6 research outputs found

    The OneOklahoma Cyberinfrastructure Initiative: A Model for Multi-institutional Collaboration

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    The OneOklahoma Cyberinfrastructure Initiative: A Model for Multi-institutional Collaboration A White Paper submitted by the OneOklahoma Cyberinfrastructure Initiative membership to the National Science Foundation Workshop on The Role of Regional Organizations in Improving Access to the National Computational Infrastructure The OneOklahoma Cyberinfrastructure Initiative (OneOCII) is a statewide all-inclusive advanced digital services collaboration that has been providing access to Cyberinfrastructure (CI) resources, as well as expertise and education, so far to over 100 institutions and organizations statewide (over 50 academic and almost 50 non-academic), including PhD-granting universities, primarily undergraduate institutions, community colleges, career techs and high schools, among them 10 Minority Serving Institutions (MSIs).The OneOklahoma Cyberinfrastructure Initiative OneOCIIN

    The OneOklahoma Cyberinfrastructure Initiative: A Model for Multi-institutional Collaboration

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    The OneOklahoma Cyberinfrastructure Initiative (OneOCII) is a statewide all-inclusive advanced digital services collaboration that has been providing access to Cyberinfrastructure (CI) resources, as well as expertise and education, so far to over 100 institutions and organizations statewide (over 50 academic and almost 50 non-academic), including PhD-granting universities, primarily undergraduate institutions, community colleges, career techs and high schools, among them 10 Minority Serving Institutions (MSIs).The OneOklahoma Cyberinfrastructure Initiative (OneOCII) is a statewide all-inclusive advanced digital services collaboration that has been providing access to Cyberinfrastructure (CI) resources, as well as expertise and education, so far to over 100 institutions and organizations statewide (over 50 academic and almost 50 non-academic), including PhD-granting universities, primarily undergraduate institutions, community colleges, career techs and high schools, among them 10 Minority Serving Institutions (MSIs)

    An Embedded System for applying High Performance Computing in Educational Learning Activity

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    HPC (High Performance Computing) has become more popular in the last few years. With the benefits on high computational power, HPC has impact on industry, scientific research and educational activities. Implementing HPC as a curriculum in universities could be consuming a lot of resources because well-known HPC system are using Personal Computer or Server. By using PC as the practical moduls it is need great resources and spaces.  This paper presents an innovative high performance computing cluster system to support education learning activities in HPC course with small size, low cost, and yet powerful enough. In recent years, High Performance computing usually implanted in cluster computing and require high specification computer and expensive cost. It is not efficient applying High Performance Computing in Educational research activiry such as learning in Class. Therefore, our proposed system is created with inexpensive component by using Embedded System to make High Performance Computing applicable for leaning in the class. Students involved in the construction of embedded system, built clusters from basic embedded and network components, do benchmark performance, and implement simple parallel case using the cluster.  In this research we performed evaluation of embedded systems comparing with i5 PC, the results of our embedded system performance of NAS benchmark are similar with i5 PCs. We also conducted surveys about student learning satisfaction that with embedded system students are able to learn about HPC from building the system until making an application that use HPC system

    On Fostering a Culture of Research Cyberinfrastructure Grant Proposals within a Community of Service Providers in an EPSCoR State

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    The OneOCII goals include: --Reach institutions outside the mainstream of advanced computing. --Serve every higher education institution in Oklahoma that has relevant curricula. --Educate Oklahomans about advanced computing. --Attract underrepresented populations and institution types into advanced computing.On Fostering a Culture of Research Cyberinfrastructure: Grant Proposals within a Community of Service Providers in an EPSCoR StateN

    The OneOklahoma cyberinfrastructure initiative : a case study for intrastate CI collaboration

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    OSCER state of the Center

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    Biography Dr. Henry Neeman is the Director of the OU Supercomputing Center for Education & Research, Assistant Vice President Information Techology – Research Strategy Advisor, Associate Professor in the College of Engineering and Adjunct Associate Professor in the School of Computer Science at the University of Oklahoma. He received his BS in computer science and his BA in statistics with a minor in mathematics from the State University of New York at Buffalo in 1987, his MS in CS from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in 1990 and his PhD in CS from UIUC in 1996. Prior to coming to OU, Dr. Neeman was a postdoctoral research associate at the National Center for Supercomputing Applications at UIUC, and before that served as a graduate research assistant both at NCSA and at the Center for Supercomputing Research & Development. In addition to his own teaching and research, Dr. Neeman collaborates with dozens of research groups, applying High Performance Computing techniques in fields such as numerical weather prediction, bioinformatics and genomics, data mining, high energy physics, astronomy, nanotechnology, petroleum reservoir management, river basin modeling and engineering optimization. He serves as an ad hoc advisor to student researchers in many of these fields. Dr. Neeman's research interests include high performance computing, scientific computing, parallel and distributed computing and computer science education.Presented at the Oklahoma Supercomputing Symposium 2013, October 2, 2013.The OU Supercomputing Center for Education & Research (OSCER) celebrates its 11th anniversary on August 31 2013. In this report, we examine what OSCER is, what OSCER does, what OSCER has accomplished in its 11 years, and where OSCER is going.The University of Oklahoma The University of Oklahoma Supercomputing Center for Education and Resesarch OSCER IT Information Technology The University of Oklahoma's Department of Information TechnologyN