3 research outputs found

    A categorization of arguments for counting methods for publication and citation indicators

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    Most publication and citation indicators are based on datasets with multi-authored publications and thus a change in counting method will often change the value of an indicator. Therefore it is important to know why a specific counting method has been applied. I have identified arguments for counting methods in a sample of 32 bibliometric studies published in 2016 and compared the result with discussions of arguments for counting methods in three older studies. Based on the underlying logics of the arguments I have arranged the arguments in four groups. Group 1 focuses on arguments related to what an indicator measures, Group 2 on the additivity of a counting method, Group 3 on pragmatic reasons for the choice of counting method, and Group 4 on an indicator's influence on the research community or how it is perceived by researchers. This categorization can be used to describe and discuss how bibliometric studies with publication and citation indicators argue for counting methods

    Relaci贸n entre gesti贸n de informaci贸n y sistema de aseguramiento de la calidad en Instituciones de Educaci贸n Superior. Una revisi贸n

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    This article makes a review of the literature related to the relationship between information management and quality assurance in Higher Education Institutions with the intention of highlighting the communion that must exist between these aspects in order to effectively respond to informational requirements related to quality. For this, elements such as the dispersion of data, the conformation of information, the transcendence of said resource towards the strategic, the relevance of human capacity, the tacit, the explicit, and the systems of indicators as instruments of capture and development are addressed of information (as well as an example of this associated with research). The purpose is to demonstrate the role that current training institutions should assume in the area of information management within the framework of the Information Society.Introducci贸n: Se presenta un art铆culo de revisi贸n acerca de la relaci贸n entre gesti贸n de informaci贸n y aseguramiento de la calidad en Instituciones de Educaci贸n Superior-IES. O颅bjetivo: Analizar el sentido de correspondencia entre la gesti贸n de la informaci贸n y el aseguramiento de la calidad como fundamento para que las IES respondan efectivamente a los requerimientos informacionales actuales relacionados con la calidad. Metodolog铆a: La sistematizaci贸n metodol贸gica integra: selecci贸n tem谩tica, estrategias de b煤squeda de informaci贸n, clasificaci贸n y selecci贸n de fuentes y documentos, an谩lisis documental, s铆ntesis de informaci贸n y construcci贸n de texto (con una finalidad descriptiva e interpretativa). Resultados y discusi贸n: Se genera un texto argumentativo en torno a categor铆as tales como: dispersi贸n de los datos, conformaci贸n de informaci贸n, trascendencia de dicho recurso hacia lo estrat茅gico, relevancia de la capacidad humana, lo t谩cito, lo expl铆cito y los sistemas de indicadores como instrumentos de captura y desarrollo de informaci贸n (aunado esto a un ejemplo asociado a la funci贸n sustantiva de investigaci贸n). Conclusiones: Las instituciones formadoras necesariamente deben asumir un rol protag贸nico en materia de gesti贸n de informaci贸n, para afrontar de la manera menos traum谩tica las exigencias de calidad relacionadas con la Sociedad de la Informaci贸n