8,729 research outputs found

    Continuous-Discrete Path Integral Filtering

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    A summary of the relationship between the Langevin equation, Fokker-Planck-Kolmogorov forward equation (FPKfe) and the Feynman path integral descriptions of stochastic processes relevant for the solution of the continuous-discrete filtering problem is provided in this paper. The practical utility of the path integral formula is demonstrated via some nontrivial examples. Specifically, it is shown that the simplest approximation of the path integral formula for the fundamental solution of the FPKfe can be applied to solve nonlinear continuous-discrete filtering problems quite accurately. The Dirac-Feynman path integral filtering algorithm is quite simple, and is suitable for real-time implementation.Comment: 35 pages, 18 figures, JHEP3 clas

    Econometrics for Learning Agents

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    The main goal of this paper is to develop a theory of inference of player valuations from observed data in the generalized second price auction without relying on the Nash equilibrium assumption. Existing work in Economics on inferring agent values from data relies on the assumption that all participant strategies are best responses of the observed play of other players, i.e. they constitute a Nash equilibrium. In this paper, we show how to perform inference relying on a weaker assumption instead: assuming that players are using some form of no-regret learning. Learning outcomes emerged in recent years as an attractive alternative to Nash equilibrium in analyzing game outcomes, modeling players who haven't reached a stable equilibrium, but rather use algorithmic learning, aiming to learn the best way to play from previous observations. In this paper we show how to infer values of players who use algorithmic learning strategies. Such inference is an important first step before we move to testing any learning theoretic behavioral model on auction data. We apply our techniques to a dataset from Microsoft's sponsored search ad auction system

    What Can We Learn Privately?

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    Learning problems form an important category of computational tasks that generalizes many of the computations researchers apply to large real-life data sets. We ask: what concept classes can be learned privately, namely, by an algorithm whose output does not depend too heavily on any one input or specific training example? More precisely, we investigate learning algorithms that satisfy differential privacy, a notion that provides strong confidentiality guarantees in contexts where aggregate information is released about a database containing sensitive information about individuals. We demonstrate that, ignoring computational constraints, it is possible to privately agnostically learn any concept class using a sample size approximately logarithmic in the cardinality of the concept class. Therefore, almost anything learnable is learnable privately: specifically, if a concept class is learnable by a (non-private) algorithm with polynomial sample complexity and output size, then it can be learned privately using a polynomial number of samples. We also present a computationally efficient private PAC learner for the class of parity functions. Local (or randomized response) algorithms are a practical class of private algorithms that have received extensive investigation. We provide a precise characterization of local private learning algorithms. We show that a concept class is learnable by a local algorithm if and only if it is learnable in the statistical query (SQ) model. Finally, we present a separation between the power of interactive and noninteractive local learning algorithms.Comment: 35 pages, 2 figure

    Solvability and numerical simulation of BSDEs related to BSPDEs with applications to utility maximization.

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    In this paper we study BSDEs arising from a special class of backward stochastic partial differential equations (BSPDEs) that is intimately related to utility maximization problems with respect to arbitrary utility functions. After providing existence and uniqueness we discuss the numerical realizability. Then we study utility maximization problems on incomplete financial markets whose dynamics are governed by continuous semimartingales. Adapting standard methods that solve the utility maximization problem using BSDEs, we give solutions for the portfolio optimization problem which involve the delivery of a liability at maturity. We illustrate our study by numerical simulations for selected examples. As a byproduct we prove existence of a solution to a very particular quadratic growth BSDE with unbounded terminal condition. This complements results on this topic obtained in [6, 7, 8].numerical scheme; stochastic optimal control; utility optimization; quadratic growth; distortion transformation; logarithmic transformation; BSPDE; BSDE;

    MVG Mechanism: Differential Privacy under Matrix-Valued Query

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    Differential privacy mechanism design has traditionally been tailored for a scalar-valued query function. Although many mechanisms such as the Laplace and Gaussian mechanisms can be extended to a matrix-valued query function by adding i.i.d. noise to each element of the matrix, this method is often suboptimal as it forfeits an opportunity to exploit the structural characteristics typically associated with matrix analysis. To address this challenge, we propose a novel differential privacy mechanism called the Matrix-Variate Gaussian (MVG) mechanism, which adds a matrix-valued noise drawn from a matrix-variate Gaussian distribution, and we rigorously prove that the MVG mechanism preserves (ϵ,δ)(\epsilon,\delta)-differential privacy. Furthermore, we introduce the concept of directional noise made possible by the design of the MVG mechanism. Directional noise allows the impact of the noise on the utility of the matrix-valued query function to be moderated. Finally, we experimentally demonstrate the performance of our mechanism using three matrix-valued queries on three privacy-sensitive datasets. We find that the MVG mechanism notably outperforms four previous state-of-the-art approaches, and provides comparable utility to the non-private baseline.Comment: Appeared in CCS'1

    Combinatorial Assortment Optimization

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    Assortment optimization refers to the problem of designing a slate of products to offer potential customers, such as stocking the shelves in a convenience store. The price of each product is fixed in advance, and a probabilistic choice function describes which product a customer will choose from any given subset. We introduce the combinatorial assortment problem, where each customer may select a bundle of products. We consider a model of consumer choice where the relative value of different bundles is described by a valuation function, while individual customers may differ in their absolute willingness to pay, and study the complexity of the resulting optimization problem. We show that any sub-polynomial approximation to the problem requires exponentially many demand queries when the valuation function is XOS, and that no FPTAS exists even for succinctly-representable submodular valuations. On the positive side, we show how to obtain constant approximations under a "well-priced" condition, where each product's price is sufficiently high. We also provide an exact algorithm for kk-additive valuations, and show how to extend our results to a learning setting where the seller must infer the customers' preferences from their purchasing behavior

    Differentially Private Decomposable Submodular Maximization

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    We study the problem of differentially private constrained maximization of decomposable submodular functions. A submodular function is decomposable if it takes the form of a sum of submodular functions. The special case of maximizing a monotone, decomposable submodular function under cardinality constraints is known as the Combinatorial Public Projects (CPP) problem [Papadimitriou et al., 2008]. Previous work by Gupta et al. [2010] gave a differentially private algorithm for the CPP problem. We extend this work by designing differentially private algorithms for both monotone and non-monotone decomposable submodular maximization under general matroid constraints, with competitive utility guarantees. We complement our theoretical bounds with experiments demonstrating empirical performance, which improves over the differentially private algorithms for the general case of submodular maximization and is close to the performance of non-private algorithms