19 research outputs found

    Using the semantic web as background knowledge for ontology mapping

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    While current approaches to ontology mapping produce good results by mainly relying on label and structure based similarity measures, there are several cases in which they fail to discover important mappings. In this paper we describe a novel approach to ontology mapping, which is able to avoid this limitation by using background knowledge. Existing approaches relying on background knowledge typically have one or both of two key limitations: 1) they rely on a manually selected reference ontology; 2) they suffer from the noise introduced by the use of semi-structured sources, such as text corpora. Our technique circumvents these limitations by exploiting the increasing amount of semantic resources available online. As a result, there is no need either for a manually selected reference ontology (the relevant ontologies are dynamically selected from an online ontology repository), or for transforming background knowledge in an ontological form. The promising results from experiments on two real life thesauri indicate both that our approach has a high precision and also that it can find mappings, which are typically missed by existing approaches

    An Ontology-Based Method for Semantic Integration of Business Components

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    Building new business information systems from reusable components is today an approach widely adopted and used. Using this approach in analysis and design phases presents a great interest and requires the use of a particular class of components called Business Components (BC). Business Components are today developed by several manufacturers and are available in many repositories. However, reusing and integrating them in a new Information System requires detection and resolution of semantic conflicts. Moreover, most of integration and semantic conflict resolution systems rely on ontology alignment methods based on domain ontology. This work is positioned at the intersection of two research areas: Integration of reusable Business Components and alignment of ontologies for semantic conflict resolution. Our contribution concerns both the proposal of a BC integration solution based on ontologies alignment and a method for enriching the domain ontology used as a support for alignment.Comment: IEEE New Technologies of Distributed Systems (NOTERE), 2011 11th Annual International Conference; ISSN: 2162-1896 Print ISBN: 978-1-4577-0729-2 INSPEC Accession Number: 12122775 201

    Bridging the gap between folksonomies and the semantic web: an experience report

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    Abstract. While folksonomies allow tagging of similar resources with a variety of tags, their content retrieval mechanisms are severely hampered by being agnostic to the relations that exist between these tags. To overcome this limitation, several methods have been proposed to find groups of implicitly inter-related tags. We believe that content retrieval can be further improved by making the relations between tags explicit. In this paper we propose the semantic enrichment of folksonomy tags with explicit relations by harvesting the Semantic Web, i.e., dynamically selecting and combining relevant bits of knowledge from online ontologies. Our experimental results show that, while semantic enrichment needs to be aware of the particular characteristics of folksonomies and the Semantic Web, it is beneficial for both.

    Evaluating the semantic web: a task-based approach

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    The increased availability of online knowledge has led to the design of several algorithms that solve a variety of tasks by harvesting the Semantic Web, i.e. by dynamically selecting and exploring a multitude of online ontologies. Our hypothesis is that the performance of such novel algorithms implicity provides an insight into the quality of the used ontologies and thus opens the way to a task-based evaluation of the Semantic Web. We have investigated this hypothesis by studying the lessons learnt about online ontologies when used to solve three tasks: ontology matching, folksonomy enrichment, and word sense disambiguation. Our analysis leads to a suit of conclusions about the status of the Semantic Web, which highlight a number of strengths and weaknesses of the semantic information available online and complement the findings of other analysis of the Semantic Web landscape

    A model for semantic integration of business components

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    Today, reusable components are available in several repositories. These last are certainly conceived for the reusing However, this re-use is not immediate; it requires, in the fact, to pass through some essential conceptual operations, among them in particular, research, integration, adaptation, and composition. We are interested in the present work to the problem of semantic integration of heterogeneous Business Components. This problem is often put in syntactical terms, while the real stake is of semantic order. Our contribution concerns a model proposal for Business components integration as well as resolution method of semantic naming conflicts, met during the integration of Business Components

    Bridging ontologies and folksonomies to leverage knowledge sharing on the social Web: A brief survey

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