recall of key information points. A randomized cluster trial was conducted in which health care clinics in Tanzania were randomized to implement each platform. Results suggested that electronic protocol use led to improved provider-caretaker communication. Providers who used eIMCI were more likely to give counseling that covered the key information points specified, and caretakers in the eIMCI arm recalled more of these key information points overall. The implications of this work suggested that the eIMCI mobile protocol may lead to improved provider-caretaker communication, which may result in a greater ability for caretakers to carry out treatment plans in the home. When utilizing mobile devices to deliver such interventions, the structure, clarity, and direction enabled by the electronic platform are suggested to promote adoption of the complete sphere of high-quality clinical care. As such adoption is continued, understanding of key health information may become firmly rooted in caretaker health literacy levels

    Can cyber technology be resilient and green?

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    There are some key events that have characterised the recent period one of these is the so-called digital transformation considered the natural evolution of the current society in the light of a pervasive technology like digital technology. Digital technology is intertwined with almost all the life sectors. Since the dawn of digital technology, the number of application and solutions based on such technology had a surprising rate of growth. Nowadays there is no field of human knowledge that doesn’t take advantage or is based on digital: communication, education, government, health, energy, mobility, etc.. We are increasing leaving the analog, face to face, paper-based world to enter the intangible digital mediated one. At the same time, society already faced several relevant cyber infrastructure malfunctions and attacks due to hackers, some targeting Governmental or Law Enforcement agencies and Institutions, some targeting critical infrastructures, others targeting big companies. Nowadays we are surrounded by “critical infrastructures” managed by cyber components that, in case of attacks, may create minor or mayor impacts on our daily life. The actual trend is to transfer to the digital domain as much as possible any “traditional” process and document, so in a glimpse government procedures and citizens documents and data will flow in the format of bit streams, sometimes, under the pressure of critical events this process wasn’t designed to ensure security. Consequently, the more we become digitalised, the more we are vulnerable to hackers and hybrid threats. Of course, the overall scenario includes many other aspects and “shades”. In the “analogue” world we had different pipelines and “channels” to perform, thanks to different tools and means, our activities, in the cyber world the whole activity depends on a single “pillar”: cyber technology. The pervasiveness of cyber technology, the internet and the quick deployment of emerging number crunching applications is emphasizing energy consumption, at the same time the rapid pace of innovation in the field of consumers’ devices produces significant amount of waste to be recycled or disposed. As a consequence, can cyber technology be considered green and resilient

    Studies on Inequalities in Information Society. Proceedings of the Conference, Well-Being in the Information Society

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    Siirretty Doriast


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    Purpose: Information and Communication Technologies are key elements of a civil society response to the HIV/AIDS epidemic, enabling advocacy, mobilization, and empowerment of People Living with HIV (PLWHA), women, and other vulnerable groups. This study sought to investigate the role of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in HIV/AIDS Health Communication in slums through a case study of a project sponsored by AfriAfya in Kawangware division, Nairobi Kenya. AfriAfya, also known as the African Network for Health Knowledge Management and Communication, is a consortium of health NGOs namely: Aga Khan Health Services; African Medical and Research Foundation (AMREF); CARE Kenya; Christian Health Association of Kenya; HealthNet Kenya; the Ministry of Health, Kenya; PLAN International; and World Vision International, Kenya. AfriAfya was set up in April 2000 to explore the ways of harnessing ICTs for community health in rural and marginalized communities.  The study was guided by the following specific objectives: (i) to analyze the ICT interventions and tools used in the fight against HIV/AIDS in Kenya; to examine the benefits derived from adoption of ICTs in the fight against HIV/AIDS in Kenyan slums; to assess the challenges faced in the adoption of ICTs in the fight against HIV/AIDS in the slums in Kenya; and to recommend strategies on how best to employ ICTs in the fight against HIV/AIDS in Kenyan slums. Methods: The data collected by this study was analyzed by descriptive statistics such as percentages, frequencies and tables. In addition, standard deviations and mean scores were used to present information pertaining to the study objectives. The information was presented and discussed as per the objectives and research questions of the study. Findings: Findings of the study indicate that all the four objectives were met as follows:- The tools used in the fight against HIV/AIDS in Kenya were established as being e-mail discussion groups, Internet, Dissemination of information on World Wide Web (www), Radio, Television, and  Distance learning systems. The interventions used in the fight against HIV/AIDS in Kenya were established as being Prevention:-Dissemination of prevention messages as well as prevention services to target groups such as commercial sex workers; School Based Education:- Education and life skills training in the schools for effecting appropriate behavioral changes among youth; and Education of Health Care Workers :- ICTs are being used to improve access to information, education, and communication for health workers using, Internet, email discussion groups, and distance learning systems. The benefits derived from adoption of ICTs in the fight against HIV/AIDS in Kenyan slums were determined as being Social change; empowerment and reduction of vulnerability; advocacy, mobilization, networking and capacity building; Remote consultations and diagnosis; Information sharing; Remote mentoring; Facilitation of Distance learning teaching; and Online Counseling. The challenges of adoption of the ICTs in HIV/AIDS Health Communication were established as being: - Limited connectivity; Poor ICT infrastructure status; High costs of accessing the Internet; and Language barrier. Key Words: Information & Communication Technology, HIV/AIDS, Community Based Organizations

    Second National Development Strategy (2018-2022)

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