2 research outputs found

    UWE en Sistema de Recomendación de Objetos de Aprendizaje. Aplicando Ingeniería Web: Un Método en Caso de Estudio

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    La Ingeniería Web propone nuevos métodos para el diseño de aplicaciones que se ejecutan en esta nueva plataforma que es la World Wide Web. Uno de estos métodos es UWE (UML Web Engineering), el cual aprovecha la notación estándar del UML e incorpora elementos que son propios del desarrollo Web. En este artículo se presenta un caso de estudio para el diseño de un Sistema de Recomendación de Objetos de Aprendizaje, donde el modelado básico se realiza mediante el UWE. Se modela una aplicación Web que permite a los usuarios realizar la composición de los Objetos de Aprendizaje que el mismo sistema le recomienda al usuario previo análisis de las características tanto del mismo como de los Objeto de Aprendizaje almacenados en un repositorio especializado llamado AGORA

    Challenges When Communicating Customer Value of an Online Language Learning Tool: Case Online Marketing for Penetrating Spain

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    The existing online market is filled day after day with new companies that try to address even bigger customer base. The ease of addressing customers enabled by technology makes many of these companies try to apply the same strategies and procedures value despite of online products and markets being different from each other. To some extent, in the online language learning industry same applies, however, the usability and utility factor of online learning tools influences a lot in the success of these tools. Furthermore, cultural factors do also influence, enabling some challenges that other online products and solutions may not face. The objective of this report is to identify important challenges present when communicating customer value of an online language learning tool to a specific market, Spain, and to gain an understanding of the specific characteristics that online language learning tools show as to apply them by using online marketing for penetrating this market. To understand the implication and impact of these challenges, an extensive and exhaustive literature review has been conducted in order to provide a simple, clear and ordered structure to the different and widespread literature concerning interrelated topics and similar concepts. Furthermore, a case study research, conducted in collaboration with a Finnish online learning language tool provider, is presented and discussed in this thesis. The final outcome of this thesis shows how online language learning do share some similarities with online solutions specially when it comes to customer value and purchasing behavior; however they also present their own specific and important differences. Besides, this outcome also brings up the importance of the software in online language learning which in many occasions goes completely unattended. Furthermore, the thesis provides a simple but explanatory way of successfully addressing the initial stage of customer value communication while conducting online marketing for an online language learning tool to a specific market, the rise of awareness. Finally, this thesis also addresses some considerations and limitations faced during the case study research and some factors that should be looked into in future research