5 research outputs found

    Information Systems and Healthcare XXXIV: Clinical Knowledge Management Systems—Literature Review and Research Issues for Information Systems

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    Knowledge Management (KM) has emerged as a possible solution to many of the challenges facing U.S. and international healthcare systems. These challenges include concerns regarding the safety and quality of patient care, critical inefficiency, disparate technologies and information standards, rapidly rising costs and clinical information overload. In this paper, we focus on clinical knowledge management systems (CKMS) research. The objectives of the paper are to evaluate the current state of knowledge management systems diffusion in the clinical setting, assess the present status and focus of CKMS research efforts, and identify research gaps and opportunities for future work across the medical informatics and information systems disciplines. The study analyzes the literature along two dimensions: (1) the knowledge management processes of creation, capture, transfer, and application, and (2) the clinical processes of diagnosis, treatment, monitoring and prognosis. The study reveals that the vast majority of CKMS research has been conducted by the medical and health informatics communities. Information systems (IS) researchers have played a limited role in past CKMS research. Overall, the results indicate that there is considerable potential for IS researchers to contribute their expertise to the improvement of clinical process through technology-based KM approaches

    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationClinical decision support systems (CDSS) and electronic health records (EHR) have been widely adopted but do not support a high level of reasoning for the clinician. As a result, workflow incongruity and provider frustrations lead to more errors in reasoning. Other successful fields such as defense, aviation, and the military have used task complexity as a key factor in decision support system development. Task complexity arises during the interaction of the user and the tasks. Therefore, in this dissertation I have utilized different human factor methods to explore task complexity factors to understand their utility in health information technology system design. The first study addresses the question of generalizing complexity through a clinical complexity model. In this study, we integrated and validated a patient and task complexity model into a clinical complexity model tailored towards healthcare to serve as the initial framework for data analysis in our subsequent studies. The second study addresses the question of the coping strategies of infectious disease (ID) clinicians while dealing with complex decision tasks. The study concluded that clinicians use multiple cognitive strategies that help them to switch between automatic cognitive processes and analytical processes. The third study identified the complexity contributing factors from the transcripts of the observations conducted in the ID domain. The clinical complexity model developed in the first study guided the research for identifying the prominent complexity iv factors to recommend innovative healthcare technology system design. The fourth study, a pilot exploratory study, demonstrated the feasibility of developing a population information display from querying real complex patient information from an actual clinical database as well as identifying the ideal features of population information display. In summary, this dissertation adds to the knowledge about how clinicians adapt their information environment to deal with complexity. First, it contributes by developing a clinical complexity model that integrates both patient and task complexity. Second, it provides specific design recommendations for future innovative health information technology systems. Last, this dissertation also suggests that understanding task complexity in the healthcare team domain may help to better design of interface system

    Designing Clinical Data Presentation Using Cognitive Task Analysis Methods

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    Despite the many decades of research on effective use of clinical systems in medicine, the adoption of health information technology to improve patient care continues to be slow especially in ambulatory settings. This applies to dentistry as well, a primary care discipline with approximately 137,000 practicing dentists in the United States. One critical reason is the poor usability of clinical systems, which makes it difficult for providers to navigate through the system and obtain an integrated view of patient data during patient care. Cognitive science methods have shown significant promise to meaningfully inform and formulate the design, development and assessment of clinical information systems. Most of these methods were applied to evaluate the design of systems after they have been developed. Very few studies, on the other hand, have used cognitive engineering methods to inform the design process for a system itself. It is this gap in knowledge – how cognitive engineering methods can be optimally applied to inform the system design process – that this research seeks to address through this project proposal. This project examined the cognitive processes and information management strategies used by dentists during a typical patient exam and used the results to inform the design of an electronic dental record interface. The resulting 'proof of concept' was evaluated to determine the effectiveness and efficiency of such a cognitively engineered and application flow design. The results of this study contribute to designing clinical systems that provide clinicians with better cognitive support during patient care. Such a system will contribute to enhancing the quality and safety of patient care, and potentially to reducing healthcare costs

    Understanding How Reverse Engineers Make Sense of Programs from Assembly Language Representations

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    This dissertation develops a theory of the conceptual and procedural aspects involved with how reverse engineers make sense of executable programs. Software reverse engineering is a complex set of tasks which require a person to understand the structure and functionality of a program from its assembly language representation, typically without having access to the program\u27s source code. This dissertation describes the reverse engineering process as a type of sensemaking, in which a person combines reasoning and information foraging behaviors to develop a mental model of the program. The structure of knowledge elements used in making sense of executable programs are elicited from a case study, interviews with subject matter experts, and observational studies with software reverse engineers. The results from this research can be used to improve reverse engineering tools, to develop training requirements for reverse engineers, and to develop robust computational models of human comprehension in complex tasks where sensemaking is required