44 research outputs found

    Business internships and new technologies: a scenario for growth and innovation

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    [EN] Literature on traineeships recognizes beneficial effects on its main agents: students, employers, and higher education institutions. Furthermore, some authors have identified added effects when applying new technologies to the business internship experience, specially referred to improved computer skills and learning outcomes. The Faculty of Business Administration and Management of the Universitat Politècnica de València has had a remarkable increase of internships over the past years. As computer skills are being more demanded by employers in a globalized and technological world, it is expected that virtual placements and ICTs in the internship practice will be a trend in universities in the up-coming years. The management of internships of the two new Double Degrees in the Faculty of Business: Business Administration and Management + Computer Science Engineering, and Business Administration and Management + Telecommunications Engineering, could provide the perfect scenario to put into practice and to explore the possibilities of new technologies applied to internships. The recent change in the Spanish law and in the regulations of universities, such as the Universitat Politècnica de València, allows business internships to take place abroad. This could also provide an opportunity for innovation and growth, if combining internationalization with virtualization of internships.Sanahuja Velez, G.; Ribes Giner, G.; Moya Clemente, I. (2016). Business internships and new technologies: a scenario for growth and innovation. En 2nd. International conference on higher education advances (HEAD'16). Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 122-129. https://doi.org/10.4995/HEAD16.2016.2596OCS12212

    Using a social bookmarking tool for group project work online

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    This research investigated secondary school students’ perceptions of a social bookmarking tool for information organization, search and management. Participants include Form 1 and Form 2 (n=347) students from a Hong Kong secondary school, working on group projects over a four-month period. Students used Delicious to manage information sources for their group projects. Using a mixed-methods approach, a questionnaire and focus-group interviews examined students’ perceptions on the use of Delicious upon completion of group projects. Preliminary findings indicate positive perceptions on the usefulness of Delicious for information organization, search and management. Further analysis examined the usefulness of social bookmarking for students.postprin

    Supporting secondary school students' group project works with the wiki

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    This study examined the use of the Wiki for group projects among secondary school students. Participants included Form 1-2 students (n=329) from a local secondary school who used Google Sites for online co-construction of group projects. Upon completion of group projects, students answered a questionnaire on the pedagogical value of the Wiki. The questionnaire examined five aspects: learning/pedagogy, motivation, group interaction, technology, and knowledge management. Follow-up focus-group interviews were conducted with selected student groups. Preliminary findings showed students’ positive perceptions on the pedagogical value of the Wiki technology, and qualitative analysis of interview data further supported the use of Wikis in secondary schools.postprin


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    Praktek Kerja Industri adalah salah satu proses pembelajaran yang harus diikuti siswa SMK sebagai bentuk praktek langsung pada dunia kerja sesuai dengan peminatan dan teori yang didapat pada proses pembelajaran selama di sekolah. Praktek kerja industri harus mendapatkan pantauan secara langsung dari pihak sekolah, sehingga siswa dapat menjalani sesuai dengan peraturan pada tempat kerja industri yang telah ditentukan atau dipilih. Oleh karena itu, dibutuhkan sistem informasi praktek kerja industridalam peningkatan kinerja pihak sekolah ,ulai dari proses pengajuan praktek kerja industry, monitoring kegiatan siswanya, penelitian, hingga bahan evaluasi, sehingga system informasi berbasis web bisa diujikan secara langsung kepada pihak sekolah, siswa, dan perusahann. Desain penelitian ini adalah kualitatif, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh sistem informasi manajemen berbasis web dalam meningkatkan efektivitas praktik kerja industri di SMK. Metode dalam pengumpulan data pada penelitian ini dengan menganalisis 10 jurnal penelitian terdahulu atau literature review yang memiliki 3 tahapan yaitu perencanaan, pelaksanaan, dan pelaporan. Hasil pada studi literature ini adalah sistem  informasi  ini  mampu mengatasi permasalahan yang dihadapi pihak sekolah untuk memantau siswanya dalam praktek kerja industry menjadi lebih  baik, efektif dan efisien dan istem ini dapat membantu siswa mudah mendapatkan informasi mengenai praktek kerja industri

    Using of wikis for collaborative learning in primary schools

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    La implicatura en los blogs educativos. Una aproximación pragmática.

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    La tecnología está multiplicando las formas en que podemos comunicarnos. Desde la aparición de Internet, la construcción del discurso, los géneros discursivos y el lenguaje mismo se han visto afectados por las características de este nuevo modo de comunicarse. Aparecen discursos mixtos que hacen necesarios nuevos enfoques. Así, el estudio de la red desde una perspectiva pragmática ha abarcado diferentes aproximaciones (el género, la caracterización del lenguaje de los textos, etc.); los blogs han sido considerados como una forma de conversación. El presente trabajo estudia los blogs educativos desde el punto de vista de las máximas conversacionales de Grice, y, en particular, las implicaturas, para intentar caracterizar estos intercambios y determinar si, y hasta qué punto se trata de conversaciones y cómo se comportan desde un punto de vista pragmático. Los resultados muestran que los blogs educativos se asemejan más a una clase magistral que a una conversación. La tecnologia està multiplicant les formes en què podem comunicar-nos. Des de l’aparició d’Internet, la construcció del discurs, els gèneres discursius i el mateix llenguatge s’han vist afectats per les característiques d’aquesta nova forma de comunicar-se. Apareixen discursos mixtes que fan necessaris nous enfocaments. Així, l’estudi de la xarxa des d’una perspectiva pragmàtica ha integrat diferents visions (el gènere, la caracterització del llenguatge dels diferents tipus de texts, etc.). Els blogs han estat considerats com una forma de conversa. El present treball estudia els blogs educatius des del punt de vista de les màximes conversacionals de Grice, i, en particular, les implicatures, per intentar caracteritzar aquests intercanvis i determinar si, i fins a quin punt es tracta de converses i com es comporten des d’un punt de vista pragmàtic. Els resultats mostren que els blogs educatius són més semblants a una classe magistral que a una conversa.Technology is multiplying our communication means. From the appearance of the Internet, the construction of discourse, discourse genres and language itself have been influenced by the features of this new form of communication. Mixt discourses have appeared which make necessary new approaches. Thus, the study of the web from a pragmatics perspective has included different approaches (for instance the genre or characterisation of the language of the different text types). Blogs have been considered as a form of conversation. The present work studies educational blogs from the point of view of Grice’s conversational maxims, and, in particular, the implicatures that can be found in them in order to determine whether they are similar to conversations, and how they deploy from a pragmatic perspective. The results show that they are more similar to lectures than to conversations

    Inquiry project-based learning with wiki at Primary Five level

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    Inquiry project-based learning (inquiry PjBL) has been regarded as an innovative educational approach among local primary schools in Hong Kong, replacing gradually the more traditional didactic teaching approach. Many studies have been conducted to investigate the effectiveness of inquiry PjBL in equipping students with skills needed by the 21st century. However, the lack of an effective delivery method hinders its widespread implementation. This study examined the suitability of using wiki, a form of Web 2.0 technologies, as a platform for the implementation of inquiry PjBL among Primary Five students in Hong Kong. Four schools were recruited and students (n=420) were given an inquiry group project to work on, using Google Sites as an online collaborative platform. The outcomes were evaluated using an online survey designed to assess the effectiveness of wiki in four domains: learning/pedagogy, motivation, group interaction, and technology. Focused group interviews were also conducted to obtain students’ insights regarding the learning experiences. The study found that the use of a wiki in supporting inquiry PjBL was perceived positively by students. Students found the learning experience enjoyable and the various functionality of the wiki enhanced their acquisition of knowledge and skills. Findings of this study may help provide practical suggestions to education practitioners to incorporate wiki into inquiry PjBL and help demonstrate the potential of wiki in facilitating the development of knowledge and skills among students.postprin

    Strategi pembelajaran kolaboratif dalam persekitaran autentik bagi pembentukan kemahiran proses sains asas prasekolah menerusi teknologi Apps

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    Sehingga hari ini, salah fahaman konsep menjadi salah satu faktor utama yang menyebabkan proses pembelajaran bermakna tidak dapat dicapai dengan sepenuhnya oleh para pelajar samada diperingkat sekolah mahupun Institusi Pengajian bagi sesetengah pembelajaran kursus seperti sains dan matematik. Hal ini turut berlaku pada peringkat prasekolah. Terdapat beberapa permasalahan yang dilihat menjadi kekangan dalam proses pembelajaran, antaranya adalah kekurangan pengetahuan dan pengalaman mengajar dalam sebahagian kalangan guru-guru prasekolah yang mendorong ke arah permasalahan terhadap penguasaan kemahiran proses sains asas pelajarpelajar prasekolah. Kecenderungan sebahagian guru untuk menggunakan kaedah imaginasi dan andaian dilihat kurang membantu dalam pembentukan fahaman dalam diri pelajar untuk memahami sesuatu konsep sains dan seterusnya sukar mengaitkannya dengan kehidupan sebenar. Disamping itu, suasana pembelajaran yang menggalakkan para pelajar senantiasa berkolaborasi dalam proses pembelajaran serta saling bekerjasama dan berkongsi maklumat harus dididik dari peringkat prasekolah lagi. Selain itu, permasalahan dari segi penyediaan kemudahan ICT seperti pengaksesan kepada internet dan aplikasi teknologi multimedia yang kurang mampu disediakan oleh pihak sekolah turut menyukarkan para guru untuk merancang aktiviti pembelajaran yang lebih menarik sejajar dengan perkembangan teknologi hari ini. Justeru sebuah kajian perlu dilaksanakan bagi tujuan untuk merangka sebuah aktiviti pembelajaran yang mampu menyokong kepada peningkatan kefahaman pelajar terhadap pembelajaran mereka melalui sebuah persekitaran pembelajaran yang berdasarkan kepada situasi sebenar dan bermakna sekaligus memupuk pelajar agar senantiasa berkolaborasi dalam proses pembelajaran mereka sehingga mampu menyokong kepada pembentukan kemahiran proses sains asas pelajar. Berlandaskan kepada keperluan ini, maka kajian mengintegrasikan strategi pembelajaran kolaboratif dalam persekitaran autentik, dengan pengimplementasian bersama teknologi berkomputer iaitu melalui Apps Autentik Kolaboratik Skrin Sentuh Sains (AKSES) yang memberi penekanan serta mempraktiskan kemahiran proses sains asas pelajar (memerhati, mengelaskan dan berkomunikasi), dalam menyokong kepada peningkatan tahap kefahaman dan pencapaian pelajar

    Factors influencing knowledge transfer among Internship Students using Facebook

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    Keeping in contact with and sharing knowledge ubiquitously among peer students and teachers during professional internship are utmost important in supporting students both cognitively and affectively to overcome difficulties in their new workplaces. This paper examines the potential factors and its relative impact on influencing the effectiveness of using Facebook as a knowledge-sharing tool during students’ professional education. A case study was implemented to study a group of university students’ perspectives on using Facebook in their internship. The findings are presented in 4 dimensions, ranging from Human, Policy, Technology, and Knowledge aspects as the theoretical framework with 17 potential factors identified. Among the findings, Social Tie got the highest impact in Human aspects as Facebook could create a peer support network among students. Scaffolding reflections has the highest impact among Policy factors because guidance can assist students to formulate content for their reflective journals. Facebook’s News Feed function has been recognized as the highest influence among Technology factors because this function enables students to be updated instantly and frequently on the latest development within the internship activities. Explicit knowledge transfer reached the highest impact among Knowledge factors as students can apply Information Management related model into their working situations. All in all, the findings of the study also proved that factors from the literature are applicable to the professional experience internship context. This study provides insights for universities to better utilize Facebook to support knowledge transfer in students’ internships. The theoretical framework used in this study may serve as a basis for further research on the use of Facebook for knowledge transfer.published_or_final_versio

    Examining university's student's use of social media for education

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    Conference Theme: The New Generation LearnersThe majority of university students worldwide use social media in their everyday life. However, the extent to which students use such online technology for educational purposes is worth exploring. This paper reports on a research that examines university students’ current and potential educational use of social media with an emphasis on students’ learning processes with social media as supportive learning tools. The research also relates students’ learning to five major claims of social media – user generated content (UGC), prosumer, co-creation, sharing, and communities. Before addressing students’ use of social media for learning, this research first examines what students do with social media in both non-academic situations and university-related educational contexts. It then examines their perceived usefulness of various social media activities for academic and non-academic contexts. Various approaches in applying social media to facilitate students' work will also be discussed in this paper.postprin