7 research outputs found

    Using web-services to manage and control access to multimedia content

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    In a largely interconnected World, the Web-Services (WS) computing paradigm is gaining momentum. Most Web Services applications existing today are being developed in the E-Business or E-Commerce context, mainly for Enterprise Application Integration (EAI) [12]. This paper describes a distributed architecture that largely uses WS technology to control and manage the access to multimedia content and that represents the new and emerging market of Digital Rights Management (DRM). This architecture deploys some critical DRM elements, in a service-oriented architecture, such as device and user identification and authentication, content registration and protection, license representation and production and payment. This paper presents the conceptual architecture, referred to as OpenSDRM [3], and provides some technical details about its development and deployment.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Enabling content and rights transmission in the educational field with ARMS

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    Authorship and content integrity are the most basic rights that academic authors want to preserve in the educational field. In order to preserve these author rights a special adapted DRM platform, ARMS, was developed. This platform is oriented to the educational domain and we must to highlight the web services interface with a generic educational Academic Management System platform of the educational institution, established in order to verify the user eligibility in this domain before issuance of the license. To guarantee content and rights protection, cryptographic techniques and mechanisms are applied in a fashion where content, rights, protection keys and related metadata are packaged in special containers obeying the MPEG-21 standard. The resulting objects describe here, obeys a special structure where protected objects may only be used by the user of the educational domain to whom the respective license was issued embedded in one of these objects. These neutral resulting objects can then be easily transmissible in open communications channels in a way that enable their management in order to achieve a controlled access and usage. They are the main data transport bodies that enable content protection and rights transmission among participants in content protection lifecycle.info:eu-repo/semantics/submittedVersio

    ARMS: A new approach to control content sharing and rights distribution

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    As in other areas, one of the main issues in the educational sector is related with content distribution and sharing. Ensuring that the terms and conditions stated by content owners on the license are respected by the other participants of the value chain, such as distributors (eg. teachers) or consumers (eg. students) is a concern. The assignment of licenses is a need in order to the distributor in the DRM system unambiguously communicate the licensing of the content giving an enhanced user experience. Not only is important to validate the issued license verifying if the terms and the conditions stated in the parental license are respected in the child license but also is important to verify if this license is generated to users that are in a controlled domain. In this paper we will describe our rights-sharing control mechanism based in MPEG-21 standard that augments the control over a domain (the institution educational domain) through the validation of the license to be generated. Through a specific DRM system oriented to the educational context (ARMS - Academic Rights Management System) content owners are allowed to control which users can obtain a license within the constraints imposed by him, giving them the power to control the content usage in the educational domain. To enable this feature some special control mechanism, MPEG-21 based, were implemented in order to control the license issuance. With these verification mechanisms is possible to make the license distributor act like a domain controller regulating the issuance of licenses in the educational context. Our proposal, when applied in the educational domain, greatly increases the expressive power of digital rights management framework without requiring an upgrade to end-user devices.info:eu-repo/semantics/submittedVersio

    Security and Privacy Issues of Big Data

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    This chapter revises the most important aspects in how computing infrastructures should be configured and intelligently managed to fulfill the most notably security aspects required by Big Data applications. One of them is privacy. It is a pertinent aspect to be addressed because users share more and more personal data and content through their devices and computers to social networks and public clouds. So, a secure framework to social networks is a very hot topic research. This last topic is addressed in one of the two sections of the current chapter with case studies. In addition, the traditional mechanisms to support security such as firewalls and demilitarized zones are not suitable to be applied in computing systems to support Big Data. SDN is an emergent management solution that could become a convenient mechanism to implement security in Big Data systems, as we show through a second case study at the end of the chapter. This also discusses current relevant work and identifies open issues.Comment: In book Handbook of Research on Trends and Future Directions in Big Data and Web Intelligence, IGI Global, 201

    Content related rights transmission with MPEG-21 in the educational field

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    One of the main issues affecting educational content distribution and sharing is to ensure that the terms and conditions defined by the content owners are respected by the others, such as distributors and consumers. Authorship and the content integrity are the most basic rights that authors want to preserve in the educational field. To ensure that content and associated rights are protected, cryptographic techniques and mechanisms are applied to content, rights, protection keys and related metadata that are packaged in a digital object. ARMS is a new platform that was developed to preserve author rights in the educational field applying the MPEG-21 standard concepts. A web based services interface is established with the educational Academic Management System of the Academic institution in order to verify the user eligibility in this domain. After obtaining the usage license the user can send the license to other users, if that privilege has been granted. Our proposal uses MPEG-21 concepts in order to enable rights transmission among the main participants in the educational environment but with a mechanism where the inheritance rights established by the author are uphold. Through the integration between ARMS and the Academic Management Information System hosted in the educational institutions, user academic data can be retrieved in order to verify his eligibility.info:eu-repo/semantics/submittedVersio

    Interoperability mechanisms for registration and authentication on different open DRM platforms

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    The DRM interoperability problem is a very complex problem. Even big software companies have already admitted that DRM as it is today is too complex ? complex for end-users, complex for content providers and complex for content handling devices manufactures. There are different approaches to deal with this problem and there are different levels to address the problem. This article addresses the DRM interoperability issues from a security point of view, and as an example the authors take two open-specification DRM architectures ? MIPAMS and OpenSDRM ? to identify a strategy to interoperate some of the basic security mechanisms. In this article the authors will concentrate in the DRM components and user’s registration, authentication and verification process and will derive a mechanism to handle and support both