364 research outputs found

    Reconceptualizing and Theorizing About Digital Consumer Services: a Critical Review

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    A large and heterogeneous literature, with competing and overlapping definitions, that is manifestly dated and inappropriate to contemporary digital consumer services, is impeding progress in digital services research. This conceptual paper offers of this discourse. We propose and outline methodological approaches for reconceptualising digital services and outcomes

    An interdisciplinary review of investor decision-making in crowdfunding

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    Abstract: The Dynamic Principal Component Analysis is an adequate tool for the monitoring of large scale systems based on the model of multivariate historical data under the assumption of stationarity, however, false alarms occur for non-stationary new observations during the monitoring phase. In order to reduce the false alarms rate, this paper extends the DPCA based monitoring for non-stationary data of linear dynamic systems, including an on-line means estimator to standardize new observations according to the estimated means. The effectiveness of the proposed methodology is evaluated for fault detection in a interconnected tanks system

    An Interdisciplinary Review of Investor Decision-Making in Crowdfunding

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    A quickly growing body of research is exploring the emerging crowdfunding phenomenon. However, in contrast to traditional startup financing or bank loans, decision-making for investments in crowdfunded ventures is not well researched. Many individual studies investigate aspects that influence investor decision-making in crowdfunding campaigns, but an integrated view of those aspects was not provided to date. We conduct a systematic and interdisciplinary literature review to examine which factors influence investment decision-making in crowdfunding. Based on the analysis of 69 articles we construct a comprehensive framework of relevant influence factors. We elicit systematic differences between crowdfunding and traditional investments, such as venture capital. The differences are: an even higher impact of social capital, the substitution of necessary with available information, and high impact of the digital context. We discuss how information systems (IS) drive those differences. Finally, we derive take-aways for IS researchers and practitioners with focus on interfaces and interactions

    A descriptive review and classification of organizational information security awareness research

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    Information security awareness (ISA) is a vital component of information security in organizations. The purpose of this research is to descriptively review and classify the current body of knowledge on ISA. A sample of 59 peer-reviewed academic journal articles, which were published over the last decade from 2008 to 2018, were analyzed. Articles were classified using coding techniques from the grounded theory literature-review method. The results show that ISA research is evolving with behavioral research studies still being explored. Quantitative empirical research is the dominant methodology and the top three theories used are general deterrence theory, theory of planned behavior, and protection motivation theory. Future research could focus on qualitative approaches to provide greater depth of ISA understanding

    How Social Capital Facilitates Absorptive Capacity in a High-Growth Environment

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    As High Growth Firms (HGFs) are considered to be main contributors to job creation, researches have tried to uncover factors that contribute to high growth. Although a number of relevant antecedents were identified, a holistic perspective on the growth process is lacking. Hence, this research in progress aims to construct an integrated conceptual model on high growth in order to better understand the growth process and also to provide valuable insights and guidelines on how organizations can realize high growth. The conceptual model will be based on Social Capital theory and Absorptive Capacity theory, as existing research has shown that both social capital and absorptive capacity seem to play an important role in overcoming challenges during phases of growth. The initial conceptual model and corresponding propositions to be tested are presented in this paper. The proposed research methodology, a mixed method approach consisting of an extended literature review combined with a multiple case study, is provided as well

    Reflections on 5 Years of Personal Informatics: Rising Concerns and Emerging Directions

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    The real world use and design of personal informatics has been increasingly explored in HCI research in the last five years. However, personal informatics research is still a young multidisciplinary area of concern facing unrecognised methodological differences and offering unarticulated design challenges. In this review, we analyse how personal informatics has been approached so far using the Grounded Theory Literature Review method. We identify a (1) psychologically, (2) phenomenologically, and (3) humanistically informed stream and provide guidance on the design of future personal informatics systems by mapping out rising concerns and emerging research directions


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    An abundance of individual cases have explored and explained the Digital Transformation and, ultimately, proven its capability to create new value propositions. Moreover, various meta-studies have provided us with classifications and frameworks to synthesize existing knowledge on the topic. Yet, there is a lack of studies integrating industry-specific knowledge and providing orientation in the context of the relevant value-creation processes. Following a systematic literature search on Digital Transformation in the furniture industry, we analyse insights from 85 papers and suggest a theory-driven framework consisting of 5 focal areas: sources of disruption, strategic responses, value creation transformation, technical application, and obstacles to the implementation. Based on the framework, we structure and elaborate on the existing body of research and identify avenues for further research
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