28,365 research outputs found

    Impact of the spatial context on human communication activity

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    Technology development produces terabytes of data generated by hu- man activity in space and time. This enormous amount of data often called big data becomes crucial for delivering new insights to decision makers. It contains behavioral information on different types of human activity influenced by many external factors such as geographic infor- mation and weather forecast. Early recognition and prediction of those human behaviors are of great importance in many societal applications like health-care, risk management and urban planning, etc. In this pa- per, we investigate relevant geographical areas based on their categories of human activities (i.e., working and shopping) which identified from ge- ographic information (i.e., Openstreetmap). We use spectral clustering followed by k-means clustering algorithm based on TF/IDF cosine simi- larity metric. We evaluate the quality of those observed clusters with the use of silhouette coefficients which are estimated based on the similari- ties of the mobile communication activity temporal patterns. The area clusters are further used to explain typical or exceptional communication activities. We demonstrate the study using a real dataset containing 1 million Call Detailed Records. This type of analysis and its application are important for analyzing the dependency of human behaviors from the external factors and hidden relationships and unknown correlations and other useful information that can support decision-making.Comment: 12 pages, 11 figure

    Cross-comparative analysis of evacuation behavior after earthquakes using mobile phone data

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    Despite the importance of predicting evacuation mobility dynamics after large scale disasters for effective first response and disaster relief, our general understanding of evacuation behavior remains limited because of the lack of empirical evidence on the evacuation movement of individuals across multiple disaster instances. Here we investigate the GPS trajectories of a total of more than 1 million anonymized mobile phone users whose positions are tracked for a period of 2 months before and after four of the major earthquakes that occurred in Japan. Through a cross comparative analysis between the four disaster instances, we find that in contrast with the assumed complexity of evacuation decision making mechanisms in crisis situations, the individuals' evacuation probability is strongly dependent on the seismic intensity that they experience. In fact, we show that the evacuation probabilities in all earthquakes collapse into a similar pattern, with a critical threshold at around seismic intensity 5.5. This indicates that despite the diversity in the earthquakes profiles and urban characteristics, evacuation behavior is similarly dependent on seismic intensity. Moreover, we found that probability density functions of the distances that individuals evacuate are not dependent on seismic intensities that individuals experience. These insights from empirical analysis on evacuation from multiple earthquake instances using large scale mobility data contributes to a deeper understanding of how people react to earthquakes, and can potentially assist decision makers to simulate and predict the number of evacuees in urban areas with little computational time and cost, by using population density information and seismic intensity which can be observed instantaneously after the shock

    Estimating Attendance From Cellular Network Data

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    We present a methodology to estimate the number of attendees to events happening in the city from cellular network data. In this work we used anonymized Call Detail Records (CDRs) comprising data on where and when users access the cellular network. Our approach is based on two key ideas: (1) we identify the network cells associated to the event location. (2) We verify the attendance of each user, as a measure of whether (s)he generates CDRs during the event, but not during other times. We evaluate our approach to estimate the number of attendees to a number of events ranging from football matches in stadiums to concerts and festivals in open squares. Comparing our results with the best groundtruth data available, our estimates provide a median error of less than 15% of the actual number of attendees

    Exploring universal patterns in human home-work commuting from mobile phone data

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    Home-work commuting has always attracted significant research attention because of its impact on human mobility. One of the key assumptions in this domain of study is the universal uniformity of commute times. However, a true comparison of commute patterns has often been hindered by the intrinsic differences in data collection methods, which make observation from different countries potentially biased and unreliable. In the present work, we approach this problem through the use of mobile phone call detail records (CDRs), which offers a consistent method for investigating mobility patterns in wholly different parts of the world. We apply our analysis to a broad range of datasets, at both the country and city scale. Additionally, we compare these results with those obtained from vehicle GPS traces in Milan. While different regions have some unique commute time characteristics, we show that the home-work time distributions and average values within a single region are indeed largely independent of commute distance or country (Portugal, Ivory Coast, and Boston)--despite substantial spatial and infrastructural differences. Furthermore, a comparative analysis demonstrates that such distance-independence holds true only if we consider multimodal commute behaviors--as consistent with previous studies. In car-only (Milan GPS traces) and car-heavy (Saudi Arabia) commute datasets, we see that commute time is indeed influenced by commute distance
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