5,160 research outputs found

    Keyframe-based monocular SLAM: design, survey, and future directions

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    Extensive research in the field of monocular SLAM for the past fifteen years has yielded workable systems that found their way into various applications in robotics and augmented reality. Although filter-based monocular SLAM systems were common at some time, the more efficient keyframe-based solutions are becoming the de facto methodology for building a monocular SLAM system. The objective of this paper is threefold: first, the paper serves as a guideline for people seeking to design their own monocular SLAM according to specific environmental constraints. Second, it presents a survey that covers the various keyframe-based monocular SLAM systems in the literature, detailing the components of their implementation, and critically assessing the specific strategies made in each proposed solution. Third, the paper provides insight into the direction of future research in this field, to address the major limitations still facing monocular SLAM; namely, in the issues of illumination changes, initialization, highly dynamic motion, poorly textured scenes, repetitive textures, map maintenance, and failure recovery

    Tightly Coupled 3D Lidar Inertial Odometry and Mapping

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    Ego-motion estimation is a fundamental requirement for most mobile robotic applications. By sensor fusion, we can compensate the deficiencies of stand-alone sensors and provide more reliable estimations. We introduce a tightly coupled lidar-IMU fusion method in this paper. By jointly minimizing the cost derived from lidar and IMU measurements, the lidar-IMU odometry (LIO) can perform well with acceptable drift after long-term experiment, even in challenging cases where the lidar measurements can be degraded. Besides, to obtain more reliable estimations of the lidar poses, a rotation-constrained refinement algorithm (LIO-mapping) is proposed to further align the lidar poses with the global map. The experiment results demonstrate that the proposed method can estimate the poses of the sensor pair at the IMU update rate with high precision, even under fast motion conditions or with insufficient features.Comment: Accepted by ICRA 201

    UcoSLAM: Simultaneous Localization and Mapping by Fusion of KeyPoints and Squared Planar Markers

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    This paper proposes a novel approach for Simultaneous Localization and Mapping by fusing natural and artificial landmarks. Most of the SLAM approaches use natural landmarks (such as keypoints). However, they are unstable over time, repetitive in many cases or insufficient for a robust tracking (e.g. in indoor buildings). On the other hand, other approaches have employed artificial landmarks (such as squared fiducial markers) placed in the environment to help tracking and relocalization. We propose a method that integrates both approaches in order to achieve long-term robust tracking in many scenarios. Our method has been compared to the start-of-the-art methods ORB-SLAM2 and LDSO in the public dataset Kitti, Euroc-MAV, TUM and SPM, obtaining better precision, robustness and speed. Our tests also show that the combination of markers and keypoints achieves better accuracy than each one of them independently.Comment: Paper submitted to Pattern Recognitio

    FLAT2D: Fast localization from approximate transformation into 2D

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    Many autonomous vehicles require precise localization into a prior map in order to support planning and to leverage semantic information within those maps (e.g. that the right lane is a turn-only lane.) A popular approach in automotive systems is to use infrared intensity maps of the ground surface to localize, making them susceptible to failures when the surface is obscured by snow or when the road is repainted. An emerging alternative is to localize based on the 3D structure around the vehicle; these methods are robust to these types of changes, but the maps are costly both in terms of storage and the computational cost of matching. In this paper, we propose a fast method for localizing based on 3D structure around the vehicle using a 2D representation. This representation retains many of the advantages of "full" matching in 3D, but comes with dramatically lower space and computational requirements. We also introduce a variation of Graph-SLAM tailored to support localization, allowing us to make use of graph-based error-recovery techniques in our localization estimate. Finally, we present real-world localization results for both an indoor mobile robotic platform and an autonomous golf cart, demonstrating that autonomous vehicles do not need full 3D matching to accurately localize in the environment

    Performance Evaluation of Vision-Based Algorithms for MAVs

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    An important focus of current research in the field of Micro Aerial Vehicles (MAVs) is to increase the safety of their operation in general unstructured environments. Especially indoors, where GPS cannot be used for localization, reliable algorithms for localization and mapping of the environment are necessary in order to keep an MAV airborne safely. In this paper, we compare vision-based real-time capable methods for localization and mapping and point out their strengths and weaknesses. Additionally, we describe algorithms for state estimation, control and navigation, which use the localization and mapping results of our vision-based algorithms as input.Comment: Presented at OAGM Workshop, 2015 (arXiv:1505.01065

    Pop-up SLAM: Semantic Monocular Plane SLAM for Low-texture Environments

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    Existing simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) algorithms are not robust in challenging low-texture environments because there are only few salient features. The resulting sparse or semi-dense map also conveys little information for motion planning. Though some work utilize plane or scene layout for dense map regularization, they require decent state estimation from other sources. In this paper, we propose real-time monocular plane SLAM to demonstrate that scene understanding could improve both state estimation and dense mapping especially in low-texture environments. The plane measurements come from a pop-up 3D plane model applied to each single image. We also combine planes with point based SLAM to improve robustness. On a public TUM dataset, our algorithm generates a dense semantic 3D model with pixel depth error of 6.2 cm while existing SLAM algorithms fail. On a 60 m long dataset with loops, our method creates a much better 3D model with state estimation error of 0.67%.Comment: International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS) 201

    3D Visual Perception for Self-Driving Cars using a Multi-Camera System: Calibration, Mapping, Localization, and Obstacle Detection

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    Cameras are a crucial exteroceptive sensor for self-driving cars as they are low-cost and small, provide appearance information about the environment, and work in various weather conditions. They can be used for multiple purposes such as visual navigation and obstacle detection. We can use a surround multi-camera system to cover the full 360-degree field-of-view around the car. In this way, we avoid blind spots which can otherwise lead to accidents. To minimize the number of cameras needed for surround perception, we utilize fisheye cameras. Consequently, standard vision pipelines for 3D mapping, visual localization, obstacle detection, etc. need to be adapted to take full advantage of the availability of multiple cameras rather than treat each camera individually. In addition, processing of fisheye images has to be supported. In this paper, we describe the camera calibration and subsequent processing pipeline for multi-fisheye-camera systems developed as part of the V-Charge project. This project seeks to enable automated valet parking for self-driving cars. Our pipeline is able to precisely calibrate multi-camera systems, build sparse 3D maps for visual navigation, visually localize the car with respect to these maps, generate accurate dense maps, as well as detect obstacles based on real-time depth map extraction
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