11 research outputs found

    Using Sphinx to Improve Onion Routing Circuit Construction

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    This paper presents compact message formats for onion routing circuit construction using the Sphinx methodology developed for mixes. We significantly compress the circuit construction messages for three onion routing protocols that have emerged as enhancements to the Tor anonymizing network; namely, Tor with predistributed Diffie-Hellman values, pairing-based onion routing, and certificateless onion routing. Our new circuit constructions are also secure in the universal composability framework, a property that was missing from the original constructions. Further, we compare the performance of our schemes with their older counterparts as well as with each other

    Introducing Accountability to Anonymity Networks

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    Many anonymous communication (AC) networks rely on routing traffic through proxy nodes to obfuscate the originator of the traffic. Without an accountability mechanism, exit proxy nodes risk sanctions by law enforcement if users commit illegal actions through the AC network. We present BackRef, a generic mechanism for AC networks that provides practical repudiation for the proxy nodes by tracing back the selected outbound traffic to the predecessor node (but not in the forward direction) through a cryptographically verifiable chain. It also provides an option for full (or partial) traceability back to the entry node or even to the corresponding user when all intermediate nodes are cooperating. Moreover, to maintain a good balance between anonymity and accountability, the protocol incorporates whitelist directories at exit proxy nodes. BackRef offers improved deployability over the related work, and introduces a novel concept of pseudonymous signatures that may be of independent interest. We exemplify the utility of BackRef by integrating it into the onion routing (OR) protocol, and examine its deployability by considering several system-level aspects. We also present the security definitions for the BackRef system (namely, anonymity, backward traceability, no forward traceability, and no false accusation) and conduct a formal security analysis of the OR protocol with BackRef using ProVerif, an automated cryptographic protocol verifier, establishing the aforementioned security properties against a strong adversarial model

    cMix: Mixing with Minimal Real-Time Asymmetric Cryptographic Operations

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    We introduce cMix, a new approach to anonymous communications. Through a precomputation, the core cMix protocol eliminates all expensive realtime public-key operations --- at the senders, recipients and mixnodes --- thereby decreasing real-time cryptographic latency and lowering computational costs for clients. The core real-time phase performs only a few fast modular multiplications. In these times of surveillance and extensive profiling there is a great need for an anonymous communication system that resists global attackers. One widely recognized solution to the challenge of traffic analysis is a mixnet, which anonymizes a batch of messages by sending the batch through a fixed cascade of mixnodes. Mixnets can offer excellent privacy guarantees, including unlinkability of sender and receiver, and resistance to many traffic-analysis attacks that undermine many other approaches including onion routing. Existing mixnet designs, however, suffer from high latency in part because of the need for real-time public-key operations. Precomputation greatly improves the real-time performance of cMix, while its fixed cascade of mixnodes yields the strong anonymity guarantees of mixnets. cMix is unique in not requiring any real-time public-key operations by users. Consequently, cMix is the first mixing suitable for low latency chat for lightweight devices. Our presentation includes a specification of cMix, security arguments, anonymity analysis, and a performance comparison with selected other approaches. We also give benchmarks from our prototype

    Post-Quantum Forward-Secure Onion Routing (Future Anonymity in Today’s Budget)

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    The onion routing (OR) network Tor provides anonymity to its users by routing their encrypted traffic through three proxies (or nodes). The key cryptographic challenge, here, is to establish symmetric session keys using a secure key exchange between the anonymous users and the selected nodes. The Tor network currently employs a one-way authenticated key exchange (1W-AKE) protocol \u27ntor\u27 for this purpose. Nevertheless, ntor as well as other known 1W-AKE protocols rely solely on some classical Diffie-Hellman (DH) type assumptions for their (forward) security, and thus privacy of Today\u27s anonymous communication could not be ensured once quantum computers arrive. In this paper, we demonstrate utility of quantum-secure lattice-based cryptography towards solving this problem for onion routing. In particular, we present a novel hybrid 1W-AKE protocol (HybridOR) that is secure under the lattice-based ring learning with error (ring-LWE) assumption as well as the gap DH assumption. Due to its hybrid design, HybridOR is not only resilient against quantum attacks but also at the same time allows the OR nodes to use the current DH public keys and subsequently requires no modification to the the current Tor public key infrastructure. Moreover, thanks to the recent progress in lattice-based cryptography in the form of efficient ring-based constructions, our protocol is also computationally more efficient than the currently employed 1W-AKE protocol ntor, and it only introduces small and manageable communication overhead to the Tor protocol

    AnoA: A Framework For Analyzing Anonymous Communication Protocols

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    Anonymous communication (AC) protocols such as the widely used Tor network have been designed to provide anonymity over the Internet to their participating users. While AC protocols have been the subject of several security and anonymity analyses in the last years, there still does not exist a framework for analyzing complex systems, such as Tor, and their different anonymity properties in a unified manner. In this work we present AnoA: a generic framework for defining, analyzing, and quantifying anonymity properties for AC protocols. In addition to quantifying the (additive) advantage of an adversary in an indistinguishability-based definition, AnoA uses a multiplicative factor, inspired from differential privacy. AnoA enables a unified quantitative analysis of well-established anonymity properties, such as sender anonymity, sender unlinkability, and relationship anonymity. AnoA modularly specifies adversarial capabilities by a simple wrapper-construction, called adversary classes. We examine the structure of these adversary classes and identify conditions under which it suffices to establish anonymity guarantees for single messages in order to derive guarantees for arbitrarily many messages. We coin this condition single-challenge reducability. This then leads us to the definition of Plug\u27n\u27Play adversary classes (PAC), which are easy to use, expressive, and single-challenge reducable. Additionally, we show that our framework is compatible with the universal composability (UC) framework. Leveraging a recent security proof about Tor, we illustrate how to apply AnoA to a simplified version of Tor against passive adversaries

    Accountable infrastructure and its impact on internet security and privacy

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    The Internet infrastructure relies on the correct functioning of the basic underlying protocols, which were designed for functionality. Security and privacy have been added post hoc, mostly by applying cryptographic means to different layers of communication. In the absence of accountability, as a fundamental property, the Internet infrastructure does not have a built-in ability to associate an action with the responsible entity, neither to detect or prevent misbehavior. In this thesis, we study accountability from a few different perspectives. First, we study the need of having accountability in anonymous communication networks as a mechanism that provides repudiation for the proxy nodes by tracing back selected outbound traffic in a provable manner. Second, we design a framework that provides a foundation to support the enforcement of the right to be forgotten law in a scalable and automated manner. The framework provides a technical mean for the users to prove their eligibility for content removal from the search results. Third, we analyze the Internet infrastructure determining potential security risks and threats imposed by dependencies among the entities on the Internet. Finally, we evaluate the feasibility of using hop count filtering as a mechanism for mitigating Distributed Reflective Denial-of-Service attacks, and conceptually show that it cannot work to prevent these attacks.Die Internet-Infrastrutur stĂŒtzt sich auf die korrekte AusfĂŒhrung zugrundeliegender Protokolle, welche mit Fokus auf FunktionalitĂ€t entwickelt wurden. Sicherheit und Datenschutz wurden nachtrĂ€glich hinzugefĂŒgt, hauptsĂ€chlich durch die Anwendung kryptografischer Methoden in verschiedenen Schichten des Protokollstacks. Fehlende Zurechenbarkeit, eine fundamentale Eigenschaft Handlungen mit deren Verantwortlichen in Verbindung zu bringen, verhindert jedoch, Fehlverhalten zu erkennen und zu unterbinden. Diese Dissertation betrachtet die Zurechenbarkeit im Internet aus verschiedenen Blickwinkeln. Zuerst untersuchen wir die Notwendigkeit fĂŒr Zurechenbarkeit in anonymisierten Kommunikationsnetzen um es Proxyknoten zu erlauben Fehlverhalten beweisbar auf den eigentlichen Verursacher zurĂŒckzuverfolgen. Zweitens entwerfen wir ein Framework, das die skalierbare und automatisierte Umsetzung des Rechts auf Vergessenwerden unterstĂŒtzt. Unser Framework bietet Benutzern die technische Möglichkeit, ihre Berechtigung fĂŒr die Entfernung von Suchergebnissen nachzuweisen. Drittens analysieren wir die Internet-Infrastruktur, um mögliche Sicherheitsrisiken und Bedrohungen aufgrund von AbhĂ€ngigkeiten zwischen den verschiedenen beteiligten EntitĂ€ten zu bestimmen. Letztlich evaluieren wir die Umsetzbarkeit von Hop Count Filtering als ein Instrument DRDoS Angriffe abzuschwĂ€chen und wir zeigen, dass dieses Instrument diese Art der Angriffe konzeptionell nicht verhindern kann

    Distributed Key Generation and Its Applications

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    Numerous cryptographic applications require a trusted authority to hold a secret. With a plethora of malicious attacks over the Internet, however, it is difficult to establish and maintain such an authority in online systems. Secret-sharing schemes attempt to solve this problem by distributing the required trust to hold and use the secret over multiple servers; however, they still require a trusted {\em dealer} to choose and share the secret, and have problems related to single points of failure and key escrow. A distributed key generation (DKG) scheme overcomes these hurdles by removing the requirement of a dealer in secret sharing. A (threshold) DKG scheme achieves this using a complete distribution of the trust among a number of servers such that any subset of servers of size greater than a given threshold can reveal or use the shared secret, while any smaller subset cannot. In this thesis, we make contributions to DKG in the computational security setting and describe three applications of it. We first define a constant-size commitment scheme for univariate polynomials over finite fields and use it to reduce the size of broadcasts required for DKG protocols in the synchronous communication model by a linear factor. Further, we observe that the existing (synchronous) DKG protocols do not provide a liveness guarantee over the Internet and design the first DKG protocol for use over the Internet. Observing the necessity of long-term stability, we then present proactive security and group modification protocols for our DKG system. We also demonstrate the practicality of our DKG protocol over the Internet by testing our implementation over PlanetLab. For the applications, we use our DKG protocol to define IND-ID-CCA secure distributed private-key generators (PKGs) for three important identity-based encryption (IBE) schemes: Boneh and Franklin's BF-IBE, Sakai and Kasahara's SK-IBE, and Boneh and Boyen's BB1-IBE. These IBE schemes cover all three important IBE frameworks: full-domain-hash IBEs, exponent-inversion IBEs and commutative-blinding IBEs respectively, and our distributed PKG constructions can easily be modified for other IBE schemes in these frameworks. As the second application, we use our distributed PKG for BF-IBE to define an onion routing circuit construction mechanism in the identity-based setting, which solves the scalability problem in single-pass onion routing circuit construction without hampering forward secrecy. As the final application, we use our DKG implementation to design a threshold signature architecture for quorum-based distributed hash tables and use it to define two robust communication protocols in these peer-to-peer systems