17 research outputs found

    Useful academic references for data mining and usage statistics

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    Relates to the following software for analysing Blackboard stats http://www.edshare.soton.ac.uk/11134/ Is supporting material for the following podcast: http://youtu.be/yHxCzjiYBo

    Examining the Use of Social Media in Customer Co-Creation: A Blog Mining Study

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    Social media have been used by some companies to support customer co-creation in recent years. However, few academic studies have been done to investigate the use of social media for customer co-creation. To understand the current state-of-the-art and future trends about the use of social media for customer co-creation, we conducted a blog mining study to analyze relevant posts on blogs. This blog study reveals some interesting patterns, themes and future trends in this specific area

    Understanding the Impact of Emotional Comments and Image on Resistance Intention and Participation: A Study of Taiwanese Consumers\u27 Buying

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    Consumer resistance behavior is becoming increasingly prevalent in the age of social media, and this study aims to investigate the influence of emotional comments on such behavior and its underlying mechanisms. To achieve this objective, an eye-tracking experiment was conducted, with online comments from actual users on a popular social media platform used as stimuli. The findings indicate that both positive and negative emotional comments are associated with resistance intention and resistance participation, which, in turn, affect consumers\u27 purchasing behavior. Product image was found to be linked to resistance intention, whereas brand image had little impact. Participants\u27 liking or disliking of a comment description may serve as a basis for their behavior. The study underscores the importance of prompt action by managers in addressing inappropriate behaviors in the face of resistance movements. They can accomplish this by highlighting the specific differences between the product before and after improvement and targeting young potential resistance groups to receive the brand\u27s message before they join the resistance movement

    Integrative Learning and Interdisciplinary Information Systems Curriculum Development in Accounting Analytics

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    This paper develops the structure for an integrative model information systems curriculum on Accounting Analytics, which affords students the opportunities to develop domain knowledge along with application of data analytics. As industry experiences rapid technological change, university curricula must remain current in order to be effective. Curriculum content is further advanced and established with input from industry organizations that employ graduates of the programs. The paper output includes a curriculum review of top accounting programs, course curriculum map, accounting data skills matrix, and professional opportunities. The curriculum review utilizes an empirical text analytics methodological approach to extract patterns and develop additional insights for the advancement of accounting information systems research. To minimize curricular disruption, existing courses can be utilized as core curriculum, enhancing key courses to complete undergraduate, graduate, or certificate programs. The Accounting Analytics customized curriculum provides students an opportunity to take advantage of the growing interdisciplinary field and student interest among accounting and analytical career paths. The integrative curriculum is developed to better prepare graduates with the critical knowledge, skills, and abilities to excel in this new-age workforce

    Using Data Mining for Predicting Relationships between Online Question Theme and Final Grade

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    As higher education diversifies its delivery modes, our ability to use the predictive and analytical power of educational data mining (EDM) to understand students\u27 learning experiences is a critical step forward. The adoption of EDM by higher education as an analytical and decision making tool is offering new opportunities to exploit the untapped data generated by various student information systems (SIS) and learning management systems (LMS). This paper describes a hybrid approach which uses EDM and regression analysis to analyse live video streaming (LVS) students\u27 online learning behaviours and their performance in their courses. Students\u27 participation and login frequency, as well as the number of chat messages and questions that they submit to their instructors, were analysed, along with students\u27 final grades. Results of the study show a considerable variability in students\u27 questions and chat messages. Unlike previous studies, this study suggests no correlation between students\u27 number of questions/chat messages/login times and students\u27 success. However, our case study reveals that combining EDM with traditional statistical analysis provides a strong and coherent analytical framework capable of enabling a deeper and richer understanding of students\u27 learning behaviours and experiences

    An Analysis of User-Generated Comments on the Development of Social Mobile Learning

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    In this study, the authors used a mixed-method approach to analyze user-generated comments on social mobile learning from three leading news sites that report the latest development in higher education. Koole’s mobile learning model was used to code comments made by the public on the three news sites. Results showed that social mobile learning has gained an increasing public engagement in the past four years. Responders’ discussion in the comments primarily focused on four themes of social mobile learning: technology adoption, effective design, faculty training, and student training. In the end, the authors discussed the implications for developers and educators and concluded with recommendations for future research in social mobile learning using user-generated comments

    Helicopter parenting through the lens of reddit: A text mining study

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    The study aimed to understand Reddit users’ experience with helicopter parenting through first- hand accounts. Text mining and natural language processing techniques were employed to extract data from the subreddit r/helicopterparents. A total of 713 original posts were processed from unstructured texts to tidy formats. Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA), a popular topic modeling method, was used to discover hidden themes within the corpus. The data revealed common environmental contexts of helicopter parenting (i.e., school, college, work, and home) and its implication on college decisions, privacy, and social relationships. These collectively suggested the importance of autonomy-supportive parenting and mindfulness interventions as viable solutions to the problems posed by helicopter parenting. In addition, findings lent support to past research that has identified more maternal than paternal models of helicopter parenting. Further research on the implications of the COVID-19 pandemic on helicopter parenting is warranted

    The Role of Delivery Methods on the Perceived Learning Performance and Satisfaction of IT Students in Software Programming Courses

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    More and more information technology (IT) programs are offering distance learning courses to their students. However, to date, there are a very limited number of published articles in the IT education literature that compare how different methods of delivering distance course relate to undergraduate students’ learning outcomes in IT software programming courses taught by the same instructor. Thus, we conducted a case study to assess the predictive relationships between distance course delivery method (face-to-face, satellite broadcasting, and live video-streaming) and students’ perceived learning performance and satisfaction in IT software programming courses taught by the same instructor. The results suggested that the choice of delivery method was related to students’ satisfaction and programming skill enhancement. However, we did not find a relationship between the delivery method and the students’ perceived learning performance. Specifically, the participants in the face-to-face delivery method group were more likely to feel satisfied with the delivery method than the students using the other two delivery methods (i.e., satellite broadcasting and live video streaming)