4 research outputs found

    Improving the reliability and validity of test data adequacy in programming assessments

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    Automatic Programming Assessment (or APA) has recently become a notable method in assisting educators of programming courses to automatically assess and grade students’ programming exercises as its counterpart; the typical manual tasks are prone to errors and lead to inconsistency. Practically, this method also provides an alternative means of reducing the educators’ workload effectively. By default, test data generation process plays an important role to perform a dynamic testing on students’ programs. Dynamic testing involves the execution of a program against different inputs or test data and the comparison of the results with the expected output, which must conform to the program specifications. In the software testing field, there have been diverse automated methods for test data generation. Unfortunately, APA rarely adopts these methods. Limited studies have attempted to integrate APA and test data generation to include more useful features and to provide a precise and thorough quality program testing. Thus, we propose a framework of test data generation known as FaSt-Gen covering both the functional and structural testing of a program for APA. Functional testing is a testing that relies on specified functional requirements and focuses the output generated in response to the selected test data and execution, Meanwhile, structural testing looks at the specific program logic to verify how it works. Overall, FaSt-Gen contributes as a means to educators of programming courses to furnish an adequate set of test data to assess students’ programming solutions regardless of having the optimal expertise in the particular knowledge of test cases design. FaSt-Gen integrates the positive and negative testing criteria or so-called reliable and valid test adequacy criteria to derive desired test data and test set schema. As for the functional testing, the integration of specification-derived test and simplified boundary value analysis techniques covering both the criteria. Path coverage criterion guides the test data selection for structural testing. The findings from the conducted controlled experiment and comparative study evaluation show that FaSt-Gen improves the reliability and validity of test data adequacy in programming assessments

    Using program data-state scarcity to guide automatic test data generation

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    Finding test data to cover structural test coverage criteria such as branch coverage is largely a manual and hence expensive activity. A potential low cost alternative is to generate the required test data automatically. Search-based test data generation is one approach that has attracted recent interest. This approach is based on the definition of an evaluation or cost function that is able to discriminate between candidate test cases with respect to achieving a given test goal. The cost function is implemented by appropriate instrumentation of the program under test. The candidate test is then executed on the instrumented program. This provides an evaluation of the candidate test in terms of the "distance'' between the computation achieved by the candidate test and the computation required to achieve the test goal. Providing the cost function is able to discriminate reliably between candidate tests that are close or far from covering the test goal and the goal is feasible, a search process is able to converge to a solution, i.e., a test case that satisfies the coverage goal. For some programs, however, an informative cost function is difficult to define. The operations performed by these programs are such that the cost function returns a constant value for a very wide range of inputs. A typical example of this problem arises in the instrumentation of branch predicates that depend on the value of a Boolean-valued (flag) variable although the problem is not limited to programs that contain flag variables. Although methods are known for overcoming the problems of flag variables in particular cases, the more general problem of a near constant cost function has not been tackled. This paper presents a new heuristic for directing the search when the cost function at a test goal is not able to differentiate between candidate test inputs. The heuristic directs the search toward test cases that produce rare or scarce data states. Scarce inputs for the cost function are more likely to produce new cost values. The proposed method is evaluated empirically for a number of example programs for which existing methods are inadequate

    Mapeo sistemático y estudio de caso sobre técnicas de generación automática de pruebas

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    Incluye bibliografía.El trabajo tiene como objetivo explorar la generación automática de casos de prueba a través de la identificación de las técnicas y sus problemas e investigar su utilidad práctica. Se realizó un mapeo sistemático de la literatura, extendiendo dos trabajos relacionados a la tesis para conocer las técnicas y los problemas investigados. A partir de este mapeo se realizó un estudio de caso con herramientas de generación para evaluar su eficacia con respecto a la detección de defectos