8 research outputs found


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    Curating Atmospheric Data for long term use: Infrastructure and Preservation Issues for the Atmospheric Sciences community

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    DCC SCARP aims to understand disciplinary approaches to data curation by substantial case studies based on an immersive approach. As part of the SCARP project we engaged with a number of archives, including the British Atmospheric Data Centre, the World Data Centre Archive at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory and the European Incoherent Scatter Scientific Association (EISCAT). We developed a preservation analysis methodology which is discipline independent in application but none the less capable of identifying and drawing out discipline specific preservation requirements and issues. In this case study report we present the methodology along with its application to the Mesospheric Stratospheric Tropospheric (MST) radar dataset, which is currently supported by and accessed through the British Atmospheric Data Centre. We suggest strategies for the long term preservation of the MST data and make recommendations for the wider community

    Report from the PV 2007 Conference, DLR Oberpfaffenhofen, October 9–11, 2007

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    This is a report from the conference PV 2007, held at the German Remote Sensing Data Centre, DLR, Oberpfaffenhofen, on October 9–11, 2007. The PV conference is held every two years, and is concerned with the preservation of scientific and technical data, and the activity of adding value to the data to ensure it can be widely used and re-used. The theme for 2007 was ‘the Challenge of Heterogeneity’, not only in the data being supported but in the tools used to access and process the data, and in the uses to which the data may be put

    Review of the State of the Art of the Digital Curation of Research Data

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    The digital curation of research data is best understood in the context of the data lifecycle, and specifically in the context of data repositories. Disciplinary data centres have established requirements for deposited data, and these requirements are increasingly reflected in requirements and guidance issued by research funding bodies. The digital curation community is active in helping researchers and institutions meet these requirements, producing not only further guidance but a suite of useful standards, technologies and tools. Collectively, these provide a wealth of resources on which the ERIM Project may draw

    A colecção sonora da CGTP-I (1974-2010): proposta de descrição e preservação

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    Dissertação apresentada para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciências da Informação e da DocumentaçãoEsta dissertação tem como objecto a colecção sonora produzida pela Confederação Geral dos Trabalhadores Portugueses – Intersindical Nacional (CGTPIN), fundada em 1970. A CGTP-IN, tendo por missão essencial a defesa dos direitos dos trabalhadores, desempenhou, ao longo da sua história, uma actividade muito diversificada. Uma das suas actividades fundamentais passa por informar os trabalhadores dos seus direitos e da realidade laboral que lhes diz respeito, bem como a promoção da propaganda sindical. Foi neste contexto que foi produzida a colecção sonora da CGTP-IN. Composta por 870 cassetes áudio compactas, cujas datas extremas medeiam entre 1974 e 2010, testemunha actividades como: reuniões dos principais órgãos directivos, tempos de antena, entrevistas de dirigentes a estações de rádio, programas de rádio e debates, seminários e conferências sobre temáticas relacionadas com o sindicalismo e o mundo do trabalho em geral. A questão que nos colocámos e a que procuramos responder neste trabalho é a seguinte: como descrever e preservar a colecção sonora da CGTP-IN? No que respeita à descrição, propõe-se a utilização da norma ISAD (G), adoptando como guia de preenchimento geral as Orientações para a Descrição Arquivística e, de modo a contemplar a especificidade dos documentos sonoros, as normas de descrição canadianas (RAD) e da IASA. De forma a compreender o contexto organizacional em que foi produzida a colecção e a equacionar o seu valor arquivístico, fazemos preceder este capítulo de um enquadramento institucional. No domínio da preservação, a proposta, antecedida de uma avaliação do estado de conservação, passa pela transferência de suporte (analógico-digital) de toda a colecção e pela preservação a longo prazo dos ficheiros digitais resultantes. Para o concretizar, apresentamos um conjunto de requisitos técnicos que deverão ser observados, tendo em vista assegurar, por um lado, a qualidade da transferência de suporte e, por outro, que a preservação dos ficheiros digitais cumpra as exigências que, neste momento, são recomendadas pelas principais normas e recomendações internacionais para a preservação de objectos digitais sonoros a longo prazo, nomeadamente as elaboradas pela IASA e a AES

    Research data management in public universities in Malawi

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    Philosophiae Doctor - PhDThe emergence and subsequent uptake of Information and Communication Technologies has transformed the research processes in universities and research institutions across the globe. One indelible impact of Information and Communication Technologies on the research process is the increased generation of research data in digital format. This study investigated how research data has been generated, organised, shared, stored, preserved, accessed and re-used in Malawian public universities with a view to proposing a framework for research data management in universities in Malawi. The objectives of the study were: to determine research data creation, sharing and re-use practices in public universities in Malawi; to investigate research data preservation practices in public universities in Malawi; to investigate the competencies that librarians and researchers need to effectively manage research data; and to find out the challenges that affect the management of research data in public universities in Malawi. Apart from being guided by the Community Capability Model Framework (Lyon, Ball, Duke & Day, 2011) and Data Curation Centre Lifecycle Model (Higgins, 2008), the study was inspired by the pragmatic school of thought which is the basis for a mixed methods research enabling the collection of quantitative and qualitative data from two purposively selected universities. A census was used to identify researchers and librarians while purposive sampling was used to identify directors of research. Questionnaires were used to collect mostly quantitative and some qualitative data from 36 librarians and 187 researchers while interviews were conducted with directors of research. The Statistical Package for the Social Sciences was used to analyse the quantitative data by producing percentages, means, independent samples ttest and one-way analysis of variance. Thematic analysis was used to analyse the qualitative data