4 research outputs found

    Aeronautical engineering, a continuing bibliography with indexes

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    This bibliography lists 567 reports, articles and other documents introduced into the NASA scientific and technical information system in January 1984

    Ethnicity, confession and intercultural dialogue at the European Union's eastern border

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    Contents: Mircea BRIE: Ethnicity, Religion and Intercultural Dialogue in the European Border Space; Ioan HORGA: Ethnicity, Religion and Intercultural Education in the Curricula of European Studies; Victoria BEVZIUC: Electoral Systems and Minorities Representations in the Eastern European Area; Sergiu CORNEA, Valentina CORNEA: Administrative Tools in the Protection and Promotion of the Rights of Ethnic Minorities; Florica STEFĂNESCU: Demographic Determinants of the Economic-Financial Crisis; Yurjy YURIYCHUK: Ukrainian Minority in Romania: Problems of National Identity Preserving; Sonia CATRINA: Identity Perceptions and Buildings of the Hungarian Minority in Relationship with the Romanian Majority Identifications; Gheorghe SISESTEAN: Marital Strategies and Identity Changes of Romanians in Hungary (Hajdu-Bihar); Constantin-Vasile łOCA: Ethnical Analysis within Bihor-Hajdú Bihar Euroregion; Anna GORBAN: Ethnic and Socio-Cultural Aspects of Political Culture in Moldova; Mircea BRIE, István POLGÁR: Dual Citizenship Granted to Hungarian Ethnics. Context and Arguments in the Romanian and Hungarian Mass Media; Natalia PUTINĂ: The Socio-Political Dilemas of Integration of Gagauz in Republic of Moldova; Aurelian LAVRIC: Romanian Ethnic Minority in Ukraine: Current Issues and Prospects of Survival; Stelian NISTOR, Sorin SIPOS: Historical and Geographical Considerations about the Slovak Communities in the Villages of Upper Bistra Valley, Bihor County; Judit MOLNÁR: The integration Process of Immigrants in Scotland, UK and in Washington State, USA. Immigrants from Countries of the Former Soviet Union; Valeriu MOSNEAGA, Rodica RUSU: Diaspora as an Element of Cultural-Ethnic Cohesion; Valentina-Tania DUNA, Dacian DUNA: War, Migration and Societal Security: The Case of the Iraqi Kurdish Diasporas in Europe; Adrian-Claudiu POPOVICIU: Labour Migration Reflected in the Council of Europe Law; Alexandra CSEKE: Integration of Immigrants in the European Union; Kobasheni Moopen PARUMAUL: Migration in Europe Against the Backdrop of the Global Revolution - An African Perspective; Anatoliy KRUGLASOV: Interethnic Relations Stability on the Ukraine-Romania Border: A Case of Chernivtsi Region; Dorin I. DOLGHI: The Culture of Security: Perceptions and Preference Formation in the European Union; Srimayee DAM: Re-interpreting the Civic-Ethnic Divide on the European Identity; Pavlo MOLOCHKO: Peculiarities of Ethnonational Policy of Ukraine (Illustrated by the Example of the Chernivtsi Region); Dragos DĂRĂBĂNEANU: Ethnicity and Multicultural Communication in Shaping the European Social Space; Grigore SILASI, Monica BOLDEA: The Romanian Banat Region - An Example of Peaceful Interethnic Cohabitation at the Eastern Border of the European Union; Floare CHIPEA, Raluca MICLEA: The Social Frameworks of the Neighbourhood Relationships' Construction in the Cross-Border Area Bihor-Hajdú-Bihár; Sergiu BĂLłĂTESCU: Subjective Well-Being and Satisfaction with Places of Residence in the Counties at the Cross-Border Between Hungary and Romania; Aurora BENCIC, Teodor Ioan HODOR: Transdniestria. Ethnic Conflict or Geopolitical Interests?; Ecaterina CEBAN: The Role of Political Parties in Harmonization of Interethnic Relations (Case of the Republic of Moldova); Nataliya NECHAYEVA-YURIYCHUK: National Development Beyond the Nation-State: Problems and Prospects; Elisabetta NADALUTTI: Old and New Identities in the Upper Adriatic: is a Cross-Border Kind of Citizenship Emerging in Cross-Border Regions?; Dragos Lucian IVAN: Differentiated Containment: Compass and Horizon in Untying Ethhnicity and Interest within EU; Claudia Anamaria IOV: The Roma Minority - the Prospects and Limits of EU’s Social Policy, what Could or Should the EU be Doing?; George ANGLIłOIU: The Belgian Dilemma of Partition. A Pattern Study for the East

    Ethnicity, Confession and Intercultural Dialogue at the European Union’s East Border

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    This present volume contains the papers of the international conference Ethnicity, Confession and Intercultural Dialogue at the European Union’s East Border, held in Oradea between 2nd-5th of June 2011, organized by Institute for Euroregional Studies Oradea-Debrecen, University of Oradea and Department of International Relations and European Studies, with the support of the European Commission and Bihor County Council.This volume is funded by the project of Action Jean Monnet Programme of the European Commission n. 176197-LLP-1-2010-1-RO-AJM-MO. CONTENTS INTRODUCTORY STUDIES Mircea BRIE Ethnicity, Religion and Intercultural Dialogue in the European Border Space; Ioan HORGA Ethnicity, Religion and Intercultural Education in the Curricula of European Studies ; MINORITY AND MAJORITY IN THE EASTERN EUROPEAN AREA Victoria BEVZIUC Electoral Systems and Minorities Representations in the Eastern European Area ; Sergiu CORNEA, Valentina CORNEA Administrative Tools in the Protection and Promotion of the Rights of Ethnic Minorities ; Florica ŞTEFĂNESCU Demographic Determinants of the Economic-Financial Crisis ; Yuriy YURIYCHUK Ukrainian Minority in Romania: Problems of National Identity Preserving , Sonia CATRINA Identity Perceptions and Buildings of the Hungarian Minority in Relationship with the Romanian Majority Identifications ; Gheorghe ŞIŞEŞTEAN Marital Strategies and Identity Changes of Romanians in Hungary (Hajdu-Bihar) ; Constantin-Vasile ŢOCA Ethnical Analysis within Bihor-Hajdú Bihar Euroregion ; Anna GORBAN Ethnic and Socio-Cultural Aspects of Political Culture in Moldova ; Mircea BRIE, István POLGÁR Dual Citizenship Granted to Hungarian Ethnics. Context and Arguments in the Romanian and Hungarian Mass Media ; Natalia PUTINĂ The Socio-Political Dilemas of Integration of Gagauz in Republic of Moldova ; Aurelian LAVRIC Romanian Ethnic Minority in Ukraine: Current Issues and Prospects of Survival; Stelian NISTOR, Sorin ŞIPOŞ Historical and Geographical Considerations about the Slovak Communities in the Villages of Upper Bistra Valley, Bihor County ; THE PHENOMENON OF MIGRATION IN EUROPE Judit MOLNÁR The integration Process of Immigrants in Scotland, UK and in Washington State, USA. Immigrants from Countries of the Former Soviet Union ; Valeriu MOSNEAGA, Rodica RUSU Diaspora as an Element of Cultural-Ethnic Cohesion ; Valentina-Tania DUNA, Dacian DUNA War, Migration and Societal Security: The Case of the Iraqi Kurdish Diasporas in Europe ; Adrian-Claudiu POPOVICIU Labour Migration Reflected in the Council of Europe Law ; Alexandra CSEKE Integration of Immigrants in the European Union ; Kobasheni Moopen PARUMAUL Migration in Europe Against the Backdrop of the Global Revolution – An African Perspective ; MANAGING INTERETHNIC RELATIONS AND EUROPEEAN SECURITY Anatoliy KRUGLASOV Interethnic Relations Stability on the Ukraine-Romania Border: A Case of Chernivtsi Region ; Dorin I. DOLGHI The Culture of Security: Perceptions and Preference Formation in the European Union ; Srimayee DAM Re-interpreting the Civic-Ethnic Divide on the European Identity ; Pavlo MOLOCHKO Peculiarities of Ethnonational Policy of Ukraine (Illustrated by the Example of the Chernivtsi Region) ; Dragoş DĂRĂBĂNEANU Ethnicity and Multicultural Communication in Shaping the European Social Space ; Grigore SILAŞI, Monica BOLDEA The Romanian Banat Region – An Example of Peaceful Interethnic Cohabitation at the Eastern Border of the European Union ; Floare CHIPEA, Raluca MICLEA The Social Frameworks of the Neighbourhood Relationships` Construction in the Cross-Border Area Bihor-Hajdú-Bihár ; Sergiu BĂLŢĂTESCU Subjective Well-Being and Satisfaction with Places of Residence in the Counties at the Cross-Border Between Hungary and Romania ; Aurora BENCIC, Teodor Ioan HODOR Transdniestria. Ethnic Conflict or Geopolitical Interests? ; Ecaterina CEBAN The Role of Political Parties in Harmonization of Interethnic Relations (Case of the Republic of Moldova) ; Nataliya NECHAYEVA-YURIYCHUK National Development Beyond the Nation-State: Problems and Prospects ; Elisabetta NADALUTTI Old and New Identities in the Upper Adriatic: is a Cross-Border Kind of Citizenship Emerging in Cross-Border Regions? ; Dragos Lucian IVAN Differentiated Containment: Compass and Horizon in Untying Ethhnicity and Interest within EU ; Claudia Anamaria IOV The Roma Minority - the Prospects and Limits of EU’s Social Policy, what Could or Should the EU be Doing? ; George ANGLIŢOIU The Belgian Dilemma of Partition. A Pattern Study for the East

    Ethnicity, Confession and Intercultural Dialogue at the European Union’s East Border

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    This present volume contains the papers of the international conference Ethnicity, Confession and Intercultural Dialogue at the European Union’s East Border, held in Oradea between 2nd-5th of June 2011, organized by Institute for Euroregional Studies Oradea-Debrecen, University of Oradea and Department of International Relations and European Studies, with the support of the European Commission and Bihor County Council.This volume is funded by the project of Action Jean Monnet Programme of the European Commission n. 176197-LLP-1-2010-1-RO-AJM-MO. CONTENTS INTRODUCTORY STUDIES Mircea BRIE Ethnicity, Religion and Intercultural Dialogue in the European Border Space; Ioan HORGA Ethnicity, Religion and Intercultural Education in the Curricula of European Studies ; MINORITY AND MAJORITY IN THE EASTERN EUROPEAN AREA Victoria BEVZIUC Electoral Systems and Minorities Representations in the Eastern European Area ; Sergiu CORNEA, Valentina CORNEA Administrative Tools in the Protection and Promotion of the Rights of Ethnic Minorities ; Florica ŞTEFĂNESCU Demographic Determinants of the Economic-Financial Crisis ; Yuriy YURIYCHUK Ukrainian Minority in Romania: Problems of National Identity Preserving , Sonia CATRINA Identity Perceptions and Buildings of the Hungarian Minority in Relationship with the Romanian Majority Identifications ; Gheorghe ŞIŞEŞTEAN Marital Strategies and Identity Changes of Romanians in Hungary (Hajdu-Bihar) ; Constantin-Vasile ŢOCA Ethnical Analysis within Bihor-Hajdú Bihar Euroregion ; Anna GORBAN Ethnic and Socio-Cultural Aspects of Political Culture in Moldova ; Mircea BRIE, István POLGÁR Dual Citizenship Granted to Hungarian Ethnics. Context and Arguments in the Romanian and Hungarian Mass Media ; Natalia PUTINĂ The Socio-Political Dilemas of Integration of Gagauz in Republic of Moldova ; Aurelian LAVRIC Romanian Ethnic Minority in Ukraine: Current Issues and Prospects of Survival; Stelian NISTOR, Sorin ŞIPOŞ Historical and Geographical Considerations about the Slovak Communities in the Villages of Upper Bistra Valley, Bihor County ; THE PHENOMENON OF MIGRATION IN EUROPE Judit MOLNÁR The integration Process of Immigrants in Scotland, UK and in Washington State, USA. Immigrants from Countries of the Former Soviet Union ; Valeriu MOSNEAGA, Rodica RUSU Diaspora as an Element of Cultural-Ethnic Cohesion ; Valentina-Tania DUNA, Dacian DUNA War, Migration and Societal Security: The Case of the Iraqi Kurdish Diasporas in Europe ; Adrian-Claudiu POPOVICIU Labour Migration Reflected in the Council of Europe Law ; Alexandra CSEKE Integration of Immigrants in the European Union ; Kobasheni Moopen PARUMAUL Migration in Europe Against the Backdrop of the Global Revolution – An African Perspective ; MANAGING INTERETHNIC RELATIONS AND EUROPEEAN SECURITY Anatoliy KRUGLASOV Interethnic Relations Stability on the Ukraine-Romania Border: A Case of Chernivtsi Region ; Dorin I. DOLGHI The Culture of Security: Perceptions and Preference Formation in the European Union ; Srimayee DAM Re-interpreting the Civic-Ethnic Divide on the European Identity ; Pavlo MOLOCHKO Peculiarities of Ethnonational Policy of Ukraine (Illustrated by the Example of the Chernivtsi Region) ; Dragoş DĂRĂBĂNEANU Ethnicity and Multicultural Communication in Shaping the European Social Space ; Grigore SILAŞI, Monica BOLDEA The Romanian Banat Region – An Example of Peaceful Interethnic Cohabitation at the Eastern Border of the European Union ; Floare CHIPEA, Raluca MICLEA The Social Frameworks of the Neighbourhood Relationships` Construction in the Cross-Border Area Bihor-Hajdú-Bihár ; Sergiu BĂLŢĂTESCU Subjective Well-Being and Satisfaction with Places of Residence in the Counties at the Cross-Border Between Hungary and Romania ; Aurora BENCIC, Teodor Ioan HODOR Transdniestria. Ethnic Conflict or Geopolitical Interests? ; Ecaterina CEBAN The Role of Political Parties in Harmonization of Interethnic Relations (Case of the Republic of Moldova) ; Nataliya NECHAYEVA-YURIYCHUK National Development Beyond the Nation-State: Problems and Prospects ; Elisabetta NADALUTTI Old and New Identities in the Upper Adriatic: is a Cross-Border Kind of Citizenship Emerging in Cross-Border Regions? ; Dragos Lucian IVAN Differentiated Containment: Compass and Horizon in Untying Ethhnicity and Interest within EU ; Claudia Anamaria IOV The Roma Minority - the Prospects and Limits of EU’s Social Policy, what Could or Should the EU be Doing? ; George ANGLIŢOIU The Belgian Dilemma of Partition. A Pattern Study for the East