3 research outputs found

    Absolute continuity and spectral concentration for slowly decaying potentials

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    We consider the spectral function ρ(μ)\rho(\mu) (μ0)(\mu \geq 0) for the Sturm-Liouville equation y+(λq)y=0y^{''}+(\lambda-q)y =0 on [0,)[0,\infty) with the boundary condition y(0)=0y(0)=0 and where qq has slow decay O(xα)O(x^{-\alpha}) (a>0)(a>0) as xx\to \infty. We develop our previous methods of locating spectral concentration for qq with rapid exponential decay (JCAM 81 (1997) 333-348) to deal with the new theoretical and computational complexities which arise for slow decay