8,110 research outputs found

    Capture, Learning, and Synthesis of 3D Speaking Styles

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    Audio-driven 3D facial animation has been widely explored, but achieving realistic, human-like performance is still unsolved. This is due to the lack of available 3D datasets, models, and standard evaluation metrics. To address this, we introduce a unique 4D face dataset with about 29 minutes of 4D scans captured at 60 fps and synchronized audio from 12 speakers. We then train a neural network on our dataset that factors identity from facial motion. The learned model, VOCA (Voice Operated Character Animation) takes any speech signal as input - even speech in languages other than English - and realistically animates a wide range of adult faces. Conditioning on subject labels during training allows the model to learn a variety of realistic speaking styles. VOCA also provides animator controls to alter speaking style, identity-dependent facial shape, and pose (i.e. head, jaw, and eyeball rotations) during animation. To our knowledge, VOCA is the only realistic 3D facial animation model that is readily applicable to unseen subjects without retargeting. This makes VOCA suitable for tasks like in-game video, virtual reality avatars, or any scenario in which the speaker, speech, or language is not known in advance. We make the dataset and model available for research purposes at http://voca.is.tue.mpg.de.Comment: To appear in CVPR 201

    Automatic Animation of Hair Blowing in Still Portrait Photos

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    We propose a novel approach to animate human hair in a still portrait photo. Existing work has largely studied the animation of fluid elements such as water and fire. However, hair animation for a real image remains underexplored, which is a challenging problem, due to the high complexity of hair structure and dynamics. Considering the complexity of hair structure, we innovatively treat hair wisp extraction as an instance segmentation problem, where a hair wisp is referred to as an instance. With advanced instance segmentation networks, our method extracts meaningful and natural hair wisps. Furthermore, we propose a wisp-aware animation module that animates hair wisps with pleasing motions without noticeable artifacts. The extensive experiments show the superiority of our method. Our method provides the most pleasing and compelling viewing experience in the qualitative experiments and outperforms state-of-the-art still-image animation methods by a large margin in the quantitative evaluation. Project url: \url{https://nevergiveu.github.io/AutomaticHairBlowing/}Comment: Accepted to ICCV 202

    Data-driven techniques for animating virtual characters

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    One of the key goals of current research in data-driven computer animation is the synthesis of new motion sequences from existing motion data. This thesis presents three novel techniques for synthesising the motion of a virtual character from existing motion data and develops a framework of solutions to key character animation problems. The first motion synthesis technique presented is based on the character’s locomotion composition process. This technique examines the ability of synthesising a variety of character’s locomotion behaviours while easily specified constraints (footprints) are placed in the three-dimensional space. This is achieved by analysing existing motion data, and by assigning the locomotion behaviour transition process to transition graphs that are responsible for providing information about this process. However, virtual characters should also be able to animate according to different style variations. Therefore, a second technique to synthesise real-time style variations of character’s motion. A novel technique is developed that uses correlation between two different motion styles, and by assigning the motion synthesis process to a parameterised maximum a posteriori (MAP) framework retrieves the desire style content of the input motion in real-time, enhancing the realism of the new synthesised motion sequence. The third technique presents the ability to synthesise the motion of the character’s fingers either o↵-line or in real-time during the performance capture process. The advantage of both techniques is their ability to assign the motion searching process to motion features. The presented technique is able to estimate and synthesise a valid motion of the character’s fingers, enhancing the realism of the input motion. To conclude, this thesis demonstrates that these three novel techniques combine in to a framework that enables the realistic synthesis of virtual character movements, eliminating the post processing, as well as enabling fast synthesis of the required motion

    An Extendable Multiagent Model for Behavioural Animation

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    This paper presents a framework for visually simulating the behaviour of actors in virtual environments. In principle, the environmental interaction follows a cyclic processing of perception, decision, and action. As natural life-forms perceive their environment by active sensing, our approach also tends to let the artificial actor actively sense the virtual world. This allows us to place the characters in non-preprocessed virtual dynamic environments, what we call generic environments. A main aspect within our framework is the strict distinction between a behaviour pattern, that we term model, and its instances, named characters, which use the pattern. This allows them sharing one or more behaviour models. Low-level tasks like sensing or acting are took over by so called subagents, which are subordinated modules extendedly plugged in the character. In a demonstration we exemplarily show the application of our framework. We place the same character in different environments and let it climb and descend stairs, ramps and hills autonomously. Additionally the reactiveness for moving objects is tested. In future, this approach shall go into action for a simulation of an urban environment

    Integrating Autonomous Behaviour and User Control for Believable Agents

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