5 research outputs found

    Keliamo turinio strategijos analizė socialinio tinklo „Facebook“ puslapiuose

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    Straipsnyje yra pristatoma socialinio tinklo „Facebook“ puslapiuose keliamo turinio strategijos analizė. Turinio strategija apibūdinama kaip turinio publikavimo planavimas, kūrimas pasirinktomis tematikomis bei kitoks turinio valdymas. Ši analizė buvo atlikta analizuojant tris „Facebook“ puslapius ir naudojantis latentiniu Dirichlė paskirstymo algoritmu, skirtu temų modeliavimui. Temų modeliavimas padeda analizuoti ir geriau suprasti nestruktūrizuotų tekstų rinkinius, kurie savyje slepia daugybę naudingos informacijos. Tyrimo metu, iš beveik 9 tūkst. vaizdo įrašų pavadinimų buvo sudarytos 10 temų, kurios leido detaliau pažvelgti į keliamą turinį. Išanalizavus duomenis buvo atskleistos keliamo turinio strategijos bei jų pasikeitimai nagrinėjamu laikotarpiu

    Author classification using transfer learning and predicting stars in co-author networks

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    © 2020 John Wiley & Sons Ltd The vast amount of data is key challenge to mine a new scholar that is plausible to be star in the upcoming period. The enormous amount of unstructured data raise every year is infeasible for traditional learning; consequently, we need a high quality of preprocessing technique to expand the performance of traditional learning. We have persuaded a novel approach, Authors classification algorithm using Transfer Learning (ACTL) to learn new task on target area to mine the external knowledge from the source domain. Comprehensive experimental outcomes on real-world networks showed that ACTL, Node-based Influence Predicting Stars, Corresponding Authors Mutual Influence based on Predicting Stars, and Specific Topic Domain-based Predicting Stars enhanced the node classification accuracy as well as predicting rising stars to compared with contemporary baseline methods

    Konferencijos „Lietuvos magistrantų informatikos ir IT tyrimai“ darbai

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    The conference "Lithuanian MSc Research in Informatics and ICT" is a venue to present research of Lithuanian MSc theses in informatics and ICT. The aim of the event is to raise skills of MSc and other students, familiarize themselves with the research of other students, encourage their interest in scientific activities. Students from Kaunas University of Technology and Vilnius University will give their presentations at the conference